
Juventude Revoltada

150 Members
7 Servers

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23 May 2023
@everman228:matrix.org@everman228:matrix.org joined the room.15:36:16
@everman228:matrix.org@everman228:matrix.org left the room.15:36:16
30 May 2023
@icarolongo:monero.socialicarolongo@xmr.tips changed their display name from icarolongo to icarolongo@xmr.tips.02:53:23
10 Jun 2023
@collecteurghost:matrix.org@collecteurghost:matrix.org joined the room.02:40:57
@collecteurghost:matrix.org@collecteurghost:matrix.org joined the room.02:40:59
@collecteurghost:matrix.org@collecteurghost:matrix.org left the room.02:41:02
15 Jul 2023
@hahauaiaaiai:matrix.org@hahauaiaaiai:matrix.org joined the room.00:37:10
@hahauaiaaiai:matrix.org@hahauaiaaiai:matrix.org joined the room.01:30:33
@hahauaiaaiai:matrix.org@hahauaiaaiai:matrix.org left the room.01:31:00
18 Jul 2023
@acarol:matrix.orgGalit changed their display name from Cá to Alexa.03:26:36
19 Jul 2023
@ghost_honk:matrix.org@ghost_honk:matrix.org left the room.20:28:01
8 Aug 2023
@hubcap1734:nitro.chat@hubcap1734:nitro.chat left the room.18:02:40
20 Sep 2023
@revizzin:matrix.org@revizzin:matrix.org joined the room.23:06:37
@revizzin:matrix.org@revizzin:matrix.org left the room.23:07:22
21 Sep 2023
@metrodorus:matrix.org@metrodorus:matrix.org left the room.13:50:03
11 Oct 2023
@jotaxpe:matrix.org@jotaxpe:matrix.org joined the room.02:18:24
@dyno_m:halogen.city@dyno_m:halogen.city left the room.04:54:26
15 Oct 2023
@edelwei-ss:matrix.orghenrich changed their display name from R. Sharlon to henrich.18:58:42
23 Oct 2023
@aquiles:nitro.chat@aquiles:nitro.chat left the room.01:22:17
26 Oct 2023
@jotaxpe:matrix.org@jotaxpe:matrix.org changed their profile picture.15:55:13
8 Nov 2023
@shephad:matrix.org@shephad:matrix.org joined the room.23:36:55
23 Nov 2023
@shephad:matrix.org@shephad:matrix.org left the room.12:19:25
16 Dec 2023
@luciferious:matrix.org@luciferious:matrix.org left the room.11:52:13
16 Jan 2024
@cobragadsden:midov.plV changed their display name from Von to V.18:56:55
20 Jan 2024
@hepta:nitro.chathepta joined the room.18:56:45
9 Apr 2024
@ary_narua:matrix.orgmsa0791 changed their display name from Ary Narua to msa0791.21:06:39
25 May 2024
@jotaxpe:matrix.org@jotaxpe:matrix.org left the room.14:39:14
26 May 2024
@morganabacaxi2:poa.st@morganabacaxi2:poa.st left the room.17:31:18
17 Jun 2024
@acarol:matrix.orgGalit changed their display name from Alexa to Galit.18:52:46
@acarol:matrix.orgGalit changed their profile picture.18:54:26

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