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14 Dec 2021
@fedx:matrix.orgfedxI have spent so much time in TOML and YAML, I picked up HTML and CSS surprisingly quickly. However, I have got a lot of good info and templates from w3 schools. 16:45:12
@jasonish:matrix.orgishI'm a backend developer and some years ago I sat down to learn a frontend framework so I could bang out UI prototypes. I tried React and and Angular. I ended up giving up on React as I couldn't follow what the router of the week was, etc. Where Angular is batteries included, it reduced the decisions I needed to make which was perfect, as I'll do frontend work for a few days, then not come back for a month or more. I'm sure React has settled down. But having Angular/Bootstrap as part of my toolset has been awesome for what I needed, prototyping UIs, or simple Dashboard UIs for my backend applications.16:48:17
@fedx:matrix.orgfedxPersonally, I hate working in UIs and using pure markup is nice as someone who has configured as many Linux tools as me. However, a pure JS, or QT, or GTK UI will always feel forin to me. 16:53:46
@fedx:matrix.orgfedx * Personally, I hate working in UIs and using pure markup is nice as someone who has configured as many Linux tools as me. However, a pure JS, or QT, or GTK UI will always feel strange to me. 16:53:59
15 Dec 2021
@jobber_crowley:matrix.orgjobber_crowley joined the room.16:12:37
18 Dec 2021
@matthewfurr:tbabit.comcolonelpanic joined the room.11:33:19
@8draco8:matrix.orgAndrzej Jarzębowski joined the room.12:35:54
19 Dec 2021
@ramblurr:elusivetruth.netramblurr joined the room.16:28:17
20 Dec 2021
@suorcd:matrix.suorcd.ussu || cd joined the room.06:30:58
23 Dec 2021
@kpovoc:linuxdelta.comKpovoc | LD joined the room.06:01:12
In reply to @fedx:matrix.org
I have spent so much time in TOML and YAML, I picked up HTML and CSS surprisingly quickly. However, I have got a lot of good info and templates from w3 schools.
sort of a pet peeve: I hate how that site is both ridden with ads and has insane seo bs going on in a way that it consistently appears higher in search results than MDN, which could actually be considered an authoritative source of documentation. Not really since mozilla wanted to eject it, and something else was being cooked to replace it without it having mozilla in the name, but it's still a very very good source with IMO higher quality
@ramblurr:elusivetruth.netramblurrI use a ublock origin filter to remove w3schools from search results11:36:23
@zurdo:zurdo.siZurdo... imma need details on that chief. Not necessarily for w3schools either...11:37:45
@ramblurr:elusivetruth.netramblurrhttps://github.com/stroobants-dev/ublock-origin-shitty-copies-filter And https://github.com/Ramblurr/custom-ublock-rules/blob/main/mylist.txt11:38:08
@ramblurr:elusivetruth.netramblurrThe former is a community repo, the latter is my custom one. It's super easy to make your own list, put it in got, then paste the raw url into your ublock settings page11:38:53
@zurdo:zurdo.siZurdoooh righty I consistently forget the css-style selectors can match an href11:39:14
31 Dec 2021
@akselmo:matrix.orgakselmo changed their profile picture.01:50:04
23 Dec 2021
@ramblurr:elusivetruth.netramblurrUblock origin's sync feature doesn't sync across desktop and mobile, so I use a repo11:39:38
1 Jan 2022
@fedx:matrix.orgfedx Hey, wierd shell script issue I am running into, I am trying to check if a file exists with if [ ! -e /path/to/file ], but sh is not seeing symlinks at all and most of the files I am working with are symlinks. Any thought on what is going on here? 17:58:33
23 Dec 2021
@zurdo:zurdo.siZurdoand of course there's already a crowdsourced list of seo-spam filters omg11:39:51
1 Jan 2022
@tiny6996:matrix.orgtiny6996could you use an and statement and add the -L flag so it would look like if [ ! -e /path/to/file -a !-L /path/to/file]19:06:26
@fedx:matrix.orgfedxHuzzah! Thank you!19:10:06
23 Dec 2021
@zurdo:zurdo.siZurdoaaand the format is standard enough for vivaldi's native adblocker to catch it, if that syncs successfully you've just made my day. Thanks!11:42:15
@kpovoc:linuxdelta.comKpovoc | LD
In reply to @ramblurr:elusivetruth.net
https://github.com/stroobants-dev/ublock-origin-shitty-copies-filter And https://github.com/Ramblurr/custom-ublock-rules/blob/main/mylist.txt
Things I always wanted but never knew to ask for. Thank you for this Christmas gift sir/madam!
1 Jan 2022
@turdbutt:linuxdelta.comtoadrocksboatLooks like -L checks if the file is a link https://koenwoortman.com/bash-script-check-if-file-is-symlink/18:30:12
5 Jan 2022
@turdbutt:linuxdelta.comtoadrocksboatDo folks prefer to use one, personal GitHub/GitLab/etc account for employers or do you create one for each employer as needed when working there? I created one with my work email but I'm at a new gig now wondering if I should use my personal account and just get invited to the org and keep all my contributions under one account. Thoughts?22:35:40
@hasnep:matrix.orgHasnepI make a separate account for each employer, I want to make it clear that all the commits under that account are owned by my employer and therefore all the commits under my account are owned by me22:43:36
@camara_tech:matrix.orgcamara_techit depends on how the employer views code ownership. I tend to go with creating a separate account and signing all code with a separate GPG key. 22:43:49
@hasnep:matrix.orgHasnepI also don't like seeing the username i use for my hobbies next to all my work stuff, but that's just a personal thing22:44:45
@camara_tech:matrix.orgcamara_techI also go the extra step of deleting my account when I leave. that way there is no possibility of my continuing to have access to code because someone forgot to remove my user from the org. 22:46:15

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