
Open.HD users

1033 Members
https://github.com/OpenHD/Open.HD | Category:Communications |Room Id: https://matrix.to/#/#openhdmx:matrix.org | telegram group: t.me/OpenHD_HDFPV |3 Servers

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22 Mar 2023
@_neb_github_=40pay182=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@pay182:matrix.org] (deprecated)Service message: A new version of this bot is available, please see https://ems-docs.element.io/books/element-cloud-documentation/page/migrate-to-the-new-github-and-feeds-bots for instructions on how to migrate. This bot will remain functional for the time being, but can no longer be configured.18:52:45
@betulqq:matrix.org@betulqq:matrix.org joined the room.18:58:32
@betulqq:matrix.org@betulqq:matrix.org left the room.18:59:01
@thatvillagerguy:matrix.orgThatVillager changed their profile picture.23:34:40
@thatvillagerguy:matrix.orgThatVillager changed their display name from thatvillagerguy to LMAO Zedong.23:35:05
@thatvillagerguy:matrix.orgThatVillager changed their display name from LMAO Zedong to ThatVillager.23:38:44
28 Mar 2023
@harpermiacoinusa:matrix.org@harpermiacoinusa:matrix.org left the room.15:21:14
29 Mar 2023
@betulqq:matrix.org@betulqq:matrix.org joined the room.21:29:20
@betulqq:matrix.org@betulqq:matrix.org left the room.21:29:33
30 Mar 2023
@cemm27:matrix.orgcmnjk joined the room.23:18:46
2 Apr 2023
@telegram_325481623:t2bot.ioValentina Petrenko changed their display name from Valentina Petrenko to ikherty.21:08:42
@telegram_325481623:t2bot.ioValentina Petrenko changed their profile picture.21:08:43
7 Apr 2023
@blacko1:matrix.orgBeatrice joined the room.23:24:48
13 Apr 2023
@wyk1969:matrix.orgal p joined the room.08:09:00
15 Apr 2023
@steve_coldham:matrix.orgambrose _j joined the room.01:24:30
16 Apr 2023
@frank10:matrix.org@frank10:matrix.org joined the room.10:00:02
@frank10:matrix.org@frank10:matrix.org "I'll help anyone interested on how to earn 100k in just 72hours from the crypto market. But you will have to pay me my commission! when you receive your profit! if interested send me a direct message https://t.me/victormarck by asking me HOW 10:02:24
@frank10:matrix.org@frank10:matrix.org left the room.20:21:21
22 Apr 2023
@derina5418:matrix.orgderina chan joined the room.11:40:48
26 Apr 2023
@llonrr:matrix.orgMonHk changed their profile picture.06:30:24
@llonrr:matrix.orgMonHk changed their profile picture.06:34:35
28 Apr 2023
@cyan:koneko.chat@cyan:koneko.chat joined the room.16:00:42
@cyan:koneko.chat@cyan:koneko.chat removed their profile picture.21:21:08
@cyan:koneko.chat@cyan:koneko.chat removed their display name cyan.21:26:58
@cyan:koneko.chat@cyan:koneko.chat left the room.21:42:43
4 May 2023
@fooooor:matrix.orgFlora joined the room.19:01:03
5 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.inralph joined the room.00:46:52
@kookoy:matrix.orgFlora joined the room.03:48:32
@telegram_947053582:t2bot.ioДаниил Николаев changed their display name from Даниил Николаев to Даниил Николаев AdobeXD хейтер.06:23:03
@telegram_947053582:t2bot.ioДаниил Николаев changed their display name from Даниил Николаев AdobeXD хейтер to Даниил Николаев.08:18:51

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