
Chat [WadBot]

1025 Members
Support: ask in Here or DM @sleep1337:matrix.org Website: https://wadbot.lol WadBot HUB/Invite: https://matrix.to/#/#wadbot-hub:matrix.org League of legends LoL Script 5 Servers

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17 Apr 2024
@totteroo:matrix.orgJäätelö TötteröIs wadbot shutted down or why isnt it working?13:04:03
In reply to @noobemirig:matrix.org
And btw scripts on valorant exists, so there will be on league too even with vanguard
yes there obviously will be but it will take time to develop something that isnt detected like wad
@sleep1337:matrix.orgclumsylulzwadbot is back up and running. Feel free to try it out, though all the risk is on you14:36:10
@status009:matrix.orgalex nikoClum troll us🤭. Joke 🤣16:03:56
@mafialol:matrix.orgmafialolwould you not get people to test it before releasing new one16:07:59
@mafialol:matrix.orgmafialolVanguard isnt out yet its coming next patch16:14:38
@mafialol:matrix.orgmafialolaccording to riot "K3o"16:14:51
Download clipboard.png
@mafialol:matrix.orgmafialolevery region but philippines is safe for now16:19:49
18 Apr 2024
@ju4le7:matrix.orgdawid mateja joined the room.05:08:22
@ju4le7:matrix.orgdawid matejayo it says to me i cant try trial theres a red dot on mobile05:08:48
@status009:matrix.orgalex nikohttps://discord.com/invite/VwueZNUD05:41:43
@status009:matrix.orgalex nikoGuys, if someone wants to try my orbwalker, you can join my discord and try it😀05:42:40
@status009:matrix.orgalex nikoExternal script 05:43:02
@status009:matrix.orgalex nikoIf someone problem just dm me, and I answer when I can05:44:02
@status009:matrix.orgalex niko* If some problem just dm me, and I answer when I can05:44:15
@status009:matrix.orgalex nikoIs not a stealer or something like this!06:02:35
@status009:matrix.orgalex nikoI just beginner in coding and sharing bcs want to let try for people 06:03:37
@status009:matrix.orgalex nikoClum know about me06:13:08
@mvom88:matrix.orgMario Oliveira joined the room.07:26:45
@vuk200:matrix.orgchaotic idiot joined the room.12:42:57
@vuk200:matrix.orgchaotic idiotdid someone get banned cause of wadbot?12:43:31
@ju4le7:matrix.orgdawid matejayo clumz i need help14:30:01
@ju4le7:matrix.orgdawid matejawhen i press f10 nothing pops up but it shows ready14:30:10
@miyabe45:matrix.orgFelipe Miyabe Fontana joined the room.20:36:37
@miyabe45:matrix.orgFelipe Miyabe Fontanacan someone help me20:36:50
@miyabe45:matrix.orgFelipe Miyabe Fontanaim having an error20:37:32
19 Apr 2024
@heletelid:matrix.orgheletelidwadbot doesnt open just me or everyone the same?00:06:08
@mortero:matrix.org@mortero:matrix.org joined the room.02:43:22
@mortero:matrix.org@mortero:matrix.org left the room.02:43:40

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