
GNU/Linux Hackers

1585 Members
General room for GNU/Linux enjoyers with emphasis on hacking programs/piracy, privacy, security etc. No NSFW, flaming, blank nicks. Topics not allowed: sexuality and justifying piracy.87 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@noodle:catgirl.cloudNoodleyou're a pirate, such matters don't concern you14:26:18
@noodle:catgirl.cloudNoodledrop in nemirtingas epic emu14:26:54
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepieYeah but can't see if the game is good or not14:27:05
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepieWhen it's review bombed lol14:27:17
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepieApparently it's like a polished expansion of edf 514:27:37
In reply to @lonelycutiepie:matrix.org
Yeah but can't see if the game is good or not
guess you'll just have to see for yourself
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepieMaybe but im playing raft with friends these days14:28:48
In reply to @lonelycutiepie:matrix.org
Yeah but can't see if the game is good or not
filter reviews by date
@noodle:catgirl.cloudNoodleit came out today i think14:41:03
@tork88:matrix.orgtork8wish we had piratecritic or something14:41:41
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepieit released in japan 2 years ago so theres probably reviews out there14:54:15
In reply to @tork88:matrix.org
wish we had piratecritic or something
your next side project
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepieim playing this game robobeat17:07:51
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepieits so good17:07:54
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepiemy arms are hurting with all the gaming i been doing17:08:05
In reply to @noodle:catgirl.cloud
your next side project
what if we rate our uploads on 1337x description xd
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepienot rate but write a whoe review17:27:01
26 Jul 2024
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepiedo you guys ever think that you ar enakes inside ur clothes, like ur just romaing around with clothes but inside you are naked09:41:14
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepiei wish we had superman like suits like body armor or something09:41:50
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepie* do you guys ever think that you ar enaked inside ur clothes, like ur just romaing around with clothes but inside you are naked09:42:10
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepiei think turtle like shells are way better09:42:42
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepieyou can like store ur stuff in it like a bag09:42:58
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepiebut then it would go back to my 1st point :(09:44:45
@tork88:matrix.orgtork8 invited @bulletmtrix:matrix.orgbulletmtrix.12:13:13
@lonelycutiepie:matrix.orglonelycutiepieI was just in the mood of a little philosophy12:22:02
In reply to @lonelycutiepie:matrix.org
i think turtle like shells are way better
not if you encounter mario the goatse
@noodle:catgirl.cloudNoodle invited @0x0000005:matrix.org0x0000005.17:42:09
@0x0000005:matrix.org0x0000005 joined the room.17:42:24

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