
Palakkad Libre software User Society (PLUS)

219 Members
Adding freedom to common minds |Β plus.fosscommunity.in25 Servers

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15 Apr 2017

you should think of "free" as in "free speech" and not as in "free ice-cream".

liked bear to ice cream transition 😊😊

@ragsagar:matrix.orgRag SagarI am from Palakkad, currently living in Sharjah07:10:53
@noteness:matrix.orgnoteness joined the room.07:13:50
@noteness:matrix.orgnoteness Yo!
@praveen:matrix.org@praveen:matrix.org@ragsagar:matrix.org: welcome! Nice to see you here :)07:15:10
@praveen:matrix.org@praveen:matrix.orgnoteness: melcow!07:15:22
@noteness:matrix.orgnoteness hahah! :D
@ragsagar:matrix.orgRag SagarTy07:15:57
@praveen:matrix.org@praveen:matrix.orgSpEcHiDe: its standard compliance07:16:01
@SpEcHiDe:disroot.org@SpEcHiDe:disroot.org But if you give the following URL https://angular.io/ it will report a lot of errors 07:44:14
@praveen:matrix.org@praveen:matrix.orgSpEcHiDe: so?15:49:50
@praveen:matrix.org@praveen:matrix.orgSpEcHiDe: many people still use Windows. Does that mean we should not care about Free Software?15:50:48
@telegram_273918350:tchncs.deAswin M Guptha (Telegram)BTW why is it Libre software User Society?16:18:11
@praveen:matrix.org@praveen:matrix.orgAswin M Guptha (Telegram): Libre software = Free Software16:23:54
@praveen:matrix.org@praveen:matrix.orgSociety is stronger bond than a group16:24:26
@praveen:matrix.org@praveen:matrix.orgplus is cool16:24:52
@telegram_273918350:tchncs.deAswin M Guptha (Telegram) Reply to Pirate Praveen:
Pirate Praveen: Aswin M Guptha (Telegram): Libre software = Free Software

I thought about Libre office πŸ˜‚

@telegram_360390710:tchncs.depradish (Telegram) Reply to Pirate Praveen:
Pirate Praveen: plus is cool


@praveen:matrix.org@praveen:matrix.org With a catchy title "Adding freedom to common minds" 16:28:21
@telegram_273918350:tchncs.deAswin M Guptha (Telegram)πŸ˜˜πŸ‘16:30:19
@praveen:matrix.org@praveen:matrix.orgWe used our creativity :)16:30:08
@telegram_273918350:tchncs.deAswin M Guptha (Telegram)Creative mindsπŸ˜„16:32:06
@praveen:matrix.org@praveen:matrix.orgThis was around 12 years back16:31:39
@praveen:matrix.org@praveen:matrix.orgThen sarovar.org, which hosted our site and mailing list got shut down16:32:16
@praveen:matrix.org@praveen:matrix.orgMe, Hiran, Santhosh and all were active in SMC16:32:54
@telegram_273918350:tchncs.deAswin M Guptha (Telegram) Reply to Pirate Praveen:
Pirate Praveen: This was around 12 years back

Njn okke valli nikkar ittu nadakkunna praayam, le😜

@telegram_273918350:tchncs.deAswin M Guptha (Telegram) Reply to Pirate Praveen:
Pirate Praveen: Then sarovar.org, which hosted our site and mailing list got shut down

What is that?

@praveen:matrix.org@praveen:matrix.org So we didn't reactivate plus, but focused on smc 16:33:37
@telegram_273918350:tchncs.deAswin M Guptha (Telegram)Smc is that font and all right?16:35:46
@praveen:matrix.org@praveen:matrix.orgSarovar.org was a Free Software project hosting service like sourceforge.com or github.com or gitlab.com hosted in Thiruvananthapuram16:34:41

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