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10 Jan 2024
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat DUDE EXACTLY 22:28:24
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat LMFAOOOOO 22:28:27
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I WAS JUST GOING TO CALL OMNITRIX ON THAT ONE 22:28:42
@_discord_335832425059975168:t2bot.ioSpooky Detective Lucario And then when she crashed, I personally think she might have just straight up unable to after the crash. 22:28:50
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat ...I mean, "cooldown" would strangely enough fix that particular ZM problem rather nicely, while also explaining why she doesn't lose the suit in other high-stress situations (aside from Other M, but frankly, those parts of Other M can suck my dong). 22:28:54
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody LOL Old Bird and Grey Voice put a play time limit on her suit. 22:29:11
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat That said, it would also cheapen the "fully powered" suit she gets in the ruins, as the whole point of that is her getting a Power Suit better than the one she had before. 22:29:36
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Like, it could still work logically, but...it doesn't feel as special, y'know? 22:29:57
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody Samus handles stress well. It's when things get uncomfortably close to her and her past that she's vulnerable. 22:30:09
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I dont think it's that difficult to piece together
I dont call "stress point" as Samus being mentally distressed in any way, but rather the Suit reaching a stress point of sorts
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat like ACs condensers shutting down when the room reaches the specificed temperature 22:30:51
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat Think about it, with this, the suit shutting down at the end of a mission sounds logical 22:31:21
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Look, all I'm saying is that her losing the suit because Adam hit her in the back with a bootlegged Ice Beam shot was the absolute height of stupidity (both in surrounding context and the action itself), and that there were much better ways they could have rendered Samus vulnerable for the purposes of those cutscenes. 22:31:26
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat not debating you on that one 22:31:39
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody Yeah that scene is stupid and contrived.
I don't have a problem with the Ridley scene though, unlike seemingly most Metroid fans.
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat And this is where I feel obliged to talk about the "Samus was actually terrified of the Space Pirates during her first mission until she got the upgraded suit" 22:32:31
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat * And this is where I feel obliged to talk about the "Samus was actually terrified of the Space Pirates during her first mission until she got the upgraded suit" headcanon 22:32:34
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat The whole "oh, she needs to concentrate out the wazoo to maintain that thing" explanation Sakamoto gave us is frankly dumb, full-stop, no two ways about it. At best, it's an ass-pull he came up with under pressure that wasn't very well thought-out. At worst, he somehow actually believes we'd buy that bunk, which would have...more serious implications. 22:32:59
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody I actually love the visual of activation and deactivation waves cascading through the suit as she tries desperately to hold it together. 22:33:04
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I dont get the hate on the Ridley scene
Granted, the scene could've been saved if they specified why Samus was panicking at all (and better it not be because of her past, but the fact Ridley somehow came back AGAIN and she didnt know why or how)
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody In my headcanon it's not concentration but composure that's necessary, as the suit has safety mechanisms in it to prevent abuse by someone unstable. 22:34:17
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Somebody should have put those mechanisms in Raven Beak's suit, lol 22:34:48
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody Heh. I doubt the Mawkin would have something like that at all. Seems more like a Thoha thing. 22:35:28
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Lol, well to be fair, we're assuming the Mawkin were high on that "hadar sen olmen" kush prior to his reign, and in the exact same "screw you, our guns are bigger" way that he is. I still think they had a more...reasonable outlook on the importance of power before he got the position. 22:36:32
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat E.g., "we make ourselves as strong as we can be for the sake of protecting our people," as opposed to flat-out "might makes right." 22:37:10
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody Yeah but they were never the pacifist philosophers the Thoha were. (That and their armor tech seems a few generations behind…) 22:37:26
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Oh, their armor tech is clearly just a case of Raven Beak hoarding the good stuff, either out of nepotism, a concern for what an X-cloned Chozo could do with the full package, or both. 22:38:07
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody It's effective, but I don't think it's anywhere near as sophisticated as Samus's suit.
It seems to be made of real, physical matter for one thing.
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Philosophy-wise, though, I do think they had a certain "code" of their own regarding how they conducted themselves. It was probably just much more in-line with a warrior's code of honor, as opposed to Thoha-brand "contemplate our navels" stuff. 22:39:29
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I got lost 22:40:22

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