
Chat [WadBot]

1203 Members
Support: ask in Here or DM @sleep1337:matrix.org Website: https://wadbot.lol WadBot HUB/Invite: https://matrix.to/#/#wadbot-hub:matrix.org League of legends LoL Script 5 Servers

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22 Jul 2024
@ubermidlane:matrix.orgUber Mid Lanecheck here https://matrix.to/#/#WadBotConfigs:matrix.org04:42:17
@ubermidlane:matrix.orgUber Mid Lanemake sure you have these settings.04:42:30
Download image.png
@antonguno:matrix.organtoni have those exact settings still doesnt work :(05:00:02
@ubermidlane:matrix.orgUber Mid Lanewhat about your lol settings?05:34:00
@ubermidlane:matrix.orgUber Mid Lane2024-07-22 01_34_26-Window.png
Download 2024-07-22 01_34_26-Window.png
@ubermidlane:matrix.orgUber Mid Laneyou need to have these settings05:34:54
@ubermidlane:matrix.orgUber Mid Lane anton: 05:35:57
@antonguno:matrix.organtonyeah i have those settings14:47:38
@antonguno:matrix.organtonweird how it dont work for me hmm14:47:48
@grubypdw:matrix.orgKuba joined the room.16:23:32
@grubypdw:matrix.orgKubaYo can i refund wadbot?16:25:00
@ubermidlane:matrix.orgUber Mid Lane
In reply to @antonguno:matrix.org
yeah i have those settings
add me on discord and screen share so i can try to help ya out and see if we can find a solution
@ubermidlane:matrix.orgUber Mid Laneill send it in dms18:16:38
@ratcist:matrix.orgratwadbot is not detected?18:48:00
@ubermidlane:matrix.orgUber Mid Laneits not detected yet19:59:23
@ubermidlane:matrix.orgUber Mid Lanethankfully, although it could just be a data collection phase but nobody is sure but its still ud and semi-functional.20:00:15
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org left the room.22:37:33
23 Jul 2024
@tylerdurdenbr:matrix.orgTyler Durden1 day key is sould out , i would like to try wad06:07:25
@...-...:matrix.orgMalik joined the room.06:18:21
24 Jul 2024
@maslomaslane107:matrix.org@maslomaslane107:matrix.org joined the room.01:19:27
In reply to @ubermidlane:matrix.org
thankfully, although it could just be a data collection phase but nobody is sure but its still ud and semi-functional.
how much it will last?
@ratcist:matrix.orgratnow is hwid ban right not only account01:39:41
@maslomaslane107:matrix.org@maslomaslane107:matrix.org left the room.01:57:02
@ubermidlane:matrix.orgUber Mid Laneive never seen hwid bans on league so i dont think so05:44:35
@ubermidlane:matrix.orgUber Mid Lanejust keep in mind that at the end of the day, there will always be risk's to using this regardless of its ud or not since players can still report if it looks fishy to them.05:45:41
@ubermidlane:matrix.orgUber Mid Lanebut that aside i think wad is still ud for now.05:45:58
@ubermidlane:matrix.orgUber Mid Laneonly time will tell for how long but since wad didnt get hit when vanguard came out is a good sign.05:46:30
26 Jul 2024
@jbinks:matrix.orgfeergegrr ergergreg joined the room.11:26:08
@jbinks:matrix.orgfeergegrr ergergregHi, I can't get free trial, what is that : Datacenter is red ?11:39:48

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