
neorg treesitter

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26 Dec 2023
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro something like clojure is far more complicated language-wise than janet 14:16:05
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro janet is very smol 14:16:10
@_discord_433243269002952714:t2bot.iomiko changed their profile picture.18:07:44
@_discord_547532680997371911:t2bot.ioant0090 The entire language (core library, interpreter, compiler, assembler, PEG) is less than 1MB 18:13:01
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless that will be quite important as v3 parser is already more than 3MB with only paragraph parsing 21:40:39
@_discord_644284217525665793:t2bot.iob4mbus changed their display name from B4mbus to No I wont shut up about Nix.21:47:38
27 Dec 2023
@_discord_387036585033465856:t2bot.ioNTBBloodbath changed their profile picture.00:09:53
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@_discord_709256259437592627:t2bot.io.pysan3 when i put curly braces inside a backtick (inline codeblock), the closing one seems to disapear with the concealer.
  - `{}`    # works just fine
  - `{ }`   # } disappears
  - `\{ \}` # works as expected
  - `{ a }` # also } disapears

is this just an edge case for v1? or is there some syntax that im missing?
if its an edge case, is it fixed in v3?
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless edge case in v1
and not fixed in v3 because it doesn’t even have links implemented yet
but all those v1 issues will be fixed on v3 from ground up.
@_discord_544589307361493002:t2bot.iolandfill_ joined the room.04:11:26
@_discord_709256259437592627:t2bot.io.pysan3 Nice. Good to see that coming 👀 04:29:48
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless .vhyrro will v3 be deployed as separate package? or should we deploy it as v1 parser’s v3 version? 08:18:47
@_discord_762656358096568321:t2bot.iottoe_ joined the room.10:21:46
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless 1. implemented simple left-side link modifier grammar
2. no conflict cases reported and tree-sitter generate works fine
3. waiting for 10+ minutes for building
@_discord_244215491311304705:t2bot.ioalvaroping1 joined the room.11:29:22
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless 4. completely break all other syntaxes after 15minutes of building 11:35:44
@_discord_83007807036588032:t2bot.iopurewater reading this chat is an emotional rollercoaster 15:29:52
@_discord_83007807036588032:t2bot.iopurewater better than tv 15:30:05
@_discord_973398061084737596:t2bot.ioFatNinjaDM joined the room.15:52:52
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro i'm not quite sure yet 17:38:56
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro i would maybe do it as a separate package to keep the git commit history small 17:39:15
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro otherwise people will be unwillingly pulling 200 years worth of development time 17:39:24
@_discord_455080208240869387:t2bot.io.ohanan joined the room.18:26:31
@_discord_1183453986955726988:t2bot.iovertourtonisl_98584 joined the room.19:43:51
@_discord_369219435497783298:t2bot.ioklafyvel 21:02:32
@_discord_232582469457674243:t2bot.iosevoris Isn‘t that what git squash is for? 21:17:08
@_discord_957548678799835146:t2bot.ioTokken Kushing joined the room.22:06:28
28 Dec 2023
@_discord_1179644216855507014:t2bot.iodevtarst joined the room.00:03:05

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