16 Jun 2016 |
| prashere changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared". | 07:07:36 |
| prashere invited ramaseshan. | 07:07:56 |
| prashere invited Lucifer. | 07:08:08 |
prashere | Hello Everyone. Welcome to Pondicherry Meshnet Community! Yay! We are finally on a more free and federated platform. | 07:09:25 |
| ramaseshan joined the room. | 07:13:14 |
| prashere changed the room topic to "Pondicherry Meshnet Community - https://pymeshnet.gitlab.io" from "Pondicherry Meshnet Community". | 07:14:32 |
| prashere invited harthi. | 07:17:16 |
| prashere invited crsio. | 07:17:27 |
| kuurththalaRi joined the room. | 07:44:14 |
| crsio joined the room. | 08:40:17 |
| crsio | 08:40:18 |
crsio | Yuhoo | 08:40:24 |
| harthi joined the room. | 08:44:47 |
prashere | Oh. Cool. More people joining! | 08:54:22 |
ramaseshan | Welcome everyone | 08:59:25 |
| Lucifer joined the room. | 08:59:59 |
| prashere changed the room topic to "Pondicherry Meshnet Community - https://pymeshnet.gitlab.io | https://crabgrass.riseup.net/pymeshnet" from "Pondicherry Meshnet Community - https://pymeshnet.gitlab.io". | 09:01:42 |
harthi | Hellooo everyone | 09:02:07 |
Lucifer | Hallloooooo | 09:03:41 |
prashere | Does group call works? Because I see Audio and Video call option in Web in rooms / channels. If yes, we can have calls weekly! | 10:22:34 |
ramaseshan | It is webrtc based so yes it will work only from web | 10:23:05 |
ramaseshan | But one to one calls also work from android | 10:23:18 |
prashere | Web is what I am looking for. Are you in web now? | 10:23:54 |
ramaseshan | Android | 10:24:04 |
ramaseshan | Will come in web | 10:24:10 |
prashere | Yeah, please | 10:24:17 |
ramaseshan | I am there | 10:24:35 |
| prashere invited VoIP Conference. | 10:24:44 |
| VoIP Conference joined the room. | 10:24:44 |
ramaseshan | A lot of delay | 10:25:51 |