1 May 2020 |
| /bin/su (Telegram) changed their profile picture. | 22:02:34 |
9 May 2020 |
| navnet set their display name to @naviknair:matrix.org. | 13:27:32 |
24 May 2020 |
| @desmond:riotchat.de joined the room. | 14:13:32 |
| Reduced Bard (Telegram) changed their display name from Riyaz Usman (Telegram) to Reduced Bard (Telegram). | 14:25:56 |
Reduced Bard (Telegram) | Whomever has worked on the irc - telegram integration | 14:25:55 |
| Reduced Bard (Telegram) changed their profile picture. | 14:25:57 |
Reduced Bard (Telegram) | It's not possible to disable the joining notifications on telegram? | 14:26:16 |
26 May 2020 |
| karel joined the room. | 19:13:26 |
/bin/su (Telegram) | In reply to Reduced Bard (Telegram) It's not possible to disable the joining notifications on telegram? No. This group uses an old bridge tool. I don' think it has that option | 19:59:05 |
Aswin M Guptha (Telegram) | In reply to /bin/su (Telegram) No. This group uses an old bridge tool. I don' think it has that option What if I kick the bot? 😉 | 19:59:54 |
27 May 2020 |
Praveen | /bin/su (Telegram): Aswin M Guptha (Telegram) there is plan to run a new bridge but I think it is still at planning stage for some time now | 12:32:20 |
Praveen | Aswin M Guptha (Telegram): then you break the bridge | 12:32:56 |
29 May 2020 |
| kurt joined the room. | 23:33:30 |
31 May 2020 |
| @lars:bau-ha.us joined the room. | 09:20:33 |
| @lars:bau-ha.us | 09:37:03 |
| oleg joined the room. | 22:36:48 |
4 Jun 2020 |
| ulrich joined the room. | 20:08:34 |
| oleg | 22:10:21 |
6 Jun 2020 |
| Aswin M Guptha (Telegram) changed their profile picture. | 15:41:40 |
7 Jun 2020 |
| abbyck changed their profile picture. | 09:07:56 |
9 Jun 2020 |
| Sameer Kongath joined the room. | 16:12:44 |
| ajmalbh joined the room. | 19:10:57 |
11 Jun 2020 |
| werner joined the room. | 19:59:33 |
13 Jun 2020 |
| @julia:ggc-project.de | 15:49:54 |
| @bartosz:junta.pl left the room. | 18:19:47 |
| ajmalbh set a profile picture. | 19:32:48 |
14 Jun 2020 |
| oscar joined the room. | 08:56:23 |
15 Jun 2020 |
| tytso joined the room. | 15:00:01 |
18 Jun 2020 |
| @benjamin:tomesh.net | 22:34:15 |
21 Jun 2020 |
| krateos | 23:22:45 |