

327 Members
Please keep discussion topics related to the installation, use, and troubleshooting of Mumble. Room history: https://mumble.info/matrix_rooms.txt88 Servers

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14 Jul 2024
@thenamelesswonderer:thesilentlink.orgTheNamelessWondererIs the wiki down?16:22:29
@krzmbrzl_raven:matrix.orgkrzmbrzl Wouldn't be the first time. @davidebeatrici:matrix.org: 16:27:46
@davidebeatrici:matrix.orgdavidebeatriciRestarted MySQL/MariaDB.17:01:42
15 Jul 2024
@beepboop:catgirl.cloudcqst joined the room.20:48:42
16 Jul 2024
@voltox:arcticfoxes.netVoltox joined the room.19:35:59
Download image.png
@voltox:arcticfoxes.netVoltoxhello i tried to install mumble with the standard pelican mumble install script but i get this error 19:37:03
@beepboop:catgirl.cloudcqst changed their profile picture.20:00:27
@davidebeatrici:matrix.orgdavidebeatriciLooks like the server is built against a different version of Protobuf compared to the one that is present at runtime.21:15:02
17 Jul 2024
@voltox:arcticfoxes.netVoltoxDo u know how to fix it?13:51:53
@voltox:arcticfoxes.netVoltoxis there a new egg for pelican panel=16:00:39
@voltox:arcticfoxes.netVoltox * is there a new egg for pelican panel?16:00:42
18 Jul 2024
@beepboop:catgirl.cloudcqst changed their profile picture.00:38:52
@bomb-jovi:matrix.orgEliteMoocaTaskForce changed their display name from EliteMoocaTaskForce to EliteMooseTaskForce.04:16:54
@bomb-jovi:matrix.orgEliteMoocaTaskForce changed their display name from EliteMooseTaskForce to EliteMoocaTaskForce.06:55:02
@bomb-jovi:matrix.orgEliteMoocaTaskForce changed their display name from EliteMoocaTaskForce to Orcoose.15:38:52
@bomb-jovi:matrix.orgEliteMoocaTaskForce changed their display name from Orcoose to EliteMoocaTaskForce.15:42:53
19 Jul 2024
@beepboop:catgirl.cloudcqst changed their profile picture.11:23:28
@roughnecks:matrix.orgroughnecks joined the room.21:21:05
20 Jul 2024
@klinkito:matrix.org@klinkito:matrix.org joined the room.14:16:35
@klinkito:matrix.org@klinkito:matrix.org left the room.14:19:27
23 Jul 2024
@smashcracker:matrix.orgGaming Nights joined the room.09:27:42
@smashcracker:matrix.orgGaming Nightshi. how can i get the currently cunneccted server name to display in mumble menubar? Thanks in advance09:29:22
@vri:cozy.townVri ยท Lisa ๐ŸŒˆ

Gaming Nights It's been a while since I created themes for Mumble, but at least I still know that you can customize the title using:

#MainWindow {
  qproperty-windowTitle: "Mumble";

Maybe you can somehow access a variable which has the currently connected server name in it.

@blanktm:matrix.orgblanktm joined the room.11:38:23
@blanktm:matrix.orgblanktmHi can anyone help me configure my server ACLs?11:38:43
@krzmbrzl_raven:matrix.orgkrzmbrzlMaybe start by stating what exactly your problem is.11:50:35
@blanktm:matrix.orgblanktmNevermind I figured it out. thanks.12:00:53
@roughnecks:matrix.orgroughnecks changed their display name from @roughnecks:matrix.org to roughnecks.20:31:15

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