

278 Members
Canvas -- the fediverse's r/Place Event discussion: #canvas-general:aftermath.gg Project discussion: #canvas-meta:aftermath.gg52 Servers

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13 Jul 2024
@rooki:lemmy.worldRooki (fedihosting.foundation) joined the room.14:24:38
@thefeiter:marvinfeiter.de@thefeiter:marvinfeiter.de left the room.16:06:23
@maximumleniency:matrix.orgmaximumleniency joined the room.16:15:52
@ranslite:tchncs.deZonen-Ranslite joined the room.18:08:13
@devcuber:matrix.orgDevCuber changed their display name from devcuber to DevCuber.19:28:55
@devcuber:matrix.orgDevCuber set a profile picture.19:29:03
14 Jul 2024
@misericordiae:frei.chatmisericordiae joined the room.04:14:40
@nautilathedrowned2:unredacted.orgnatalia_from_roblox joined the room.05:34:02
@grant:aftermath.gggrant set a profile picture.09:39:26
@grant:aftermath.gggrant changed the room topic to "Canvas -- the fediverse's r/Place Event discussion: #canvas-general:aftermath.gg Project discussion: #canvas-meta:matrix.org" from "Canvas -- the fediverse's r/Place General: #canvas-meta:matrix.org".10:32:05
@grant:aftermath.gggrant changed the room topic to "Canvas -- the fediverse's r/Place Event discussion: #canvas-general:aftermath.gg Project discussion: #canvas-meta:aftermath.gg" from "Canvas -- the fediverse's r/Place Event discussion: #canvas-general:aftermath.gg Project discussion: #canvas-meta:matrix.org".10:32:27
@antoined:kher.nl@antoined:kher.nl left the room.13:33:42
@bnthn:matrix.orgBenedict joined the room.15:59:02
@2aknenou:matrix.org@2aknenou:matrix.org joined the room.17:30:11
@2aknenou:matrix.org@2aknenou:matrix.org left the room.17:31:01
@snoopy:tedomum.netSnoopy joined the room.19:25:47
@sunglocto:matrix.orgSunglocto the 1st changed their display name from Sunglocto to Sunglocto the 1st.20:12:15
15 Jul 2024
@cobra:vern.cc@cobra:vern.cc joined the room.01:29:49
@cobra:vern.cc@cobra:vern.cc left the room.02:29:06
@griminess3313:matrix.orgAnonymous joined the room.03:16:21
@fiftysix:matrix.org56 joined the room.22:05:17
16 Jul 2024
@marius851000:mariusdavid.frMarius changed their display name from Burrito (Marius) to Marius.12:24:07
@autumnspark1226:matrix.org@autumnspark1226:matrix.org left the room.12:54:57
17 Jul 2024
@ariethefloof:matrix.orgFauxrose changed their profile picture.02:57:45
@jurgen-werner:matrix.orgjpf changed their display name from jurgen-werner to jpf.13:38:30
18 Jul 2024
@root:tblflip.detblFlip joined the room.23:10:59
19 Jul 2024
@mark:cool110.xyzcool110 joined the room.18:37:51
@mark:cool110.xyzcool110 changed their display name from Mark to cool110.18:49:27
20 Jul 2024
@rooki:lemmy.worldRooki (fedihosting.foundation) changed their display name from Rooki (lemmy.world) to Rooki (fedihosting.foundation).19:09:27
22 Jul 2024
@shadowwwind:matrix.orgshadowwwind joined the room.20:49:54

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