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Chat about DroneCI plugin development23 Servers

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1 Aug 2020
@jerry:hope.net@jerry:hope.net joined the room.09:34:19
@karl:nobelium.nokarl joined the room.13:46:11
2 Aug 2020
@kevin_k:utwente.io@kevin_k:utwente.io joined the room.10:33:35
@jerry:hope.net@jerry:hope.net 11:21:25
7 Aug 2020
@jerry:hope.net@jerry:hope.net left the room.11:06:53
10 Aug 2020
@oliver:privacytools.iooliver 20:12:38
15 Aug 2020
@marzipan:synod.im@marzipan:synod.im joined the room.18:46:12
@georgios:asra.grgeorgios 20:33:04
17 Aug 2020
@spring:fairydust.space@spring:fairydust.space 21:23:32
19 Aug 2020
@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org joined the room.18:05:34
26 Sep 2020
@pedro:chat.weho.stpedro 12:50:20
19 Aug 2020
@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org does anyone here can help me to setup drone/vault , i created a docker-compose file with drone, drone/vault and drone-docker-runner but i can not get the secret from vault
@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org (edited) ... vault ``` => ... vault ``` version: "3.7" services: drone: image: drone/drone:1 environment: - "DRONE_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=${GIT_TOKEN}" - "DRONE_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=${GIT_TOKEN_SECRET}" - "DRONE_RPC_SECRET=${RPC_SECRET}" - "DRONE_SERVER_HOST=${DRON_SERVER_HOST}" - "DRONE_SERVER_PROTO=https" volumes: - drone_data:/data drone-vault: image: drone/vault environment: - "DRONE_DEBUG=true" - "DRONE_SECRET=${DRONE_SECRET}" - "VAULT_ADDR=${VAULT_ADDR}" // http://vault.mycompany.com - "VAULT_TOKEN=${VAULT_TOKEN}" // a token runner: image: drone/drone-runner-docker:1 volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro environment: - "DRONE_RPC_HOST=drone.mycompany.com" - "DRONE_RPC_PROTO=https" - "DRONE_RPC_SECRET=${RPC_SECRET}" - "DRONE_SECRET_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT=http://drone-vault:3000" - "DRONE_SECRET_PLUGIN_TOKEN=${DRONE_SECRET}" - "DRONE_SECRET_PLUGIN_SKIP_VERIFY=false" volumes: drone_data: ``` 18:05:39
@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org (edited) ... drone_data: ``` => ... drone_data: ``` here is my .drone.yml ``` 18:06:39
@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org (edited) ... .drone.yml ``` => ... .drone.yml ``` --- kind: secret name: username get: path: kv/data/docker name: username --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: default steps: - name: prepare image: busybox environment: USERNAME: from_secret: username commands: - echo ${username} - echo $USERNAME ``` 18:06:49
@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org (edited) ... $USERNAME ``` => ... $USERNAME ``` Thank you! 18:07:16
@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org (edited) ... ``` Thank ... => ... ``` i always see "time="2020-08-19T17:58:50Z" level=debug msg="secrets: cannot find secret username: secret not found"" in the log Thank ... 18:08:21
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.org@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.org @Thanchet_Tk21_twitter that indicates the vault plugin returns a not found. You should enable debug logging in the vault plugin and you should also consider looking at the vault plugin code, if needed 18:27:00
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.org@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.org the vault plugin code can be found at https://github.com/drone/drone-vault 18:27:28
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.org@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.org (edited) the vault plugin code can be found at https://github.com/drone/drone-vault => @Thanchet_Tk21_twitter that indicates the vault plugin returns a not found. You should enable debug logging in the vault plugin and look at its logs. yYou should also consider looking at the vault plugin code, if needed 18:27:44
23 Aug 2020
@kevin_k:utwente.io@kevin_k:utwente.io 19:18:49
25 Aug 2020
@anne:netzgemeinde.eu@anne:netzgemeinde.eu 18:13:03
7 Sep 2020
@anonymous_zero:matrix.orgAnonymous joined the room.21:09:20
9 Sep 2020
@anonymous_zero:matrix.orgAnonymous changed their display name from anonymous_zero to Anonymous.16:28:32
17 Sep 2020
@marzipan:synod.im@marzipan:synod.im left the room.20:31:58
24 Sep 2020
@gitter_meowwashere:matrix.org@gitter_meowwashere:matrix.org joined the room.12:58:55
@gitter_meowwashere:matrix.org@gitter_meowwashere:matrix.org Hi there, I've been looking at the drone-vault plugin quite a bit to see what might be required to get aws dynamic secrets working. Has anyone done any work in this space or have ideas around how this implementation might look? 12:58:57
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.org@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.org @meowwashere we have an AWS secrets extension. https://github.com/drone/drone-amazon-secrets 13:34:14
26 Sep 2020
@chrispaquin:matrix.orgChristophe Paquin joined the room.16:10:48
@chrispaquin:matrix.orgChristophe Paquin changed their profile picture.16:25:16

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