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23 Jul 2024
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldirthoughts on https://github.com/element-hq/synapse/issues/17473?23:04:53
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldirofc it wont handle the paths since a missing listener means it wont actually be serving anything there, but i'm not sure a media listener makes much sense anymore23:05:41
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldirmaybe the media listener should just imply the client and federation listener now, although maybe there are some gotchas with the matrix-client.morg and matrix-federation.morg style setups i can't think of23:07:35
@devonh:one.ems.hostDevon Dmytro I think the media listener still needs to exist given: Note: POST /_matrix/media/v3/upload and POST /_matrix/media/v1/create are not modified or deprecated by this MSC
but once those are gone it may be a candidate for removal
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldiryeah that should probably stay23:21:53
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldirbut e.g. federation also enables the media listener23:22:02
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldirso media could also enable federation/client to make it easier for users23:22:17
@devonh:one.ems.hostDevon Dmytroyeah, that does seem like a good suggestion.23:24:37
@devonh:one.ems.hostDevon Dmytroand it would brings things back into alignment with the current config example in the docs23:24:54
@devonh:one.ems.hostDevon Dmytro
In reply to @morguldir:sulian.eu
but e.g. federation also enables the media listener
is this true? (I honestly don't know, and couldn't see it in the code at a quick glance)
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldiri think it's this? https://github.com/element-hq/synapse/blob/develop/synapse/app/homeserver.py#L218-L23223:31:01
In reply to @morguldir:sulian.eu
but e.g. federation also enables the media listener

but this was from the docs

federation: the server-server API (/_matrix/federation). Also implies media, keys, openid

@tulir:maunium.nettulirthe default config even only has client and federation in resources, not media23:33:40
In reply to @morguldir:sulian.eu
but e.g. federation also enables the media listener
s/media listeners/media resource/
@devonh:one.ems.hostDevon Dmytro
In reply to @tulir:maunium.net
the default config even only has client and federation in resources, not media
for generic workers yes
@devonh:one.ems.hostDevon Dmytrobut for the media repo worker: https://element-hq.github.io/synapse/latest/workers.html#synapseappmedia_repository23:36:11
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldirmaybe they meant workerless23:36:54
@devonh:one.ems.hostDevon Dmytroor the sample_config from the repo23:37:08
@devonh:one.ems.hostDevon Dmytrothat also only has client & federation 🤷23:37:18
@devonh:one.ems.hostDevon Dmytroeither way, some docs somewhere need updating23:37:27
24 Jul 2024
@mczcronn:matrix.orgmczcronn joined the room.08:19:28
@toad_master:matrix.orgMichael joined the room.16:31:51
@cvwright:futo.org@cvwright:futo.org changed their display name from cvwright to cvwright (FUTO).19:18:21
@cvwright:futo.org@cvwright:futo.org left the room.19:23:00
25 Jul 2024
@eloi:yaal.coopÉloi (@azmeuk) changed their display name from Éloi to "Éloi (@azmeuk)".12:12:25
@eloi:yaal.coopÉloi (@azmeuk) changed their display name from "Éloi (@azmeuk)" to Éloi (@azmeuk).12:12:44
@benjib:element.iobnjbvr 🌴 back 2024-08-12 changed their display name from bnjbvr to bnjbvr 🌴 back 2024-08-12.15:46:04
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil_away changed their display name from Neil to Neil_away.23:13:22
26 Jul 2024
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} [away til 30th] changed their display name from Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} to Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} [away til 30th].11:10:48
@saumya8:synapse-server.pyxer.aisaumya8 joined the room.18:19:47

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