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24 Jul 2024
@aggraxis:fedora.imPaul MaconiEverything Fedora starts with signing up for a FAS account, which you can do here: https://accounts.fedoraproject.org/17:39:46
@jflory7:fedora.imJustin W. Flory (he/him)Hey folks! Since there are a lot of newcomers to Fedora here… I wanted to give a promotion to the recently reworked Community Ops team page. This is a unique type of area for folks to get involved with in Fedora. I talked about it on the Fedora Podcast yesterday on YouTube too, if you want to hear more about it. But you can start by finding out more about the team here: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/commops/17:39:55
@zodbot:fedora.imzodbotaggraxis gave a cookie to jflory7. They now have 375 cookies, 26 of which were obtained in the Fedora 40 release cycle17:40:16
@aggraxis:fedora.imPaul Maconiwhen you are setting that up and completing your profile you can also review the contributor agreement17:40:23
@aggraxis:fedora.imPaul MaconiOnce you get a FAS account fired up, browse this page: https://pagure.io/fedora-join/WelcomeToFedora and log in with your account17:41:23
@ericdotcom:matrix.orgEric S. RodriguesThank you! Your reply was so fast tbh, I was expecting a contact only tomorrow lol17:41:31
@aggraxis:fedora.imPaul Maconithat will get you into our list, and I can start a welcome to fedora ticket for you17:41:36
@aggraxis:fedora.imPaul Maconi
In reply to @jflory7:fedora.im
Hey folks! Since there are a lot of newcomers to Fedora here… I wanted to give a promotion to the recently reworked Community Ops team page. This is a unique type of area for folks to get involved with in Fedora. I talked about it on the Fedora Podcast yesterday on YouTube too, if you want to hear more about it.

But you can start by finding out more about the team here:

This is awesome! Thanks for sharing that with us.
@aggraxis:fedora.imPaul MaconiOh, after you get spun up and log in let us know your fas username so we can find you17:45:35
@ericdotcom:matrix.orgEric S. Rodriguessure!17:46:23
@ericdotcom:matrix.orgEric S. Rodriguesthank you again for all the support17:46:28
@jeffiscow:fedora.imjeffiscow (he/him)Hello and welcome! Check that place out and ask questions everyone is really cool. 17:47:08
@ericdotcom:matrix.orgEric S. Rodriguesthank you! this is my first time interacting with a open source community and I'm liking it a lot already17:48:30
@aggraxis:fedora.imPaul Maconioh yeah the folks here are fantastic17:48:45
@aggraxis:fedora.imPaul MaconiFreedom, Friends, Features, First. Good times. :D17:49:32
@ericdotcom:matrix.orgEric S. Rodrigues
In reply to @aggraxis:fedora.im
Oh, after you get spun up and log in let us know your fas username so we can find you
Fas already setted and I logged to the pagure welcome page
@ericdotcom:matrix.orgEric S. Rodriguesmy nickname is ericsrodrigues19:59:05
@aggraxis:fedora.imPaul Maconiok cool thanks I'll dig right now20:52:37
@aggraxis:fedora.imPaul Maconisorry for the delay It's been a hectic day in the lab20:52:47
@aggraxis:fedora.imPaul Maconi
In reply to @ericdotcom:matrix.org
Fas already setted and I logged to the pagure welcome page
Here is your ticket! It's packed with goodies, links, and stuff. https://pagure.io/fedora-join/WelcomeToFedora/issue/11
@ericdotcom:matrix.orgEric S. Rodriguesthank you! I'll take a look at evertyhing soon, right now I'm a little busy with house chores lol21:19:12
25 Jul 2024
@zodbot:fedora.imzodbotdanikde gave a cookie to jflory7. They now have 376 cookies, 27 of which were obtained in the Fedora 40 release cycle07:12:38
@zodbot:fedora.imzodbotdanikde gave a cookie to aggraxis. They now have 4 cookies, 4 of which were obtained in the Fedora 40 release cycle07:12:56
@zodbot:fedora.imzodbotjflory7 has already given cookies to aggraxis during the F40 timeframe13:35:15
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist changed their profile picture.19:05:32
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist removed their profile picture.19:05:55
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist set a profile picture.19:06:20
@arcayr:rascals.net@arcayr:rascals.net left the room.22:43:59
26 Jul 2024
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist changed their profile picture.14:36:59
@zodbot:fedora.imzodbotankursinha has already given cookies to aggraxis during the F40 timeframe17:37:11

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