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A fancy, customizable, keyboard-operable Matrix client ⬩ Latest release: 0.4.2 ⬩ https://github.com/mirukana/mirage63 Servers

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9 Oct 2024
@art200877:envs.netart200877 joined the room.23:19:07
13 Oct 2024
@pogostick:matrix.orgpogostick joined the room.21:43:59
15 Oct 2024
@pedocepe:matrix.orgFabian F. left the room.08:38:05
11 Nov 2024
@matrix638:matrix.org@matrix638:matrix.org joined the room.06:55:00
@matrix638:matrix.org@matrix638:matrix.org left the room.06:58:02
25 Nov 2024
@nea:nea.moeNea changed their profile picture.17:42:58
22 Mar 2020
@miruka:matrix.orgmiruka changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".13:52:35
@miruka:privacytools.iomiruka (alt) joined the room.13:53:06
@miruka:matrix.orgmiruka changed the room topic to "A fancy, customizable, keyboard-operable Matrix client ⬩ https://github.com/mirukana/mirage" from "A fancy, customizable, keyboard-operable Matrix client ◆ https://github.com/mirukana/mirage".13:54:21
@miruka:matrix.orgmiruka changed the history visibility to "shared" from "world_readable".13:54:50
@miruka:matrix.orgmiruka changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".13:58:32
@voyager:t2bot.ioMatrix Traveler (bot) joined the room.14:14:37
@fphemeral:privacytools.iofphemeral joined the room.14:15:10

I don't know too much about debian, isn't Qt 5.12 available in the testing repo?

@fphemeral:privacytools.iofphemeralyes newer packages are there, but would need to be enabled on the machine.14:17:20
@fphemeral:privacytools.iofphemeralI was wondering if you were thinking about packaging it for flatpak maybe?14:17:59
@fphemeral:privacytools.iofphemeralthat way it would be platform independent..14:18:14
@fphemeral:privacytools.iofphemeraldo not get me wrogn: I am super happy there is the appimage, and I do not want to impose work on you!14:18:47

Is it an issue, like you'll need to upgrade your whole system? Otherwise, can debian use PPA like Ubuntu?

@fphemeral:privacytools.iofphemeralbut I feel like mirage might be able to fill a gap for librem514:19:24

(don't worry about it)

@fphemeral:privacytools.iofphemeralas the clients are either not very adaptive (riot) or missing core features like e2ee (like fractal)14:19:56

I'll look more at flatpak soon, last time I tried it years ago it was a bad experience

@miruka:matrix.orgmirukalike 300MB of dependencies and a overcomplicated command to launch anything14:20:34
@rinigus:matrix.orgrinigus joined the room.14:21:39
@fphemeral:privacytools.iofphemeralwell I think, for myself I can manage to get it to run on my machine, I was just thinking it would be a nice story to tell "regular" folks just flatpak install..14:21:58
@fphemeral:privacytools.iofphemeralon librem5 the flatpaks are showing up also in the software center, so gui-only-folks could even run it.. (-:14:22:41
@miruka:matrix.orgmirukayeah, I definitly want to make it easy to install for anyone14:22:52
@miruka:privacytools.iomiruka (alt) changed their display name from miruka to miruka (alt).14:23:21
@fphemeral:privacytools.iofphemeralI mean on tails linux it was a charm with the appimage! (-:14:23:43

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