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11 Jun 2024
@jishnump:matrix.orgjp joined the room.23:03:33
@jishnump:matrix.orgjp joined the room.23:09:18
@jishnump:matrix.orgjp left the room.23:17:08
13 Jun 2024
@hardy_tom:matrix.orgThomas Hardy joined the room.09:58:27
17 Jun 2024
@trganda:matrix.orgtrganda joined the room.14:37:57
18 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose joined the room.13:48:57
19 Jun 2024
@akshatpatel15:gitter.imakshatpatel15 joined the room.02:37:31
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose changed their display name from memefi to war.05:23:31
20 Jun 2024
@hardy_tom:matrix.orgThomas Hardy left the room.09:30:09
22 Jun 2024
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.orgtommyzjones_20 joined the room.17:43:04
@vgskumar:matrix.orgsai kumar joined the room.19:25:30
@vgskumar:matrix.orgsai kumar left the room.19:25:50
24 Jun 2024
@trganda:matrix.orgtrganda left the room.05:35:57
@janolav:matrix.orgJan-Olav Eide joined the room.15:05:12
26 Jun 2024
@jean:4ray.coJean left the room.01:04:24
29 Jun 2024
@king876:matrix.orgBread back joined the room.20:26:27
30 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose changed their display name from war to Wild rose.21:47:28
1 Jul 2024
@s4kun4:matrix.orgs4kun4 joined the room.20:29:26
2 Jul 2024
@zyuhong-5f23cd4cd73408ce4feb0193:gitter.imzyuhong (yhzhou) joined the room.13:11:58
@zyuhong-5f23cd4cd73408ce4feb0193:gitter.imzyuhong (yhzhou)image.png
Download image.png
@zyuhong-5f23cd4cd73408ce4feb0193:gitter.imzyuhong (yhzhou)Hi Guys,I try to build spring-security project with jdk17 and got this error, could you let me know how to fix it ? thx13:29:38
3 Jul 2024
@lawenforc99:matrix.orglawenforc99 joined the room.05:26:21
11 Jul 2024
@janne.paaso:matrix.orgjanne.paaso joined the room.19:12:50
12 Jul 2024
@janne.paaso:matrix.orgjanne.paaso left the room.05:46:44
14 Jul 2024
@2hhqkb66ia:matrix.org2hhqkb66ia joined the room.10:20:11
@2hhqkb66ia:matrix.org2hhqkb66iahttps://matrix.to/#/#cutekids:matrix.org https://matrix.to/#/#Lobby_for_arts:matrix.org Here is a Predator group that illegally distributes any child pornography. Please help report it to the Matrix Foundation to prevent this behavior from happening again. And help note https://matrix.to/#/@jimmy_nguyen:matrix.org the account, often sends pornographic photos of real children in private messages10:20:15
22 Jul 2024
@jackdeveloper:matrix.orgjackdeveloper joined the room.05:26:31
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.orgtommyzjones_20 left the room.22:36:10
24 Jul 2024
@king876:matrix.orgBread back set a profile picture.04:08:29
@king876:matrix.orgBread back changed their display name from Dre Kinkston to Bread back.04:09:46

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