
Music Discovery

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19 Jul 2024
@hashborgir:mozilla.org🍄 HB🍄https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quo89wl9hFg&15:42:58
@rustynail:matrix.orgrustynail * Ride - Leave Them All Behind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-saOTKTAZb419:00:43
20 Jul 2024
@jrichardson3258:matrix.org@jrichardson3258:matrix.org joined the room.04:49:24
@jrichardson3258:matrix.org@jrichardson3258:matrix.org joined the room.05:06:10
@jrichardson3258:matrix.org@jrichardson3258:matrix.org left the room.05:06:20
@lilndn:matrix.orgndn joined the room.19:04:03
21 Jul 2024
@sevro63:matrix.orgSevro joined the room.03:56:01
@sevro63:matrix.orgSevro changed their display name from sevro63 to Sevro.04:03:13
22 Jul 2024
@sevro63:matrix.orgSevro set a profile picture.05:17:33
@sevro63:matrix.orgSevro changed their profile picture.05:17:39
23 Jul 2024
@adamtorres:matrix.orgwinterisnever joined the room.10:05:53
In reply to @bananabreadman:matrix.org
Discovered this today, its fantastic! Traditional scottish music meets virtuoso jazz music. https://open.spotify.com/album/7nBcVNBphtUhvQSQrY8v2x?si=etKXL-wbTRevwEn_pSBZuQ
What do you like more?
@adamtorres:matrix.orgwinterisneverThanks for Fergus McCreadie!11:31:26
In reply to @adamtorres:matrix.org
What do you like more?
Im a jazz man myself butni really lived this album.
In reply to @bananabreadman:matrix.org
Im a jazz man myself butni really lived this album.
Could you recommend to me some jazz albums more?
@rustynail:matrix.orgrustynailthat album reminded me of things like Grandbrothers, Portico Quartet and Nik Bartsch, although they are technically tagged differently, but it's still jazz, and also I have no idea what part of that was the scottish music also you can probably look into stuff from ECM records label, I think there was a lot of piano jazz15:47:15
In reply to @rustynail:matrix.org
that album reminded me of things like Grandbrothers, Portico Quartet and Nik Bartsch, although they are technically tagged differently, but it's still jazz, and also I have no idea what part of that was the scottish music
also you can probably look into stuff from ECM records label, I think there was a lot of piano jazz
Great! Thanks!
@rustynail:matrix.orgrustynailalso Plaistow and GoGo Penguin were pretty cool I think15:51:05
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakAnother great hiphop mix from The Moment by DJ 1an: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh0O8S9D1Nw17:50:00
In reply to @adamtorres:matrix.org
Could you recommend to me some jazz albums more?


Everything by kamasi washington is amazing. Its high energy and intense at some points and in the same song can be mellow and sensitive and soft. Change of the guard is the opener and features an 80 piece orchestra. Its amazing.

In reply to @adamtorres:matrix.org
Could you recommend to me some jazz albums more?
I also love this album.
“SpaceSquid” by bill stewart.
He is a percussionist whose been playing since he was 7 (if i remember correctly)
In reply to @adamtorres:matrix.org
Could you recommend to me some jazz albums more?

Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah
I think is based out of new york. His stuffnis new age and really interesting.


In reply to @adamtorres:matrix.org
What do you like more?
* Im a jazz man myself but i really loved this album.
In reply to @adamtorres:matrix.org
Could you recommend to me some jazz albums more?
* I also love this album.
“SpaceSquid” by bill stewart.
He is a percussionist whose been playing since he was 7 (if i remember correctly)
(Forgot to add link, my bad)
24 Jul 2024
@walterjayce89:matrix.org@walterjayce89:matrix.org joined the room.01:00:37
@walterjayce89:matrix.org@walterjayce89:matrix.org joined the room.01:15:34
@walterjayce89:matrix.org@walterjayce89:matrix.org left the room.01:15:46
25 Jul 2024
@hashborgir:mozilla.org🍄 HB🍄https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmh2BjVdJ-423:52:14
@hashborgir:mozilla.org🍄 HB🍄 * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmh2BjVdJ-4 Ironmaiden influence metal23:52:23

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