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22 Nov 2023
@_discord_648856614358745091:t2bot.ioguy_taylor joined the room.05:14:37
23 Nov 2023
@_discord_768452793530449931:t2bot.iohathor.exe joined the room.16:46:36
27 Nov 2023
@_discord_1147285798954221721:t2bot.iosiradrianfish_71831 joined the room.15:45:29
29 Nov 2023
@_discord_435131689329754122:t2bot.ioradiotransparent joined the room.03:01:52
1 Dec 2023
@_discord_306155522569011201:t2bot.iostefanovic9663 joined the room.13:19:59
@_discord_1127154833019912282:t2bot.iolummsmusik If i would have a wish for MDT I would like to have a nice Piano simulation. Is this far away from reality? It seems there are some free pianos available. 18:28:14
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 Are you talking about samples ? 18:29:20
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 Or more a physical emulation? 18:33:04
2 Dec 2023
@_discord_929268802183655435:t2bot.iomrblue1266 joined the room.13:44:44
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKDU27JS0Fw

Some user want to get an acoustic piano out of MDT. What MDT is really great about in this area is epianos. Dexed covers most of the best of all epianos and where it is not such good covered, MDA epiano takes over, which is also included in MDT. So now what to do to get a somewhat realistic, acoustic piano. I put some samples together, shortened them a lot, so mainly we will have 1 sample per octave. Storage is about 8MB in flash. To make it sound more realistic, now every sample voice will feature a multimode filter. As a side effect, this will now be become available also to all drum sounds, playing from flash. Depending on velocity, this will affect the filter for each voice, individually. Short demo here with the piano. About drums, i will have to figure out how to best implement it without to many changes for drum sounds. Work in progresss 🙂
Accoustic Piano on MDT

#shortsvideo This build requires a Teensy 4.1 Microcontroller and a graphical display with 320x240 pixel with capacitive touch. Other than that, we will keep the 2 encoders for interacting with the interface as it is.

Some user want to get an acoustic piano out of MDT.
What MDT is really great about in this area is epianos. Dexed covers most...

@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKDU27JS0Fw

Some user want to get an acoustic piano out of MDT.What MDT is really great about in this area is epianos. Dexed covers most of the best of all epianos and where it is not such good covered, MDA epiano takes over, which is also included in MDT. So now what to do to get a somewhat realistic, acoustic piano. I put some samples together, shortened them a lot, so mainly we will have 1 sample per octave. Storage is about 8MB in flash. To make it sound more realistic, now every sample voice will feature a multimode filter. As a side effect, this will now be become available also to all drum sounds, playing from flash. Depending on velocity, this will affect the filter for each voice, individually. Short demo here with the piano. About drums, i will have to figure out how to best implement it without to many changes for drum sounds. Work in progresss 🙂
Accoustic Piano on MDT

#shortsvideo This build requires a Teensy 4.1 Microcontroller and a graphical display with 320x240 pixel with capacitive touch. Other than that, we will keep the 2 encoders for interacting with the interface as it is.

Some user want to get an acoustic piano out of MDT.
What MDT is really great about in this area is epianos. Dexed covers most...

@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKDU27JS0Fw

Some user want to get an acoustic piano out of MDT.

What MDT is really great about in this area is epianos. Dexed covers most of the best of all epianos and where it is not such good covered, MDA epiano takes over, which is also included in MDT.

So now what to do to get a somewhat realistic, acoustic piano. I put some samples together, shortened them a lot, so mainly we will have 1 sample per octave. Storage is about 8MB in flash.

To make it sound more realistic, now every sample voice will feature a multimode filter. As a side effect, this will now be become available also to all drum sounds, playing from flash.

Depending on velocity, this will affect the filter for each voice, individually. Short demo here with the piano. About drums, i will have to figure out how to best implement it without to many changes for drum sounds. Work in progresss 🙂
Accoustic Piano on MDT

#shortsvideo This build requires a Teensy 4.1 Microcontroller and a graphical display with 320x240 pixel with capacitive touch. Other than that, we will keep the 2 encoders for interacting with the interface as it is.

Some user want to get an acoustic piano out of MDT.
What MDT is really great about in this area is epianos. Dexed covers most...

3 Dec 2023
@_discord_1163524306907709543:t2bot.iom.c.gentry_31770 Wow mate, well done! 05:12:48
@_discord_1127154833019912282:t2bot.iolummsmusik Sound amazing! 13:49:31
@_discord_409428528065675284:t2bot.iotreen_. woah that's amazing, love that the side effect is a multi-mode filter for the drums too. happy accidents 15:44:21
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 It does not seem to take any serious resources, so yes, i think this will become standard. For drums i think it is a must to have all filter settings for every sample individually. For MSP (Multi Sampleplayer) i have to see how complex i can make it without being too complicated in usage. 15:55:07
@_discord_409428528065675284:t2bot.iotreen_. Yes, having that feature for the sampleplayer would turn it into a real powerhouse, but I can see it becoming massively complicated very quickly. The Lilla sampler is built entirely around a teensy 4.1 and the MDT already does more than it does with the same board. 15:57:56
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 Playing pitched samples, from flash, so users can change them during runtime, is a problem for MDT from the beginning until today. Somehow sometimes it crashes after several seconds and other times i can play for hours. It certainly happens when the CPU or the flash gets "overload" but sometimes it crashes with playing only one sample. it did't happen for me in the last days so i hope at one point the issue can be found and fixed. If not, the only other possibility is to change the storage for user samples to psram. But i do wan't to avoid that. 16:04:17
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 * Playing pitched samples, from flash, so users can change them during runtime, is a problem for MDT from the beginning until today. Somehow sometimes it crashes after several seconds and other times i can play for hours. It certainly happens when the CPU or the flash gets "overload" but sometimes it crashes with playing only one sample. it did't happen for me in the last days so i hope at one point the issue can be found and fixed. If not, the only other possibility is to change the storage for user samples to psram. But i want to avoid that. 16:05:01
11 Dec 2023
@_discord_1183579467831050260:t2bot.ionate_08867 joined the room.01:23:08
@_discord_542357996911460352:t2bot.ionateb6147 joined the room.01:36:58
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.iomatrix-t2bot joined the room.16:03:35
@_discord_1147139002604994560:t2bot.iokrunchr64 joined the room.21:35:25
12 Dec 2023
@_discord_965346473522892941:t2bot.iomingusdude joined the room.19:16:39
@_discord_508026629428084750:t2bot.iosmasher0660 joined the room.22:14:23
14 Dec 2023
@_discord_749928167166443610:t2bot.iolenmoov joined the room.15:40:22
18 Dec 2023
@_discord_1186383967155392663:t2bot.ioconfident_avocado_26860 joined the room.19:32:59
19 Dec 2023
@_discord_311798586121781248:t2bot.iocatseverywhere5219 joined the room.07:47:04
27 Dec 2023
@_discord_377168020700659712:t2bot.iohusfar.dk joined the room.19:03:26
@_discord_957241641670963281:t2bot.iojayshoe.042 joined the room.21:58:13

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