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18 Jun 2018
@max:kamax.ioMaximusgit is definitely not designed for pictures and audio, especially if they go into the MBs sizing, as it significantly reduces overall speed over time17:03:47
@max:kamax.ioMaximusand I can definitely see those pictures and audio being edited often, as they would be the content itself17:04:05
@classywhetten:matrix.orgclassywhettenIs there a tool or framework that you'd recommend for pictures and audio then?17:21:59
@max:kamax.ioMaximusI would have to look, I'm not aware of one - I think it's one of the challenges of now17:23:18
@max:kamax.ioMaximusbut maybe a version control tool is not the right fit itself. maybe something more CRM based that can easily deal with binary diffs17:23:46
@classywhetten:matrix.orgclassywhetten invited @monicalwhite:matrix.orgmonicalwhite.17:26:36
@monicalwhite:matrix.orgmonicalwhite joined the room.17:26:40
@classywhetten:matrix.orgclassywhetten monicalwhite: Welcome to the group! 17:27:49
@thematizer:matrix.orgart|code Maximus classywhetten are you guys familiar with ResourceSpace? open source media asset management software 18:38:26
@max:kamax.ioMaximusnever heard, will check18:39:36
@thematizer:matrix.orgart|code Also classywhetten this may not be good news but ideally the system would be able to store and display video assets as well. 18:41:23
@thematizer:matrix.orgart|code monicalwhite: welcome! 18:41:42
@max:kamax.ioMaximusoh boy, video too eh18:42:18
@max:kamax.ioMaximusdefinitely not git then18:42:23
@thematizer:matrix.orgart|codemaybe there is a way to just store links or pointers to a separate file system?18:45:17
@thematizer:matrix.orgart|codeWe have some experience forking/customizing ResourceSpace. Although that was the version from 5 years ago. Unclear whether they now support video and audio.18:47:55
@max:kamax.ioMaximusyes, even tho you definitely want to avoid de-duplicating content that doesn't change. The real question is: how much will not actually change once encoded18:49:48
@max:kamax.ioMaximusI don't know much of the impact of encoding of media upon the change accross the file18:50:13
@max:kamax.ioMaximusI would think one small change would lead to changes all the way up to the end, but maybe "change" doesn't make sense that way. Maybe each iteration is actually to be considered an invidivual, standalone piece18:51:05
@max:kamax.ioMaximusthat's more a question for you guys, as creators18:51:11
@thematizer:matrix.orgart|codeyep, and it's unrelated to the federation part.18:51:50
@thematizer:matrix.orgart|codemy guess is we have a changelog and store the most recent version of each file / archive the rest 18:53:12
@thematizer:matrix.orgart|codeI don't have a clear sense of the schema for the data yet, but key would be making it easy to download / fork current resources -- approving new contributions (pull requests) would not be automatic -- and performance lag to access older versions of the same resource would be acceptable.18:55:22
@max:kamax.ioMaximusI see18:55:57
@thematizer:matrix.orgart|codeIn terms of the benefits of federation, I would basically see resilience to network outages / server failures and resistance to censorship.18:56:10
@thematizer:matrix.orgart|codeperhaps store thumbnails in Git -- full multimedia files elsewhere18:56:43
@max:kamax.ioMaximusso each item should be considered as a whole, instead of an incremental set of change. The meta-data about the item should be the incremental change - am I getting the idea right?18:56:50

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