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25 Oct 2021
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord BridgeI'm asking permission from the guild administrators to make this bridge.13:35:02
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge

I have bridged this room to your channel

@_discord_108651347615703040:t2bot.iokanetw#0548 joined the room.13:36:51
@_discord_108651347615703040:t2bot.iokanetw#0548 Should work now 13:36:52
@sudoreboot:matrix.orgHrafn BlóðbókNice13:36:53
@sudoreboot:matrix.orgHrafn Blóðbókchanged room power levels.13:37:41
In reply to @sudoreboot:matrix.org
I've successfully never used discord. I'm done using proprietary infrastructure if I can help it. Luckily, these bridges work quite well so I'm able to use them if there's someone or some community that refuses to be present here
Yeah, sadly my supervisor for my thesis decided we should use it so I can't claim the same.
@sudoreboot:matrix.orgHrafn BlóðbókIt's often the case that it's not really a choice14:17:22
@sudoreboot:matrix.orgHrafn Blóðbók * It's often the case that there's not really a choice14:17:41
@sudoreboot:matrix.orgHrafn BlóðbókMy gf had to use all of the microsoft products and services at uni14:18:06
@sudoreboot:matrix.orgHrafn BlóðbókBecause the education system is in bed with that corporation14:18:29
@_discord_835394423549722664:t2bot.iosunder#3999 joined the room.14:19:18
@_discord_835394423549722664:t2bot.iosunder#3999 and if you do much gaming most gaming communities are centralized in discord and you're kind of stuck with some presence.

Education and most corporate is in bed with msft because of AD, preinstalled windows, and Office being endemic and not interoperable properly
@_discord_835394423549722664:t2bot.iosunder#3999 Exchange is the icing on the cake 14:19:23
@_discord_835394423549722664:t2bot.iosunder#3999 because doing a caldav carddav setup is harder on users than one widely-integrated login with trivially enforced MFA like on exchange online 14:20:06
@_discord_835394423549722664:t2bot.iosunder#3999 it's just basically hard to justify lower quality of life and any level of identity and device management lower than AD or azure ad-joining plus Intune 14:21:56
@_discord_835394423549722664:t2bot.iosunder#3999 and azure AD+intune is even a step down from AD 14:22:32
@_discord_835394423549722664:t2bot.iosunder#3999 * and azure AD+intune is even a step down from AD(well, intune takes the W in mobile device management, but that can be done with AD-joined devices independently of needing wide azure ad domain joining. Technically the highest level of control... and jank... is AD on prem, Azure Active Directory Connect, and intune.) 14:25:47
@_discord_835394423549722664:t2bot.iosunder#3999 * and azure AD+intune is even a step down from AD(well, intune takes the W in mobile device management, but that can be done with AD-joined desktop-style devices independently of needing wide azure ad domain joining, as mobile is a separate category. Technically the highest level of control... and jank... is AD on prem, Azure Active Directory Connect, and intune.) 14:26:19
@sofviic:matrix.orgsofviicAlso due to universities encouraging the usage of microsoft products, the instructors now expect most student to use windows as well16:02:28
@sofviic:matrix.orgsofviic * Also due to universities encouraging the usage of microsoft products, the instructors now expect most student to use/have windows as well16:04:23
@_discord_108651347615703040:t2bot.iokanetw#0548 depends 16:14:14
@_discord_108651347615703040:t2bot.iokanetw#0548 instructors don't really care about what students use for mail or whatever 16:14:51
@_discord_108651347615703040:t2bot.iokanetw#0548 and papers etc are written in latex anyway 16:15:20
@_discord_108651347615703040:t2bot.iokanetw#0548 we use ms 365 internally, just much less effort than maintaining a mail system myself 16:16:17
@_discord_108651347615703040:t2bot.iokanetw#0548 and office is just so much better in some aspects than competitors 16:16:54
@_discord_108651347615703040:t2bot.iokanetw#0548 and that's with george being an exclusive linux user, so he only uses the web apps 16:17:17
@sofviic:matrix.orgsofviicin my uni, most instructors expect .docx16:17:54
@sofviic:matrix.orgsofviic * in my uni, most instructors expect HWs & reports to be in .docx16:18:27
@sofviic:matrix.orgsofviicbut they do allow .pdf submissions as well, thankfully16:18:57

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