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15 Jan 2025
@discourse:privacyguides.orgPrivacy Guides Forum @Lukas (Lukas Dutovas) posted in Hardened-chromium is now Trivalent!
In reply to @kremzli:arcticfoxes.net
Ok well gnome's wireguard vpn implementation doesn't work with the new router
ProtonVPN works for 3 seconds and then somehow my ISP takes over
@kremzli:arcticfoxes.netKremzli Mullvad says I'm using protonvpn but ip.me owned by proton is saying I'm using my isp normally 18:16:11
@kremzli:arcticfoxes.netKremzliI am gonna blow up18:16:45
@kremzli:arcticfoxes.netKremzliRedacted or Malformed Event18:17:44
In reply to @kremzli:arcticfoxes.net
ProtonVPN works for 3 seconds and then somehow my ISP takes over
@foxfyre:matrix.orgzrxcs58As usual, use VPN on your router, kids.19:09:11
@kremzli:arcticfoxes.netKremzli ISP router 20:09:08
@k-riot-er:matrix.orgAnarkenHas there been any research regarding the number of Tor nodes operated by governments? Have there been any nodes that have been discovered to be controlled by three letter agencies?20:25:49
@k-riot-er:matrix.orgAnarkenI should note that: 1) I don't believe Tor is compromised. I believe it is still the safest way to browse and communicate privately. 2) I don't believe nearly all nodes are owed by three letter agencies. However, from a privacy/security perspective, I think it's good to take a look at all possibilities so you don't get lax. I know Tor occasionally kicks some nodes off the network that they find to be hostile... Could they possibly discover some government nodes that way? 20:40:35
@anonymous:digitale-gesellschaft.chanonymous (♠counter 1984 tinfoiled tactical resistance special forces♠)
In reply to @k-riot-er:matrix.org
Has there been any research regarding the number of Tor nodes operated by governments? Have there been any nodes that have been discovered to be controlled by three letter agencies?
Search for KAX17
In reply to @anonymous:digitale-gesellschaft.ch
Search for KAX17
@anonymous:digitale-gesellschaft.chanonymous (♠counter 1984 tinfoiled tactical resistance special forces♠)
In reply to @k-riot-er:matrix.org
I should note that: 1) I don't believe Tor is compromised. I believe it is still the safest way to browse and communicate privately. 2) I don't believe nearly all nodes are owed by three letter agencies. However, from a privacy/security perspective, I think it's good to take a look at all possibilities so you don't get lax. I know Tor occasionally kicks some nodes off the network that they find to be hostile... Could they possibly discover some government nodes that way?
Search for 51% attack, netflow (AI) analytics, "IP catching boystown ricochet". Last search request includes childporn related keywords, so its recommended to search it via Tor to not raise interest. This is the story behind last one: https://www.heise.de/en/news/Boystown-investigations-Catching-criminals-on-the-darknet-with-a-stopwatch-9904534.html
@anonymous:digitale-gesellschaft.chanonymous (♠counter 1984 tinfoiled tactical resistance special forces♠) Look also for "most VPN providers use M247". Similar/related attack vector possible at Tor. M247/Datacamp is British. 22:14:55
@k-riot-er:matrix.orgAnarken I read about the boystown op. Hadn't heard of M247 though. 22:16:35
@anonymous:digitale-gesellschaft.chanonymous (♠counter 1984 tinfoiled tactical resistance special forces♠)Technically they dont need to own the nodes to fuck a Tor user, they can also TKÜ/surveil the connection as done with IP catching and use longterm process of elimination. There were news about the BND (German secret agency for spying in other countries) having presented the NSA a method to deanonymize Tor users easily years ago. Which method they use wasnt publicly reported.22:19:39
@anonymous:digitale-gesellschaft.chanonymous (♠counter 1984 tinfoiled tactical resistance special forces♠)German article, sorry: https://netzpolitik.org/2017/geheime-dokumente-der-bnd-hat-das-anonymisierungs-netzwerk-tor-angegriffen-und-warnt-vor-dessen-nutzung/22:20:32
@anonymous:digitale-gesellschaft.chanonymous (♠counter 1984 tinfoiled tactical resistance special forces♠)
In reply to @k-riot-er:matrix.org
I read about the boystown op. Hadn't heard of M247 though.
M247 is just a known example of widespread usage, but the attack vector is having/using an ISP that has many ASNs under their control and can correlate entry and exit of VPN/Tor on their own without much help from other countries, agencies, courts, jurisdictions.
@anonymous:digitale-gesellschaft.chanonymous (♠counter 1984 tinfoiled tactical resistance special forces♠)* M247 is just a known example of widespread usage, but the attack vector is (related to) having/using an ISP that has many ASNs under their control and can correlate entry and exit of VPN/Tor on their own without much help from other countries, agencies, courts, jurisdictions.22:24:50
@k-riot-er:matrix.orgAnarken Intersting. 22:24:58
@anonymous:digitale-gesellschaft.chanonymous (♠counter 1984 tinfoiled tactical resistance special forces♠)
In reply to @k-riot-er:matrix.org
You may want to take a look also at a younger counter measure against traffic analysis. https://mullvad.net/en/blog/introducing-defense-against-ai-guided-traffic-analysis-daita
@anonymous:digitale-gesellschaft.chanonymous (♠counter 1984 tinfoiled tactical resistance special forces♠)The privacy/fundamental rights/constitition undermining terrorists/secret agencies are everywhere. One can learn to recognize them and their tactics. Counter police interrogation handbook: https://projet-evasions.org/verhor/22:35:00
@anonymous:digitale-gesellschaft.chanonymous (♠counter 1984 tinfoiled tactical resistance special forces♠)
In reply to @k-riot-er:matrix.org
I read about the boystown op. Hadn't heard of M247 though.
IP catching that scale is legal grey area in Germany, BKA (German police similar to FBI) was bold as shit... again.
@anonymous:digitale-gesellschaft.chanonymous (♠counter 1984 tinfoiled tactical resistance special forces♠)and the boystown admin confessed. SEK (German SWAT) also got him at his computer unlocked or pressured him to unlock device.22:40:47
@k-riot-er:matrix.orgAnarkenThanks for the info22:45:09
16 Jan 2025
@unseeing8191:matrix.orgunseeing8191 joined the room.01:01:19
@foxfyre:matrix.orgzrxcs58OK WHOS THE CHAD RUNNING SAILFISHOS02:52:29
@foxfyre:matrix.orgzrxcs58same with plasma mobile02:53:51

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