

6 Members
For the days we live in people need to open up about themselves i know in the time that is now i am asking people to tell what is the good about the future of life ,what can i see if i am a singurity that can express with hope and get positive insites from the feel of the 7continents start and finish all with A1 Servers

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30 Nov 2019
@djundullah:matrix.org@djundullah:matrix.org joined the room.14:49:24
@djundullah:matrix.org@djundullah:matrix.org left the room.14:50:38
7 Dec 2019
@therod2:matrix.org@therod2:matrix.org joined the room.07:50:17
@therod2:matrix.org@therod2:matrix.org left the room.08:04:40
7 Jan 2020
@ebumeysem:matrix.org@ebumeysem:matrix.org joined the room.11:25:31
@ebumeysem:matrix.org@ebumeysem:matrix.org left the room.11:27:26
26 Jan 2020
@rookie_dick:matrix.org@rookie_dick:matrix.org joined the room.06:06:13
@rookie_dick:matrix.org@rookie_dick:matrix.org left the room.06:47:27
@sicsic:matrix.org@sicsic:matrix.org joined the room.23:03:10
@sicsic:matrix.org@sicsic:matrix.org left the room.23:03:47
1 Feb 2020
@cmar:matrix.org@cmar:matrix.org joined the room.04:32:37
@cmar:matrix.org@cmar:matrix.org left the room.04:33:25
11 Feb 2020
@icko69:matrix.orgicko69 joined the room.21:36:51
15 Feb 2020
@krtired:matrix.org@krtired:matrix.org joined the room.05:41:49
@krtired:matrix.org@krtired:matrix.org left the room.05:42:38
27 Feb 2020
@es2020:matrix.org@es2020:matrix.org joined the room.01:17:43
@es2020:matrix.org@es2020:matrix.org left the room.01:18:55
11 Mar 2020
@love.jabaly:matrix.org@love.jabaly:matrix.org joined the room.18:23:03
@love.jabaly:matrix.org@love.jabaly:matrix.org left the room.18:26:15
17 Mar 2020
@hitjfkdne:matrix.org@hitjfkdne:matrix.org joined the room.21:52:16
@hitjfkdne:matrix.org@hitjfkdne:matrix.org left the room.21:53:32
26 Mar 2020
@prima30:matrix.orgAndrey joined the room.15:12:44
27 Mar 2020
@bojanzdr:matrix.orgbojanzdr joined the room.12:55:29
30 Mar 2020
@notnowable:matrix.orgnotnowable joined the room.21:00:14
6 Apr 2020
@momer0383:matrix.orgmomer0383 joined the room.10:42:27
14 May 2020
@elanem:matrix.orgelanem joined the room.13:30:49
18 May 2020
@xazecosicz:matrix.org@xazecosicz:matrix.org changed the room name to "https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFLrCnapDs5" from "https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFLrCnapDs5EHzcqhA".20:53:01
@xazecosicz:matrix.org@xazecosicz:matrix.org changed the room topic to "For the days we live in people need to open up about themselves i know in the time that is now i am asking people to tell what is the good about the future of life ,what can i see if i am a singurity that can express with hope and get positive insites from the feel of the 7continents start and finish all with A" from "For the days we live in people need to open up about themselves i know in the time that is now i am asking people to tell what is the good about the future of life ,what can i see if i am a singurity that can express with hope and get positive insites from the feel of the 7continents start and finish all with Letter AxxxxA Except unique Europe. United of the monarcy She is Elizabeth.unconfirmed But the victorian Same Queen as the one that is from the origin of the earth of beging of Evolution.ffs think about it facebook You have your say.she doesnt have to be scary that is if she is what my Instinct 6th sense says . Its tbh just that this Quora app Which i Tell you is a best advice to ask the Masters of the intelligent society Form as can you if you follow simple Protocol of Format Your quistion start What Tell Or How Etc Ty. 🚪🦄🧷🧷🧷🧷🧷🧷🧷🧷🧷🧷🐅".20:54:57
@xazecosicz:matrix.org@xazecosicz:matrix.org changed the join rule to "invite" from "public".20:55:34
12 Jul 2020
@xazecosicz:matrix.org@xazecosicz:matrix.org left the room.09:10:25

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