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27 Jul 2024
In reply to @valynor:matrix.org
Why are people still using that third-rate service known as Twitter
@foxfyre:matrix.orgzrxcs58tbh the only site that has been consistently decent is the piratebay00:47:50
@valynor:matrix.orgValynor zrxcs58 the topic is privacy & security not trolling and spreading FUD 01:02:03
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huang
In reply to @foxfyre:matrix.org
hey whats the consensus on the conversations app? Signal seems to be more shite every day.
the xmpp client?
In reply to @austin:tchncs.de
the xmpp client?
Yeah, weird to see xmpp suggested
@foxfyre:matrix.orgzrxcs58Well kinda, it's had time to age I guess01:04:47
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huang
In reply to @foxfyre:matrix.org
Yeah, weird to see xmpp suggested

i can't comment on the client, it's open source though

xmpp is really just a more robust but less user-friendly matrix

@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huang
In reply to @foxfyre:matrix.org
Yeah, weird to see xmpp suggested

i can't comment on the client, it's open source though

xmpp is really just a more robust but less user-friendly matrix, it's not more beneficial for privacy than matrix (read: it has metadata issues by design)

@foxfyre:matrix.orgzrxcs58Mostly referring to this : https://divestos.org/pages/messengers01:05:24
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huangyeah conversations is just xmpp01:05:34
In reply to @foxfyre:matrix.org
tbh the only site that has been consistently decent is the piratebay
Actually, there was a time when piratebay searches returned a bunch of some mb results, that werent what you looked for, so no lol
In reply to @morsmortium:matrix.org
Actually, there was a time when piratebay searches returned a bunch of some mb results, that werent what you looked for, so no lol
lol also the crypto miner stuff
@foxfyre:matrix.orgzrxcs58at least it was pretty upfront01:06:07
In reply to @foxfyre:matrix.org
lol also the crypto miner stuff
No idea, i turn off all script except piratebays own
@foxfyre:matrix.orgzrxcs58This was years back01:06:57
Download clipboard.png
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huangthe real question is which tpb lmao01:07:13
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huangalso just use https://nyaa.si01:07:20
In reply to @austin:tchncs.de
also just use https://nyaa.si
Thats only for anime, right?
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huang
In reply to @morsmortium:matrix.org
Thats only for anime, right?
not strictly but sure
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huangit's all japanese stuff tho01:08:06
@foxfyre:matrix.orgzrxcs58It's just odd to see conversations with such high "points" with none of the hype01:14:01
@foxfyre:matrix.orgzrxcs58But ya signal is slowly becoming more enshittified from what I see, like even Jonah was giving them a bit of a jab on X01:15:14
@foxfyre:matrix.orgzrxcs58Would be nice to kinda migrate outta it to like... maybe element fulltime, simplex, session or even conversations01:15:58
@foxfyre:matrix.orgzrxcs58hard part is just getting friends/family to migrate01:16:07
@jonah:neat.chatJonah (he/him)Hey don’t tell people I’m on Twitter that’s defamatory01:16:39
In reply to @jonah:neat.chat
Hey don’t tell people I’m on Twitter that’s defamatory
Dont worry, I'll pretend I wasn't on it to see it
@jonah:neat.chatJonah (he/him) It’s rude to out people 😤 01:17:17
@foxfyre:matrix.orgzrxcs58Speaking of that, elon needs to dip out of the political stuff01:17:41
@jonah:neat.chatJonah (he/him)But yeah Signal cringe lately01:17:41

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