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11 Jan 2025
@strawberry:puppygock.gaystrawberryπŸ“ (it/pup/she/they) πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ¦΄πŸ’œπŸ©·πŸ’– (puppygock.gay) changed their profile picture.03:05:47
@om3nnn:matrix.orgom3nnn joined the room.04:15:01
@emma:rory.gayEmma [it/its]"dependency check fails when using something that isnt pip or a distro package" no less lol06:35:37
@emma:rory.gayEmma [it/its]i guess it's referenced in the development docs, but not on installation docs06:38:44
@nex:nexy7574.co.uknex (she/it) 🐟🐟 changed their display name from nex (she/it) 🐟 to nex (she/it) 🐟🐟.14:49:10
12 Jan 2025
@dkay:largerpweor.uk@dkay:largerpweor.uk left the room.04:45:57
13 Jan 2025
@nex:nexy7574.co.uknex (she/it) 🐟🐟 changed their display name from nex (she/it) 🐟🐟 to nex (she/it) 🐟.00:26:34
@thibaultmartin:matrix.orgThib (m.org) changed their display name from Thib (m.org, πŸ€’) to Thib (m.org).08:40:36
@reivilibre.element:librepush.netOlivier 'reivilibre'
In reply to @richvdh:sw1v.org
I feel like anyone opening an issue whose title is bugs deserves to have that issue summarily closed
the person wrote a title .... in the description box. Being forgiving (looking at the poster's GH profile) there may be a language barrier but it is a bit ... peculiar
@saulmrto:matrix.orgSaΓΊl Morato joined the room.15:04:28
14 Jan 2025
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him}Could the team have a look at this (very boring) changelog for v1.122.0 please? https://github.com/element-hq/synapse/blob/release-v1.122/CHANGES.md14:14:53
@reivilibre.element:librepush.netOlivier 'reivilibre'SGTM. Maybe we move the Postgres deprecation warning to the top though, I always forget?14:15:51
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him}Oh yes, good shout14:16:42
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him}We also need to archive the 2024 changelog.14:17:12
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him}both of those tasks have been done: https://github.com/element-hq/synapse/blob/release-v1.122/CHANGES.md14:23:54
@nex:nexy7574.co.uknex (she/it) 🐟🐟 changed their display name from nex (she/it) 🐟 to nex (she/it) 🐟🐟🐟.14:24:09
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} cc Olivier 'reivilibre' 14:35:03
@reivilibre.element:librepush.netOlivier 'reivilibre'go for it14:35:22
@nex:nexy7574.co.uknex (she/it) 🐟🐟 changed their display name from nex (she/it) 🐟🐟🐟 to nex (she/it) 🐟🐟.14:37:26
@guilherme.capile:first.org@guilherme.capile:first.org joined the room.15:04:15
@guilherme.capile:first.org@guilherme.capile:first.org left the room.15:05:37
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him}

Hi everyone. Synapse 1.122.0 has just been released.

notes | docker | debs | pypi

15 Jan 2025
@aiqin:matrix.orgaiqin joined the room.01:55:59
CREATE TABLE access_tokens (
    id bigint NOT NULL,
    user_id text NOT NULL,
    device_id text,
    token text NOT NULL,
    valid_until_ms bigint,
    puppets_user_id text,
    last_validated bigint,
    refresh_token_id bigint,
    used boolean

ALTER TABLE ONLY access_tokens
    ADD CONSTRAINT access_tokens_refresh_token_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (refresh_token_id) REFERENCES refresh_tokens(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
@avdb13:kurosaki.cxavdb13 what motivates making refresh_tokens the parent of access_tokens? 02:51:53
@aiqin:matrix.orgaiqinCan the server be set up to allow users to interact only with users on a specific server?03:09:54
@blackmad:matrix.orgDavid Blackman Does anyone ever get into a state where synapse keeps exiting with Rust module outdated. Please rebuild using poetry install`` but poetry install doesn't seem to do anything? even manually blowing away what look like the rust build artifacts isn't doing anything 14:48:08
@blackmad:matrix.orgDavid Blackman * Does anyone ever get into a state where synapse keeps exiting with Rust module outdated. Please rebuild using poetry install`` but poetry install doesn't seem to do anything (as in, running it doesn't fix the error)? manually blowing away what look like the rust build artifacts and then running poetry install doesn't recreate them. 14:48:39
@blackmad:matrix.orgDavid Blackman *

Does anyone ever get into a state where synapse keeps exiting with Rust module outdated. Please rebuild using poetry install`` but poetry install doesn't seem to do anything (as in, running it doesn't fix the error)? manually blowing away what look like the rust build artifacts and then running poetry install doesn't recreate them.

This seems to happen to me when I make rust changes in one branch and then switch to another.

@queen0fhearts89:matrix.orgqueen0fhearts89 joined the room.22:05:10

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