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29 Dec 2023
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless parser action in state 26931 should be accept instead of resume 11:39:52
@_discord_313201346767618048:t2bot.iotomcek8 joined the room.12:55:09
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless .vhyrro can we remove free-form inline_macro?
as parser generated with nightly tree-sitter works fine with up to two kind of verbatim free-form attached modifiers,
if we remove free-form inline_macro, free-form is near complete
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless as this is not a runtime bug, we don’t need nightly tree-sitter to use the v3 parser. We can build&run parser in 0.20.8 version without errors after generating parser with nightly version. 13:16:15
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless theoretically this would be fixable by editing grammar.json directly 13:17:12
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless * theoretically having three different verbatim free-form attached modifier is possible by editing grammar.json directly 13:18:07
@_discord_966632586535403551:t2bot.ioveganiks joined the room.13:40:59
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless solved 14:24:48
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro well not really, everything has to have a free-form variant 14:27:55
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro not much of one, but it can't be an arbitrary syntax edge case :/ 14:29:40
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless I’ll go with current version anyway because tbh I think no one would even notice free-form inline_macro disappeared
plus, this is theoretically fixable if there is any brave person who would manually edit grammar.json file
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro yep sounds good 14:32:42
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro maybe we should generate the whole grammar.json file from scratch for maximum performance 14:32:57
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless known issues left with paragraph parsing:
- parser size is quite big (3.1MiB without linkables/link modifiers/attached modifier extensions)
- missing one of verbatim free-form attached modifier (bug on tree-sitter)
- link-modifier breaks the whole parser like verbatim free-form attached modifier does : I have some idea
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless that’s good idea.
good idea that no one would want to try
@_discord_255807969806123011:t2bot.ioSir Polo Modulus III changed their profile picture.15:18:46
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless link modifier is done by parsing :* as single (bold_open) token
some pros of loosing actual (link_modifier) node from AST
- doesn’t affect parser size
- can still capture : as link_modifier with query
- logic is really simple as it is using pre-existing non_open rule
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless * link modifier is done by parsing :* as single (bold_open) token
some pros of loosing actual (link_modifier) node from AST
- doesn’t affect parser size
- can still capture : as link_modifier with query
- logic is really simple as it is using pre-existing non_open rule
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro also sounds good tbh 17:22:40
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro if it can be captured with queries then that's all that matters 17:22:44
Download IMG_0096.png
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless then I can finally confirm attached modifier is complete
only thing missing is a free-form inline_macro
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro that's amazing 17:49:49
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro well done mate 17:49:54
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro did you simplify the scanner by any chance? that should be the next TODO if possibel 17:50:19
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless so anchor seems to be a next problem 17:55:03
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless just solved both anchor and free-form inline_macro wth 18:26:14
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro what da hellll 18:26:33
@_discord_750666437420384297:t2bot.ioboltless .vhyrro can you guess the reason? it was _character token for this whole time 18:26:46
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro you're taking the piss, seriously? 18:26:54

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