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10 Jan 2024
@_discord_142433825241300992:t2bot.ioCo-Chief to the Idiocy Officer He may have conceived a lot of the series, but until Other M, he had people to reign in his ideas to be reasonable and consistent. 23:13:58
@_discord_142433825241300992:t2bot.ioCo-Chief to the Idiocy Officer * He may have conceived a lot of ideas for the series, but until Other M, he had people to reign in his ideas to be reasonable and consistent. 23:14:17
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat No, I completely get it 23:14:48
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat creators are not like they used to and that is unfortunate, same happes with Miyamoto 23:15:04
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat it sucks 23:15:05
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Yeah, that's the thing. Other M is to Sakamoto what Star Fox Zero is to Miyamoto...or what Daibatana is to John Romero. 23:15:18
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat * creators are not like they used to and that is unfortunate, same happens with Miyamoto 23:15:19
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Or what Mighty No. 9 is to Keiji Inafune. 23:15:37
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat ...I believe I dont get it 23:15:48
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat well, now that you mention Mighty, I KIND of get it? 23:15:56
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat My point is, it's an example of what happens when they forget that lanes exist, refuse to stay in their own, and instead insist on hogging the entire road. 23:16:18
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat If there's one lesson to be learned from cases like that, it's that no developer's success can be boiled down to one single person. 23:16:56
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I dont think that's a bad thing on it's own, limiting creativity is a dangerous thing to do 23:17:24
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I think it goes down to knowing where things are supposed to be going 23:17:39
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat discretion, moderation, not outright prohibiting 23:17:55
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat * discretion, moderation, not outright prohibiting, but walking things through a path where everyone is satisfied, if possible 23:18:15
@_discord_142433825241300992:t2bot.ioCo-Chief to the Idiocy Officer Yeah we’re talking about discretion and moderation. 23:18:20
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat And what is one person deciding to do everything in the development process unopposed, without any accepted feedback, if not outright prohibition of everyone else's ideas? 23:18:44
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat it becomes a problem, admittedly 23:19:19
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I still remember something silly 23:19:28
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat Other M went according to plan, not that it was a good plan, but still 23:19:38
@_discord_142433825241300992:t2bot.ioCo-Chief to the Idiocy Officer It went according to plan for Sakamoto. 23:19:50
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat Also I checked Reggie's note on that 23:20:13
@_discord_142433825241300992:t2bot.ioCo-Chief to the Idiocy Officer He’s the reason the controls are horrible despite Team Ninja knowing those controls wouldn’t work. 23:20:26
@_discord_142433825241300992:t2bot.ioCo-Chief to the Idiocy Officer * He’s the reason the controls are horrible despite Team Ninja knowing those controls wouldn’t work super well. 23:20:35
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat his optimism is something I found both wholesome and painful 23:20:36
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat * his optimism about the game is something I found both wholesome and painful 23:20:44
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat When I say "stay in your lane," I mean that if you're a level designer, that's where your focus should be. You can propose ideas to the writers, but at the end of the day, the writing is their job, and they get to decide whether or not your idea makes it into the finished product. If the lack of your idea in the writing makes the finished product worse, then well, that one's not on you; that's on the writers hearing an idea that would have improved the product, and shooting it down without properly weighing its merits. 23:20:57
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat Which sucks because that kind of gameplay could've worked wonders for Metroid 23:21:15
@_discord_142433825241300992:t2bot.ioCo-Chief to the Idiocy Officer Agreed. 23:21:49

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