
Palakkad Libre software User Society (PLUS)

216 Members
Last June 3: Met at IRTC Mundoor | Anything you say here can be seen by anyone on the internet | Adding freedom to common minds, since 2005 | plus.fosscommunity.in25 Servers

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20 May 2022
@californiato22:matrix.org@californiato22:matrix.org joined the room.14:02:30
26 May 2022
@telegram_243330990:tchncs.deMujeeb IBComputing (Telegram) changed their profile picture.05:11:28
30 May 2022
@californiato22:matrix.org@californiato22:matrix.org left the room.12:47:09
6 Jun 2022
@californiatl:matrix.org@californiatl:matrix.org joined the room.05:39:41
@californiatl:matrix.org@californiatl:matrix.org left the room.15:53:19
11 Jun 2022
@flonxxd:matrix.org@flonxxd:matrix.org joined the room.21:42:41
13 Jun 2022
@flonxxd:matrix.org@flonxxd:matrix.org left the room.08:34:41
22 Jun 2022
@telegram_243330990:tchncs.deMujeeb IBComputing (Telegram) changed their profile picture.07:38:58
11 Jul 2022
@telegram_243330990:tchncs.deMujeeb IBComputing (Telegram) changed their profile picture.12:54:08
12 Jul 2022
@dylanpalmertokens:matrix.org@dylanpalmertokens:matrix.org joined the room.12:52:26
13 Jul 2022
@dylanpalmertokens:matrix.org@dylanpalmertokens:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:42:54
@dylanpalmertokens:matrix.org@dylanpalmertokens:matrix.org* "I'll help anyone interested on how to earn $25000 in 3days to 1week from the crypto market. But you will have to pay me my commission! when you receive your profit! if interested send me a direct message via WhatsApp by asking me HOW for more details on how to get started +1 (570) 801-086204:43:05
@abbyck:matrix.orgabbyck banned @dylanpalmertokens:matrix.org@dylanpalmertokens:matrix.org (spammer).04:44:12
31 Jul 2022
@sk3310op:matrix.org@sk3310op:matrix.org joined the room.17:34:47
@sk3310op:matrix.org@sk3310op:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event17:34:48
@abbyck:matrix.orgabbyck banned @sk3310op:matrix.org@sk3310op:matrix.org.17:36:10
13 Aug 2022
@ruddy:leohoo.xyz@ruddy:leohoo.xyz joined the room.21:28:11
@ruddy:leohoo.xyz@ruddy:leohoo.xyz left the room.21:28:20
14 Aug 2022
@newyorkbtc:matrix.org@newyorkbtc:matrix.org joined the room.11:41:19
15 Aug 2022
@lindoble:matrix.org@lindoble:matrix.org joined the room.02:57:33
@lindoble:matrix.org@lindoble:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event02:57:34
@lindoble:matrix.org@lindoble:matrix.org left the room.03:13:19
@newyorkbtc:matrix.org@newyorkbtc:matrix.org left the room.09:14:46
25 Aug 2022
@techdev:matrix.org@techdev:matrix.org joined the room.09:27:09
29 Aug 2022
@techdev:matrix.org@techdev:matrix.org left the room.21:15:31
2 Sep 2022
@brookbtc:matrix.org@brookbtc:matrix.org joined the room.21:19:29
3 Sep 2022
@brookbtc:matrix.org@brookbtc:matrix.org left the room.02:28:18
2 Oct 2022
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_social changed their display name from search_social to Solarina.16:51:52
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_social changed their profile picture.16:54:09
3 Oct 2022
@search_social:matrix.orgsearch_social changed their display name from Solarina to search_social.13:09:36

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