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21 Jul 2024
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mThe config on traefik is separated into 2 docs18:34:39
@szwendacz:matrix.maciej.cloudSzwendacz I only see things about respondingTimeouts and avout /_matrix/push/v1/notify 18:35:30
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mI thought nextpush stop trying to connect after 10 fails 🤔18:35:46
In reply to @szwendacz:matrix.maciej.cloud
I only see things about respondingTimeouts and avout /_matrix/push/v1/notify
Yeah, the responding timeout is what you need to so
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1m* Yeah, the responding timeout is what you need to do18:36:52

currently I have

--entryPoints.websecure.transport.respondingTimeouts.readTimeout=20m                                                                                                                              │
 --entryPoints.websecure.transport.respondingTimeouts.writeTimeout=20m                                                                                                                             │
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mSorry, I can't help (I've to move) but you have the config in the example, and the tests script to debug your setup :)18:38:51
@szwendacz:matrix.maciej.cloudSzwendaczBut script does not check if app is spamming requests because notifications are generally working, but the app is spamming, using cpu, and often notifying about lost connection18:39:54
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mThe scripts will tell you if your config is not correct 18:40:56
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mSorry, the script that'll help you is test-sync18:43:03
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mRun it for 5min18:43:15
@szwendacz:matrix.maciej.cloudSzwendacz well it fails with Cannot receive notification, guess digging in logs is to be done again 18:45:48
@szwendacz:matrix.maciej.cloudSzwendaczcurl gets timeout after one second, very weird18:52:09
@szwendacz:matrix.maciej.cloudSzwendacznvm, it is set in curl heh parameter18:53:39
@szwendacz:matrix.maciej.cloudSzwendacz this timeout fixed by restoring disablereuse=on flushpackets=on (forgot I disabled them for testing) 19:00:51
@szwendacz:matrix.maciej.cloudSzwendaczapache config syntax is a disaster19:04:43
22 Jul 2024
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org left the room.22:38:24
23 Jul 2024
@flyingketh:matrix.orgJnn changed their display name from Joanna to Jnn.07:34:16
24 Jul 2024
@LjL:matrix.orgLjL changed their display name from LjL (overly long political statement goes here) to LjL.16:24:11
26 Jul 2024
@cmerrill:matrix.org@cmerrill:matrix.org joined the room.01:13:53
@cmerrill:matrix.org@cmerrill:matrix.org left the room.01:15:17
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} [away til 30th] changed their display name from Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} to Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} [away til 30th].10:57:09
@nikclayton:matrix.orgnikclayton joined the room.13:44:36

When using the Android library, is an app supposed to register once (registerAppWithDialog), save the endpoint it gets in the onNewEndpoint callback, and only re-register is there is no saved endpoint?

Or is it supposed to register on every startup, and if registration has happened previously onNewEndpoint will be called with the existing endpoint?

@nikclayton:matrix.orgnikclayton *

When using the Android library, is an app supposed to check if it's already registered (e.g., has it saved a copy of the endpoint string), and it it's not then register once (registerAppWithDialog), and save the endpoint it gets in the onNewEndpoint callback.

Or is it supposed to register on every startup, and if registration has happened previously onNewEndpoint will be called with the existing endpoint?

@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mYou can run registerAppWithDialog from time to time (every startup works), distributors will send the same endpoint if it is already registered13:57:32
@nikclayton:matrix.orgnikclayton S1m: Thanks. 13:58:56
@ceruleanderpo:matrix.org@ceruleanderpo:matrix.org joined the room.19:55:08
@ceruleanderpo:matrix.org@ceruleanderpo:matrix.org left the room.20:17:18

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