
neorg treesitter

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3 Apr 2022
@_discord_253577767369703425:t2bot.ioVhyrro#1609 oof 16:24:55
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek#9180 Vhyrro what should we call the /-detached mod? Drawer? Details? 17:09:48
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek#9180 Also do we have a name for the +-"carryover" tag now? 🤔 17:11:04
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek#9180 Uh oh 17:14:21
@_discord_253577767369703425:t2bot.ioVhyrro#1609 maybe drawer 17:14:30
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek#9180 If we use / for drawers, then this will clash with {/ link to drawer?!}... 17:14:41
@_discord_253577767369703425:t2bot.ioVhyrro#1609 oh 17:14:49
@_discord_253577767369703425:t2bot.ioVhyrro#1609 well frick 17:14:59
@_discord_253577767369703425:t2bot.ioVhyrro#1609 can't use / for drawers then 17:15:04
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek#9180 Yep 17:15:42
@_discord_253577767369703425:t2bot.ioVhyrro#1609 i was also thinking of a #details tag 17:16:20
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek#9180 Yeh that could work too 17:16:27
@_discord_253577767369703425:t2bot.ioVhyrro#1609 or a #drawer tag 17:16:32
@_discord_253577767369703425:t2bot.ioVhyrro#1609 casually allows nested markup while being meaningful 17:16:53
@_discord_253577767369703425:t2bot.ioVhyrro#1609 * casually allows neorg markup while being meaningful 17:17:00
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek#9180 Also another side question: https://github.com/nvim-neorg/tree-sitter-norg/blob/1abeda4c83dc7869d67eb298560a16808ed1d4c0/src/scanner.cc#L544
This range includes the TODO* tags... Is that intended?
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek#9180 Yes 17:17:19
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek#9180 Although having a custom drawer would be nice because we have more fine-grained control on it's folded default state (hopefully in the future that is) 17:17:49
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek#9180 Or do you think a tag gives us the same? 17:17:59
@_discord_253577767369703425:t2bot.ioVhyrro#1609 wdym by this? 17:19:15
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek#9180 Well if the intent is to have smth which stores details, it would be nice for the contents to be folded by default 17:19:52
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek#9180 I thought that a named TS node would be useful for that 17:20:03
@_discord_253577767369703425:t2bot.ioVhyrro#1609 oof no it isn't 17:20:08
@_discord_253577767369703425:t2bot.ioVhyrro#1609 ah well it could be 17:20:14
@_discord_253577767369703425:t2bot.ioVhyrro#1609 but you can do that with a tag just as fine as well 17:20:23
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek#9180 I'll move them 👍 17:20:23
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek#9180 Okay 17:20:30
@_discord_253577767369703425:t2bot.ioVhyrro#1609 just make sure you don't mess anything up in the process- 17:20:33
@_discord_851485615035908096:t2bot.iomrossinek#9180 I'll try 😄 17:20:42
@_discord_253577767369703425:t2bot.ioVhyrro#1609 cause there's a bit of reliance on the placement of items in the struct in some areas 17:20:46

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