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20 Jan 2018
@joshuaduchene:matrix.orgjoshuaduchene set a profile picture.09:40:32
21 Jan 2018
@slack_giveth_U8W1EEY1K:giveth.ioNFN NLN ```truffle(development)> campaign. campaign.__defineGetter__ campaign.__defineSetter__ campaign.__lookupGetter__ campaign.__lookupSetter__ campaign.__proto__ campaign.constructor campaign.hasOwnProperty campaign.isPrototypeOf campaign.propertyIsEnumerable campaign.toLocaleString campaign.toString campaign.valueOf campaign.abi campaign.address campaign.allEvents campaign.changeOwner campaign.contract campaign.endFundingTime campaign.finalizeFunding campaign.maximumFunding campaign.onApprove campaign.onTransfer campaign.owner campaign.proxyPayment campaign.send campaign.sendTransaction campaign.setVault campaign.startFundingTime campaign.tokenContract campaign.totalCollected campaign.transactionHash campaign.vaultAddress truffle(development)> campaign.endFundingTime() { [String: '1547949798'] s: 1, e: 9, c: [ 1547949798 ] } truffle(development)> campaign.address '0xdaf77d8000554046fc4da7a412a92a0e5b6e107b' truffle(development)> web3.eth.sendTransaction({from: web3.eth.accounts[2], to: campaign.address, value: web3.toWei(1, "ether")}) Error: VM Exception while processing transaction: revert at Object.InvalidResponse (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js:41484:16) at RequestManager.send (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js:329505:22) at Eth.send [as sendTransaction] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js:37994:58) at evalmachine. anonymous :1:10 at ContextifyScript.Script.runInContext (vm.js:35:29) at Object.runInContext (vm.js:89:6) at Console.interpret (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js:202629:17) at ReplManager.interpret (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js:203345:18) at bound (domain.js:280:14) at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:293:12) truffle(development)> 04:37:35
@slack_giveth_U8W1EEY1K:giveth.ioNFN NLN How do you debug sending ether to a contract? It just says: Error: VM Exception while processing transaction: revert 04:38:07
@slack_giveth_U39041QDB:giveth.iogriff joined the room.05:02:50
@slack_giveth_U39041QDB:giveth.iogriff NFN NLN I think you will have better luck posting this sort of thing in #social_coding ... 05:02:50
@slack_giveth_U8W1EEY1K:giveth.ioNFN NLN ok 05:03:45
22 Jan 2018
@slack_giveth_U8WHMTYMT:giveth.iossysoev joined the room.12:09:46
@slack_giveth_U8WHMTYMT:giveth.iossysoev @here hello everybody. Is there any api provided by giveth? Or with whom I can contact? 12:09:47
@slack_giveth_U5P0839PC:giveth.ioquazia What are you trying to use an API for? 12:55:39
@slack_giveth_U5P0839PC:giveth.ioquazia https://github.com/Giveth/feathers-giveth 12:56:25
@slack_giveth_U8WHMTYMT:giveth.iossysoev I've got some issues using infura RPC and now looking for alternative provider. Using own node is impossible for now. 13:13:18
@slack_giveth_U80LA9KUH:giveth.io_kakuzu joined the room.15:18:17
@slack_giveth_U80LA9KUH:giveth.io_kakuzu infura doesn't allow most of the web3 RPC. If u find anything better let me know also pls 15:18:17
@slack_giveth_U5P0839PC:giveth.ioquazia https://mew.giveth.io\ or wss://mew.giveth.io/ws\ Try one of those? 16:17:46
@slack_giveth_U6MH0K4F7:giveth.iorafa joined the room.17:20:34
@slack_giveth_U6MH0K4F7:giveth.iorafa Happy new year, hope everyone had a great holiday break! Sure that amazing things are in store for 2018! 17:20:34
@rhys.lindmark:matrix.orgrhys.lindmark joined the room.20:15:22
23 Jan 2018
@yalormewn:matrix.orgyalormewn joined the room.00:11:21
@planski:matrix.orgplanski Oh hey rhys.lindmark ! I'm a great fan of your podcast, glad to have you here! 03:15:34
@planski:matrix.orgplanskiI'm sure most of you know it already but for those who don't, Rhys runs a podcast called "Creating a humanist blockchain future" where he explores the intersection between blockchain and movements like Effective Altruism and all-things-better-world-through-blockhain with very interesting interviews!03:19:09
@slack_giveth_U8WHMTYMT:giveth.iossysoev Thank you. 06:35:19
@slack_giveth_U5LSV2G78:giveth.iobrianiselin joined the room.08:43:08
@slack_giveth_U5LSV2G78:giveth.iobrianiselin rhys.lindmark Hi Rhys - based on planski's introduction, we should chat at some point. I run slavefreetrade, and we have just launched a world blockchain academy for girls, and also a blockchain for social impact development studio. 🙂 Lots to talk about. 08:43:08
@slack_giveth_U6EDE4FL2:giveth.iokrrisis Sharing this one in general too, as it is an important one. Tip: join #outreach to stay up-to-date! 16:08:33
@slack_giveth_U6EDE4FL2:giveth.iokrrisis Sharing the link to the tweet as well, with a preview of the post, featuring our very own criptokitty, created by satya.vh 🙂 https://twitter.com/Givethio/status/955824648771469312 16:10:53
@amidstbinary:matrix.orgamidstbinary joined the room.17:33:44
@tjayrush:matrix.org@tjayrush:matrix.org joined the room.18:51:15
@slack_giveth_U6EDE4FL2:giveth.iokrrisis Hey to all the new people, thanks for joining us!! 20:54:40
@slack_giveth_U8YCCKTSS:giveth.ioNindo joined the room.22:57:39
@slack_giveth_U8YCCKTSS:giveth.ioNindo why no ico? 22:57:39

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