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6 Aug 2024
@bj-rn:matrix.orgbj-rn changed their profile picture.09:42:20
@philipp_prt:matrix.orgprt changed their display name from philipp_prt to prt.14:10:33
@bj-rn:matrix.orgbj-rn Hey texone just watched the second Fuse workshop on noises. Nice stuff. Was wondering if you could somehow share the noise overview miro board as pdf (maybe add it as resource to the Fuse nuget)? 15:00:36
7 Aug 2024
@raphaeldupont30:matrix.orgRaphael DupontpleaideTofuse.PNG
Download pleaideTofuse.PNG
@raphaeldupont30:matrix.orgRaphael Dupont texone: texone Hello Everyone, its my foot here! I followed all the fuse workshops, Thanks again texone :) During your workshop I've noticed the pleiades (Augmenta) logo on your desktop so I Think you will probably my answer with you. So I'm using the last tracking system by augmenta and I received the point cloud of each objet via websocket .... I want to used those cluster of point as source of emmision in Fuse ... But I dont Know To input A spread of spread into a bufferIn of fuse... How do I keep the ID of each cluster and not only each point... 18:08:18
@raphaeldupont30:matrix.orgRaphael DupontTnaks you :)18:08:33
8 Aug 2024
@tim_ru:matrix.orgtim_ruDownload BufferGroups.vl13:02:21
@tim_ru:matrix.orgtim_ru You can do it like this. Use a Flatten node to get a buffer of Vector3 and then you can use the count of the individual groups to determine which group you are addressing 13:03:57
@tim_ru:matrix.orgtim_ru you could also add a custom attribute "GroupID" to the particle system and write the result of the < as an int to it, then you can use that for all lerps or switches you use later on 13:09:19
@maximesouvestre:matrix.orgMaximeHello ! I am digging into Fuse now, and have a question regarding the For loop. I have a calculation which is currently using a ForEach loop and obviously it is not really optimized. So, I would like to use a For (Fuse) loop instead, but I don't understand how to get the same results because of the lack of splicer output.14:54:10
Download image.png
@maximesouvestre:matrix.orgMaximeHere is what I am doing with the ForEach loop14:54:34
Download image.png
@maximesouvestre:matrix.orgMaximeAnd this is my current attempt14:54:53
@maximesouvestre:matrix.orgMaximeBecause there is no splicer output, the AppendBuffer and AppendItem are accumulated to just one ComputeStage. With the ForEach loop, I have a ComputeStage per Buffer. I don't see how it change that. Also, because I can't output the result of AppendBuffer to a Spread, I was thinking of using another Buffer to store the values. But it seems that I can't use Index witch SetItem. I don't understand that.14:59:05
@maximesouvestre:matrix.orgMaxime *

Because there is no splicer output, the AppendBuffer and AppendItem are accumulated to just one ComputeStage. With the ForEach loop, I have a ComputeStage per Buffer. I don't see how it change that.

Also, because I can't output the result of AppendBuffer to a Spread, I was thinking of using another Buffer to store the values. But it seems that I can't use Index witch SetItem. I don't understand that.

@maximesouvestre:matrix.orgMaximeAny clue?15:00:45
@maximesouvestre:matrix.orgMaxime *

Because there is no splicer output, the AppendBuffer and AppendItem are accumulated to just one ComputeStage. With the ForEach loop, I have a ComputeStage per Buffer. I don't see how to change that.

Also, because I can't output the result of AppendBuffer to a Spread, I was thinking of using another Buffer to store the values. But it seems that I can't use Index witch SetItem. I don't understand that.

@maximesouvestre:matrix.orgMaxime *

Because there is no splicer output, the AppendBuffer and AppendItem are accumulated to just one ComputeStage. With the ForEach loop, I have a ComputeStage per Buffer. I don't see how to change that.

Also, because I can't output the result of AppendBuffer to a Spread, I was thinking of using another Buffer to store the values. But it seems that I can't use Index with SetItem. I don't understand that.

@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjanI think you should unpack the loop one level. A compute shader itself is already a for each loop. Check out the intro of my shader workshop to get a general understanding of the concepts involved in a compute shader... 15:07:00
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjanAs for the splicer, you would need 8 buffers, same as in your first screenshot 15:11:23
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjanAs you are using append, you need to separate the state if each of the append buffers15:12:11
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjanYou can't use one append buffer for all15:12:40
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjan* As you are using append, you need to separate the state of each of the append buffers15:13:03
In reply to @tebjan:matrix.org
I think you should unpack the loop one level. A compute shader itself is already a for each loop. Check out the intro of my shader workshop to get a general understanding of the concepts involved in a compute shader...
Thank, I will check it. Just saw the one available on YouTube on vvvvTv, but not the one on TNI
In reply to @tebjan:matrix.org
As for the splicer, you would need 8 buffers, same as in your first screenshot
So I can't use one buffer with 8 entries? I will need 8 buffers with just 1 entry?
In reply to @maximesouvestre:matrix.org

Because there is no splicer output, the AppendBuffer and AppendItem are accumulated to just one ComputeStage. With the ForEach loop, I have a ComputeStage per Buffer. I don't see how to change that.

Also, because I can't output the result of AppendBuffer to a Spread, I was thinking of using another Buffer to store the values. But it seems that I can't use Index with SetItem. I don't understand that.

Also check out the compute workshop from @texone:matrix.org: there is an example of atomic increments. You can getItem and Set item of 8 values in a compute buffer. Instead of using append
In reply to @tebjan:matrix.org
You can't use one append buffer for all
Yes I would like to separate each AppendBuffer like I did in the first screenshot. I just couldn't find a way to do so for now, that's one of the reason why I am blocked
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjanI think it's called InterlockedAdd but it can slow down the shader quite a bit 15:22:09
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjanAs all threads need to be synced 15:22:32

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