
Subscan Official

322 Members
8 Servers

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3 Jul 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - OOO July 8.11:07:32
@keegan:web3.foundationKeegan | W3F changed their display name from Keegan | W3F to Keegan | W3F - OOO 4th of July.22:29:18
5 Jul 2024
@sintayew44:matrix.orgsintayew44 joined the room.12:06:10
@sintayew44:matrix.orgsintayew44[ { "name": "currency_id", "type": "crust_parachain_runtime:CurrencyId", "type_name": "CurrencyId", "value": { "SelfReserve": "NULL" } }, { "name": "amount", "type": "U128", "type_name": "Balance", "value": "4989000000000000" }, { "name": "dest", "type": "staging_xcm:VersionedMultiLocation", "type_name": "Box<VersionedMultiLocation>", "value": { "V2": { "interior": { "X2": { "col0": { "Parachain": 2034 }, "col1": { "AccountId32": { "id": "0xd2a08bbfd2db378d4fdeb38ff0ee54235bf17b89488678ab1aef295c1a0ab376", "network": { "Any": "NULL" } } } } }, "parents": 1 } } }, { "name": "dest_weight_limit", "type": "staging_xcm:v3:WeightLimit", "type_name": "WeightLimit", "value": { "Unlimited": "NULL" } } ]12:06:24
@keegan:web3.foundationKeegan | W3F changed their display name from Keegan | W3F - OOO 4th of July to Keegan | W3F.13:08:06
8 Jul 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - OOO July 8 to David | W3F.06:50:02
@radha:web3.foundationRadha ooo Aug 13 changed their display name from Radha to Radha @ETHCC.08:47:33
9 Jul 2024
@spicyhotwings:matrix.orgspicyhotwings changed their profile picture.04:45:49
11 Jul 2024
@radha:web3.foundationRadha ooo Aug 13 changed their display name from Radha @ETHCC to Radha @Polkadot Decoded.10:15:06
14 Jul 2024
@radha:web3.foundationRadha ooo Aug 13 changed their display name from Radha @Polkadot Decoded to Radha.07:13:08
15 Jul 2024
@keegan:web3.foundationKeegan | W3F changed their display name from Keegan | W3F to Keegan | W3F - OOO.11:19:53
16 Jul 2024
@keegan:web3.foundationKeegan | W3F changed their display name from Keegan | W3F - OOO to Keegan | W3F.13:30:52
@filippo:web3.foundationFilippo | W3F changed their display name from Filippo | W3F to Filippo | W3F OOO.17:52:10
18 Jul 2024
@bill:web3.foundationBill | W3F changed their display name from Bill | W3F to Bill | W3F - ooo 18 Jul.05:18:31
@filippo:web3.foundationFilippo | W3F changed their display name from Filippo | W3F OOO to Filippo | W3F.05:53:44
19 Jul 2024
@keegan:web3.foundationKeegan | W3F changed their display name from Keegan | W3F to Keegan | W3F - OOO July 19th.00:27:23
@bill:web3.foundationBill | W3F changed their display name from Bill | W3F - ooo 18 Jul to Bill | W3F.06:06:32
21 Jul 2024
@opensourcefs:matrix.orgOpen “Dataivixiqpdb” Source joined the room.08:44:26
@spicyhotwings:matrix.orgspicyhotwingsHey Subscan I'm just writing to express my opinion and enquiring about the rationale behind the current funding strategy for Subscan infrastructure. As you already know, Subscan is a critical infrastructural piece for the Polkadot/Substrate ecosystem. Given its essentiality, it is surprising to me that Subscan is not funded through OpenGov treasury or at least subsidised to help cut development costs for both parachains/cores and applications running on top. Funding such a systematic infrastructure could potentially: 1. Reduce Development Costs: By subsidizing Subscan, the treasury could help lower the barrier to entry for new projects and networks, enabling them to focus resources on innovation rather than infrastructure costs. 2. Enhance Ecosystem Growth: Reliable and accessible explorer services and API are vital for the growth and adoption of the ecosystem. 3. Support Sustainability: Providing consistent funding or subsidies can help ensure the long-term sustainability and continuous improvement of Subscan. I would definitely be an advocate in supporting an OpenGov proposal requesting for funding or at least subsidies some of the overhead costs. Would love to discuss this further 23:56:10
22 Jul 2024

Support 100% for an OpenGov proposal. Definitely you guys should go for it

Subscan should be funded as public or common good - it’s beneficial to parachains and ecosystem

@yakio:matrix.orgYakio | Subscan
In reply to @spicyhotwings:matrix.org
Hey Subscan

I'm just writing to express my opinion and enquiring about the rationale behind the current funding strategy for Subscan infrastructure. As you already know, Subscan is a critical infrastructural piece for the Polkadot/Substrate ecosystem.

Given its essentiality, it is surprising to me that Subscan is not funded through OpenGov treasury or at least subsidised to help cut development costs for both parachains/cores and applications running on top. Funding such a systematic infrastructure could potentially:

1. Reduce Development Costs: By subsidizing Subscan, the treasury could help lower the barrier to entry for new projects and networks, enabling them to focus resources on innovation rather than infrastructure costs.

2. Enhance Ecosystem Growth: Reliable and accessible explorer services and API are vital for the growth and adoption of the ecosystem.

3. Support Sustainability: Providing consistent funding or subsidies can help ensure the long-term sustainability and continuous improvement of Subscan.

I would definitely be an advocate in supporting an OpenGov proposal requesting for funding or at least subsidies some of the overhead costs.

Would love to discuss this further

Thank you for your attention to and support for Subscan, as well as for your sincere suggestions for its development.

I'm happy to share our recent plans with you. We are planning to release the reimbursement for the latest cycle's operation and maintenance fees this week. Regarding proposals related to Coretime/Bridgehub, we will prioritize them and include them in our schedule as soon as possible.

We truly appreciate your advocacy for subsidies for Subscan. Your insights into reducing development costs, enhancing ecosystem growth, and supporting sustainability are Invaluable. It would be a pleasure to discuss more with you.

@keegan:web3.foundationKeegan | W3F changed their display name from Keegan | W3F - OOO July 19th to Keegan | W3F.04:25:29
24 Jul 2024
@radha:web3.foundationRadha ooo Aug 13image.png
Download image.png
@radha:web3.foundationRadha ooo Aug 13Is it possible to change calling Polkadot as Polkadot Parachain to may be relay chain or mainnet?18:26:10
@radha:web3.foundationRadha ooo Aug 13 * Is it possible to update referring Polkadot as Polkadot Parachain to relay chain or mainnet?18:26:45
@radha:web3.foundationRadha ooo Aug 13 * Polkadot is currently referred to as Polkadot Parachain. Could you change it to relay chain or maybe mainnet?18:27:42
25 Jul 2024
@yakio:matrix.orgYakio | Subscanthank you for your report! will update soon!05:18:50
@radha:web3.foundationRadha ooo Aug 13 changed their display name from Radha to Radha ooo Aug 13.14:55:02
26 Jul 2024
@juan:web3.foundationJuanma | W3F | OoO changed their display name from Juanma | W3F to Juanma | W3F | OoO.06:45:42
@carlhong:matrix.orgCarl | SubscanIt is updated now.09:26:28

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