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Channel for those working on the JS side of the interplanetary stack (e.g, IPFS, libp2p, IPLD). Bridged to #ip-js in IPFS Discord and Filecoin Slack.2 Servers

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20 Jul 2024
@glassagile23:matrix.org@glassagile23:matrix.org left the room.14:07:48
@_discord_300213925214027776:ipfs.iodannyname joined the room.17:09:01
21 Jul 2024
@_discord_854951119125348372:ipfs.iobrian18088 joined the room.08:18:18
@_discord_760938162813665372:ipfs.ioanh.nguyenquang joined the room.08:56:19
22 Jul 2024
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org left the room.22:36:49
23 Jul 2024
@_discord_949497352375377940:ipfs.iogungho_0619 changed their display name from gungho_0619 to gungho_0619#0.14:19:13
@_discord_949497352375377940:ipfs.iogungho_0619 changed their display name from gungho_0619#0 to gungho_0619.14:19:45
@doug1ad:matrix.orgDoug joined the room.21:05:58
24 Jul 2024
@_discord_1164899355027853333:ipfs.iogaurav_52811 joined the room.07:23:30
@_discord_1077945655076597831:ipfs.ioJoseph Lee joined the room.10:53:20
@_discord_1077945655076597831:ipfs.ioJoseph Lee changed their display name from joseph.99. to Joseph Lee.11:36:17
@_discord_1077945655076597831:ipfs.ioJoseph Lee 11:36:27
25 Jul 2024
@_discord_1143945589818671135:ipfs.iosenator_sammy_ joined the room.02:39:53
@_discord_1060123820452757524:ipfs.ioddkenji joined the room.08:52:35
@_slack_filecoinproject_U068YJG1MRC:ipfs.ioEloy Hello, I am using @helia/ipns package and I started to have issues due to the following line in the package, where an autoincrement is used and we are having issues when using metamask (issue comes from metamask extension, that seems to be using lockdown or secure ecmascript(ses)) and breaks the page. You can see the issue navigating to the console in this link if you open it with metamask extension. Would it be needed to modify that line? Or am I wrong? Thanks a lot. 16:06:02
@_slack_filecoinproject_U06CJ0DLG85:ipfs.ioAlex Potsides The foundInvalid variable is being in-lined with the value 0 - https://github.com/ipfs/helia/blob/f16c9eac32677333313c433eb918b705439c0819/packages/ipns/src/index.ts#L619 16:19:57
@_slack_filecoinproject_U06CJ0DLG85:ipfs.ioAlex Potsides So it executes 0++ which results in the error: 16:20:30
@_slack_filecoinproject_U068YJG1MRC:ipfs.ioEloy Thanks a lot Alex Potsides, looks like next.js version was not minifying properly as you mentioned and by upgrading it it worked properly. Thanks again! 20:42:32
@_slack_filecoinproject_U01MVUHC342:ipfs.iobiglep (OOO until Aug 1) changed their display name from biglep to biglep (OOO until Aug 1).21:06:38
26 Jul 2024
@_slack_filecoinproject_U03QG4BLLNP:ipfs.iotabcat are there any existing benchmarks for the datastore/blockstore interfaces? 10:38:49
@_slack_filecoinproject_U06CJ0DLG85:ipfs.ioAlex Potsides Nothing cross-implementation, no - just some ad-hoc ones like https://github.com/ipfs/js-stores/tree/main/packages/blockstore-fs/benchmarks/encoding 11:17:31
@_slack_filecoinproject_U03QG4BLLNP:ipfs.iotabcat preliminary results on blockstore-opfs. i set to 500k iterations because i was testing the flatdirectory sharding with opfs (which seems to work best even if the root dir is large?) 12:38:55
@_slack_filecoinproject_U04RGEXKE1M:ipfs.ioPrashant Mittal I am trying to figure out a way to get some feedback on the pins.add call. Since this is a time taking operation we run the content pinning in the background, but want to have some sort of feedback on if/when/how much progress has the pinning process made on the remote helia node. I can see there is a isPinned method available, ideally, I am looking for something which can show me like a in-progress state and how much progress has happened 12:52:54
@_slack_filecoinproject_U06CJ0DLG85:ipfs.ioAlex Potsides Have you tried using the onProgress option to helia.pins.add? The callback will be invoked as the DAG is traversed and CIDs are pinned - https://helia.io/interfaces/_helia_interface.pins.AddOptions.html 13:10:45
@_slack_filecoinproject_U04RGEXKE1M:ipfs.ioPrashant Mittal yeah, went through the code and saw the onProgress Event being generator. tyring that out 13:11:40
@_slack_filecoinproject_U04RGEXKE1M:ipfs.ioPrashant Mittal thanks 13:11:47
@_slack_filecoinproject_U06CJ0DLG85:ipfs.ioAlex Potsides It’s hard to get a completion percentage, because given a CID you don’t know how deep the DAG underneath it is, but you can make an educated guess for some codecs. For example if you’re pinning a UnixFS file, you can read the root block which will tell you the total size of the file, then when the onProgress callback is invoked with a CID, if you load and parse the block for the CID and it’s a leaf node (e.g. file data), you can work out how far through the file you are if you keep a count of the byte size of the leaf nodes previously encountered. It’s harder for codecs like DAG-CBOR or DAG-JSON unless there’s some metadata in the root block you can interpret. 13:16:04
@_slack_filecoinproject_U04RGEXKE1M:ipfs.ioPrashant Mittal I am getting this event multiple times on logging the call back.
CustomProgressEvent {
  type: 'helia:pin:add',
  defaultPrevented: false,
  cancelable: false,
  timeStamp: 83311.771292
Is this once per block pinned in a CID? Any advice on how to utilise this. I don’t see a lot of info here
@_slack_filecoinproject_U06CJ0DLG85:ipfs.ioAlex Potsides Yes, once per pinned block - access the .detail field to get the CID that’s been pinned. If you’re using TypeScript you can disambiguate the event type by switching on the .type field. 13:34:33
@_slack_filecoinproject_U03QG4BLLNP:ipfs.iotabcat its not as fast as indexeddb for our usecase so im going to stop working on them https://github.com/ipfs/js-stores/pull/314 13:47:22

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