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18 Apr 2024
@clefebvre:matrix.org@clefebvre:matrix.org joined the room.20:56:38
@clefebvre:matrix.org@clefebvre:matrix.org left the room.23:35:07
19 Apr 2024
@ataru_moroboshi:matrix.orgataru_moroboshi joined the room.06:25:50
@joshii_h:matrix.orgJoshua Hirsig joined the room.12:21:32
@x1101:matrix.orgLyle (He/Him) (@x1101) joined the room.14:33:00
@akselmo:matrix.akselmo.dev@akselmo:matrix.akselmo.dev left the room.17:03:48
@jsbillings:fedora.imjsbillingsWill using btrfs on my laptop murder cause my laptop to explode, or merely catch on fire?17:29:40
@jsbillings:fedora.imjsbillings * Will using btrfs on my laptop cause my laptop to explode, or merely catch on fire?17:29:56
In reply to @jsbillings:fedora.im
Will using btrfs on my laptop cause my laptop to explode, or merely catch on fire?
It’s been the default since Fedora 33. I would expect it to just quietly work.
@music:fedora.immusicBut you never know with laptops and thermal events. 🚒17:34:46
@knurpht:opensuse.orgknurpht - Gertjan
In reply to @jsbillings:fedora.im
Will using btrfs on my laptop cause my laptop to explode, or merely catch on fire?
Yes. But thanks to btrfs it will keep burning for at least 25 years, so not too bad at all.
@jsbillings:fedora.imjsbillingsjudging from the way people complain about btrfs being so terrible, I just assume it will just spontaneously explode if I put the laptop down too hard.17:41:01
@jsbillings:fedora.imjsbillings(I've been deploying laptops with btrfs for about a year now, and have been very happy)17:41:20
@jsbillings:fedora.imjsbillingsjust a little over 2500 devices so far17:42:36
@sfaulken:fedora.imSFaulkenin well over a decade of using btrfs, I've yet to have a data loss, that wasn't self inflicted17:46:44
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirikI had data loss with btrfs... but it was like 6+ years ago. ;)17:52:21
@cryptkatty:matrix.orgDamien my ssd don't like btrfs, I tried it in opensuse too and always high CPU usage 18:08:34
@cryptkatty:matrix.orgDamien I'll try btrfs again on a new hardware  18:08:57
@odi-3:fedora.imAngeloHi everyone. I have a question regarding Fedora Workstation: is a recovery btrfs snapshot automatically taken every time an update is performed?19:05:23
@jsbillings:fedora.imjsbillingsif you want something like that, something like Silverblue might be a better OS19:20:00
@jsbillings:fedora.imjsbillingswhile I know there are some tools to do this, it's not part of the Fedora install19:20:13
In reply to @jsbillings:fedora.im
if you want something like that, something like Silverblue might be a better OS

Thanks for your feedback
I found this: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/BtrfsWithFullSystemSnapshots#:~:text=When%20users%20select%20Btrfs%20for,boot%20into%20for%20recovery%20purposes.

Yes I know Timeshift software that can do this. But I don't like it because it's not graphically consistent with GNOME. It's strange that for a system as cutting-edge as Fedora, no such out-of-the-box implementation was thought of.

20 Apr 2024
@farchord:matrix.orgFarchord [Fedora]
In reply to @odi-3:fedora.im

Thanks for your feedback
I found this: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/BtrfsWithFullSystemSnapshots#:~:text=When%20users%20select%20Btrfs%20for,boot%20into%20for%20recovery%20purposes.

Yes I know Timeshift software that can do this. But I don't like it because it's not graphically consistent with GNOME. It's strange that for a system as cutting-edge as Fedora, no such out-of-the-box implementation was thought of.

Timeshift works fine, but the distro has to use Ubuntu's partitioning scheme. If they don't (And we don't), then you'll have a hard time.
In reply to @farchord:matrix.org
Timeshift works fine, but the distro has to use Ubuntu's partitioning scheme. If they don't (And we don't), then you'll have a hard time.
As mentioned Timeshift is not an option for me. I would like something better integrated with the system. snapper seems like a great solution, but it would be better if it was configured upstream and was out-of-the-box for the end user.
In reply to @odi-3:fedora.im
As mentioned Timeshift is not an option for me. I would like something better integrated with the system. snapper seems like a great solution, but it would be better if it was configured upstream and was out-of-the-box for the end user.
If you're not bound to btrfs snapshots then backintime (with the backintime-qt front end) might be an option for you; it's operating file (or folder) wise and uses rsync for synchronisation. Backintime also offers a root-mode that could be used for making (and restoring) system folders backups.
In reply to @newbeelike:fedora.im
If you're not bound to btrfs snapshots then backintime (with the backintime-qt front end) might be an option for you; it's operating file (or folder) wise and uses rsync for synchronisation. Backintime also offers a root-mode that could be used for making (and restoring) system folders backups.
My filesystem is a btrfs. Thank you for the suggestion. I would like to take this opportunity to ask wich is the right room in Matrix to suggest this out-of-the-box implementation to developers. In my opinion it shouldn't be too complicated to implement; distributions like Manjaro and others already do this.
@harkonnen2:matrix.orgharkonnen2 joined the room.14:28:21
21 Apr 2024
@finnswake:mozilla.orgfinnswake joined the room.01:44:47
@devurandom:matrix.org@devurandom:matrix.org left the room.13:38:29

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