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21 Jun 2024
@teardrops12:matrix.orgteardrops12Btw, i have root with LineageOS22:14:17
22 Jun 2024
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon
In reply to @teardrops12:matrix.org
Seems latest qpr3 broke AppOps and Uses permissions tab. I'm not sure if OS issue since last update everything look ok...
The private APIs for permissions are being migrated to a dedicated IPermissionManager. So, such issues are expected. What is curious is though that the Pixel frameworks seem to have been diverged a little from the AOSP.
24 Jun 2024
@LjL:matrix.orgLjL changed their display name from LjL to LjL-AI.20:22:03
@LjL:matrix.orgLjL changed their display name from LjL-AI to LjL.21:27:26
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ set a profile picture.21:40:43
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ changed their profile picture.21:41:18
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ removed their profile picture.21:41:56
4 Jul 2024
@intruzek3:matrix.orgintru changed their profile picture.14:09:13
@LjL:matrix.orgLjL changed their display name from LjL to LjL (overly long political statement goes here).21:46:40
5 Jul 2024
Download 1543.png
In reply to @teardrops12:matrix.org
Seems latest qpr3 broke AppOps and Uses permissions tab. I'm not sure if OS issue since last update everything look ok...
Latest AM Debug fixed it. Thank you!! 🤗
7 Jul 2024
@sertonix:mozilla.org@sertonix:mozilla.org left the room.14:28:21
9 Jul 2024

Feature discussion for "Multiple Database for Debloater"

  • Offline: Use ADL, which is default for AM. This list is updated with AM update only.
  • Online source: Opt-in of UAD-ng database similar to Canta. But instead of connecting to internet each time, users need to download the database manually for offline uses. This feature will be similar to VirusTotal i.e. dependant of "Use the internet" option.

This is similar to offline user maintained localization (mostly accurate but may not be complete) for an app vs some kind of inbuilt online translator feature (complete translation which at least gives you something but not accurate/appropriate)

Drawbacks: It's either offline or online...you can't use both source to improve accuracy.
Benefits: You've the option to use uptodate database with latest changes without updating the app itself. Also since UAD-ng has more popularity I expect frequent changes from their contributors/reporters.

@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ *

Feature discussion for "Multiple Database for Debloater"

  • Offline: Use ADL, which is default for AM. This list is updated with AM update only.
  • Online source: Opt-in of UAD-ng database similar to Canta. But instead of connecting to internet each time, users need to download the database manually for offline uses. This feature will be similar to VirusTotal i.e. dependant of "Use the internet" option.

This is similar to offline user maintained localization (mostly accurate but may not be complete) for an app vs some kind of inbuilt online translator feature (complete translation which at least gives you something but not accurate/appropriate)

Drawbacks: It's either offline or online...you can't use both source to improve accuracy.
Benefits: You've the option to use uptodate database with latest changes without updating the app itself. Also since UAD-ng has more popularity I expect frequent changes from their contributors/reporters.

@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon
In reply to @shuvashish76:matrix.org

Feature discussion for "Multiple Database for Debloater"

  • Offline: Use ADL, which is default for AM. This list is updated with AM update only.
  • Online source: Opt-in of UAD-ng database similar to Canta. But instead of connecting to internet each time, users need to download the database manually for offline uses. This feature will be similar to VirusTotal i.e. dependant of "Use the internet" option.

This is similar to offline user maintained localization (mostly accurate but may not be complete) for an app vs some kind of inbuilt online translator feature (complete translation which at least gives you something but not accurate/appropriate)

Drawbacks: It's either offline or online...you can't use both source to improve accuracy.
Benefits: You've the option to use uptodate database with latest changes without updating the app itself. Also since UAD-ng has more popularity I expect frequent changes from their contributors/reporters.

The trouble with online sync is not the internet itself but the websites. Many people don’t want to use GitHub, for example. This means a dedicated website is needed that respects user privacy or need to provide several options to choose from. They create more maintenance burden. It’s better to keep it offline.
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir AkonMy observation with these projects is that they initially remain very active, but it gradually wears out. Winston’s project wasn’t very active on GitLab after sometime. After a few years, he started UAD project on GitHub which also became mostly inactive after a few months. I don’t think there will be any exceptions with UAD-ng. Because maintaining such projects are more difficult than App Manager as you have to communicate a lot.07:20:47
10 Jul 2024
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon

#stable #release
App Manager v3.1.7

The email address has been changed to am4android@riseup.net. App Manager related queries
sent to the previous email shall be discarded.

  • Hid “Data usage” in the App Info tab for apps without the internet permission
  • Intercept newer photo viewer actions from the camera app
  • Fixed creating custom backups when the backup name is empty
  • Fixed freezing issues in the UI Tracker window on some devices
  • Fixed delivering changes in apps made via batch operations
  • Fixed freezing the app due to the refusal of the notification permission at the startup

    Notification permission is mandatory on phones and tabs. Without this permission, you will not be able to use certain features.

  • Fixed listing running apps on some devices
  • Prevented the app from crashing in Android 14 r50
  • Prevented the app from crashing when force dexopt is selected in Android 14 onwards

    The feature was removed in Android 14.

Full list of changes: https://github.com/MuntashirAkon/AppManager/compare/v3.1.6...v3.1.7

@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir AkonDownload AppManager_v3.1.7.apk18:32:54
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir AkonDownload AppManager_v3.1.7.apks18:32:56
12 Jul 2024
@glshchnk.lx:matrix.org@glshchnk.lx:matrix.org left the room.10:42:14
15 Jul 2024

DataBackup with their v2 major release now supports reproducible builds on F-Droid.

Any plans to support reproducible builds for AM v4 ? I'm not sure if it's worth for it since old users need clean install & lose their configurations.

@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon
In reply to @shuvashish76:matrix.org

DataBackup with their v2 major release now supports reproducible builds on F-Droid.

Any plans to support reproducible builds for AM v4 ? I'm not sure if it's worth for it since old users need clean install & lose their configurations.

It's not technically feasible for me right now. Because reproducible builds have a lot of restrictions right now.
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon
In reply to @shuvashish76:matrix.org

DataBackup with their v2 major release now supports reproducible builds on F-Droid.

Any plans to support reproducible builds for AM v4 ? I'm not sure if it's worth for it since old users need clean install & lose their configurations.

* It's not technically feasible for me right now. Because reproducible builds have a lot of restrictions.
19 Jul 2024
@molly:catgirl.cloudfat lard changed their display name from professional practitioner 💅 to topbenis.23:15:46
@molly:catgirl.cloudfat lard changed their display name from topbenis to fat lard.23:16:53
24 Jul 2024
@LjL:matrix.orgLjL changed their display name from LjL (overly long political statement goes here) to LjL.16:22:48
27 Jul 2024
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon
In reply to @shuvashish76:matrix.org

DataBackup with their v2 major release now supports reproducible builds on F-Droid.

Any plans to support reproducible builds for AM v4 ? I'm not sure if it's worth for it since old users need clean install & lose their configurations.

Regarding the clean installation requirement, I think it does not make sense to enforce reproducible builds for old apps, completely disregarding the old users. At least, this is something a real app store would NEVER do. Instead they could either supply the F-Droid signed build along with the developer signed build (most F-Droid client are equipped to support multiple signatures) or provide a way to migrate the signature (though it does not support older devices), or both. However, for the latter, F-Droid would need to supply the signing key to the developer using a secure medium so that they can add it as a lineage signature when signing the APK files.

Instead they could either supply the F-Droid signed build along with the developer signed build (most F-Droid client are equipped to support multiple signatures) or provide a way to migrate the signature (though it does not support older devices), or both.

like NewPipe ? F-Droid has both F-Droid signed, original developer signed builds.

@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon
In reply to @shuvashish76:matrix.org

Instead they could either supply the F-Droid signed build along with the developer signed build (most F-Droid client are equipped to support multiple signatures) or provide a way to migrate the signature (though it does not support older devices), or both.

like NewPipe ? F-Droid has both F-Droid signed, original developer signed builds.

@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir AkonThis should be the default.07:19:05

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