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28 Nov 2024
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon
In reply to @obersuppenruehrer:matrix.org
My AM (latest Debug V. In adb mode) is not showing running Apps any more. How can i fix that?

And: I wanted to see if Non-debug beta2 shows them, but it doesn't work at all. When I tried to start it, it hung at initialization stage.
Yes, it appears to have an issue with locking. I've experienced the same thing during my testing. I'll try to fix it during the Thanksgiving holidays.
In reply to @muntashir:matrix.org
Yes, it appears to have an issue with locking. I've experienced the same thing during my testing. I'll try to fix it during the Thanksgiving holidays.
How can i troubleshoot the empty running apps?
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon
In reply to @obersuppenruehrer:matrix.org
How can i troubleshoot the empty running apps?
You need to capture some logs while you open the page (or use the refresh button). It should log an error or something
In reply to @muntashir:matrix.org
You need to capture some logs while you open the page (or use the refresh button). It should log an error or something
What refresh button? I don't see one on running app screen.
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerLog viewer also shows only an empty screen 03:37:09
In reply to @muntashir:matrix.org
You need to capture some logs while you open the page (or use the refresh button). It should log an error or something
I tried to install beta1 to have log working, but it says it's expired. How convenient. :(
In reply to @muntashir:matrix.org
You need to capture some logs while you open the page (or use the refresh button). It should log an error or something
I got log working by reinstalling AMD. But there is no error or warning related to running apps. What can i search for?
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerIs any of that useful? 11-28 05:48:32.477 E/ProcessParser(29989): null 11-28 05:48:32.477 E/ProcessParser(29989): at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(Parcel.java:3027) 11-28 05:48:32.477 E/ProcessParser(29989): at io.github.muntashirakon.AppManager.IAMService$Stub$Proxy.getRunningProcesses(IAMService.java:192) 11-28 05:48:32.477 E/ProcessParser(29989): at io.github.muntashirakon.AppManager.runningapps.RunningAppsViewModel.lambda$loadProcesses$1$io-github-muntashirakon-AppManager-runningapps-RunningAppsViewModel(RunningAppsViewModel.java:173) 11-28 05:48:32.477 E/ProcessParser(29989): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 11-28 05:48:32.477 E/ProcessParser(29989): at io.github.muntashirakon.AppManager.IAMService$Stub$Proxy.getRunningProcesses(IAMService.java:192)04:54:15
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon
In reply to @obersuppenruehrer:matrix.org
Is any of that useful?

11-28 05:48:32.477 E/ProcessParser(29989): null

11-28 05:48:32.477 E/ProcessParser(29989): at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(Parcel.java:3027)

11-28 05:48:32.477 E/ProcessParser(29989): at io.github.muntashirakon.AppManager.IAMService$Stub$Proxy.getRunningProcesses(IAMService.java:192)

11-28 05:48:32.477 E/ProcessParser(29989): at io.github.muntashirakon.AppManager.runningapps.RunningAppsViewModel.lambda$loadProcesses$1$io-github-muntashirakon-AppManager-runningapps-RunningAppsViewModel(RunningAppsViewModel.java:173)

11-28 05:48:32.477 E/ProcessParser(29989): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)

11-28 05:48:32.477 E/ProcessParser(29989): at io.github.muntashirakon.AppManager.IAMService$Stub$Proxy.getRunningProcesses(IAMService.java:192)
The logs aren't complete.
4 Dec 2024
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerCan i have a 4.0b1 that isn't expired, PLEASE? beta2 is not working. It keeps hanging for minutes and i can't get it paired to adb. It is driving me mad :(11:51:01
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrer3:40 min "initializing" and counting11:52:35
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerWhy does it try to connect ad nauseam when it isn't even paired yet? And now as a bonus I have an inoperable undeletable zombie pairing...14:04:10
5 Dec 2024
@xoneabovex:matrix.orgxoneabovex joined the room.00:19:40
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon
In reply to @obersuppenruehrer:matrix.org
Why does it try to connect ad nauseam when it isn't even paired yet? And now as a bonus I have an inoperable undeletable zombie pairing...
Have you tried restarting your device? This can happen if the port 6001 is in use, can be an issue if you have App Manager and AM Debug both installed. This problem hasn't been handled yet.
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon

I have finalized the Privacy Policy of App Manager: https://github.com/MuntashirAkon/AppManager/commit/a3e6d25ee1091317185ec5673e94ea854900ac8e

Feedbacks are welcome.

6 Dec 2024
In reply to @muntashir:matrix.org
Have you tried restarting your device? This can happen if the port 6001 is in use, can be an issue if you have App Manager and AM Debug both installed. This problem hasn't been handled yet.
Yes I tried. Did not help. AM Zombie pair still undeleteable and inoperable. Still cannot pair AM only the eternal initialization is better. In short AM useless since i updated to beta2. ;((((**
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrer* Yes I tried. Did not help. AM Zombie pair still undeleteable and inoperable. Still cannot pair AM only the eternal initialization is better. In short AM useless since i updated to beta2. ;((((02:04:04
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrer* Yes I tried. Did not help. AM Zombie pair still undeleteable and inoperable. Still cannot pair AM only the eternal initialization is better. In short AM useless since i updated to beta2. 🤕🤕🤕02:04:59
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerRedacted or Malformed Event02:07:40
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerRedacted or Malformed Event02:11:28
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerRedacted or Malformed Event02:14:26
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerRedacted or Malformed Event02:16:10
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerRedacted or Malformed Event02:19:40
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerRedacted or Malformed Event02:26:02
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerI wish i had never touched beta2 😵‍💫02:26:41
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerRedacted or Malformed Event02:27:09
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerRedacted or Malformed Event02:33:43
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrer* Long and sad story deleted. After much trials and tribulations AM Stable working. Now, Muntashir Akon, pls pls pretty pls with sugartopping give me a safe-to-use 4b2 as soon as you humanly can and your time alliws, i need to get rid of all that green.02:40:23
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerFunny that pairing shizuku removed the undefeatable zombie. I wonder if there is any one person on earth that fully understands Android's entrails.02:44:31
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerDoes 3.1.7 lack the run-in-background option? Have not used 3.x in years...02:58:49

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