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10 Jan 2024
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat what are we talking about again? 22:40:27
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Ah, right. We got off-topic. 22:40:36
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat Dont you find fascinating that we all have different ideas on how the suit works? 22:40:44
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat Cause I still stand by my own, among the other ideas I got on my spare mental time 22:41:19
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody That's what happens when you make all kinds of crazy stuff happen in your story and explain none of it. XD 22:41:22
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat You'd thinkg we've come to agreements in some places, though 22:42:08
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Kinda wound up on a bend about RB when we were initially trying to decipher why Samus couldn't just magic her suit back up in ZM. For the record, I do still consider the "Samus's suit has a cooldown after you turn it off" bit to be a good starting point, though I think there should also have been some additional factor that at the very least rendered her old suit unusable, so that the new Power Suit retains its importance. 22:42:12
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat but I guess that's what happens when you explain exactly nothing 22:42:23
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat * but I guess that's what happens when you explain exactly nothing as opposed to a little bit 22:42:38
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Given that the Power Suit (as shown in Fusion) can synthesize upgrades using program data, though, perhaps the reason Samus couldn't muster it back up in ZM was because something about the suit's data got "corrupted" in the crash, and the only stuff she could use to debug it was on the ship she totaled? 22:43:24
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat Isnt the upgraded power suit of ZM just an upgrade of the original suit? 22:43:28
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I dont think the old power suit loses it's purpose once she gets the updated one 22:43:51
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I mean, I dont think they are different suits at all 22:44:09
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody That's always been my interpretation but we once again have no real evidence. 22:44:22
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Look at how they both render the Varia Suit. The pauldron differences indicate to me that it's a new model...but to be fair, the series itself has flip-flopped on that a few times. 22:44:24
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat * I mean, I dont think they are different suits at all, but mere builds of the same hardware/software 22:44:28
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Old ZM suit had the pointed pauldrons for the Varia Suit. New "fully powered" suit had the round ones. 22:44:50
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat but isnt the ZM power suit similar to the power suit of Prime? 22:45:12
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat if we are talking about suit appearances 22:45:19
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody To me the pauldrons design indicates the suit's status as Warrior-Class, and the purpose of the Ruins Test was to enable Warrior-Class status on the suits of the warriors-in-training who beat it. 22:45:46
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I just think it's just Varia, like it always has 22:46:01
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Yeah, and I can give Prime a pass on that because it came out before Zero Mission...but what really bugs me is that the series in general has been downright schizophrenic on this. 22:46:07
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat but the old power suit simply changed the color of it 22:46:13
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat the update, uh... updated Varia's appearance 22:46:31
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I dont mind lol 22:46:48
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Like, Super Metroid had the round pauldrons for the base Power Suit, as did OM and (in its own way) Dread, but Samus Returns for some reason decided to go back to the pointed pauldrons. 22:46:52
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat so much for consistency 22:47:13
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Those holes in the lore where even the franchise itself is inconsistent are what bug me the most, yeah. 22:47:22
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Mysteries and "up to interpretation" elements of the lore I can deal with, but it really, really bugs me when Metroid breaks its own rules like that. 22:47:54
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I learned to live with them, it gives room for some neat headcanoning 22:48:09

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