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23 Jun 2016
@prashere:matrix.orgprasherethanks will look into it11:02:16
@Lucifer:matrix.orgLuciferCheck this one also11:03:26
@prashere:matrix.orgprashereJust setup GNU Social on my node! Freedom Box folks especially Eben Moglen would be too excited to know what we people are doing.14:01:16
Download gnu_social.png
@prashere:matrix.orgprashere Well these are defaults from this theme! https://git.gnu.io/h2p/Qvitter 14:19:49
@vms20591:matrix.orgvms20591Cool :) :)14:49:51
@prashere:matrix.orgprashere From 4MB to 185kb Chennai Mesh Network Community's effort
25 Jun 2016
@prashere:matrix.orgprashere Patchwork https://ssbc.github.io/patchwork/ 07:27:15
@prashere:matrix.orgprashereAny C / C++ devs here?07:29:46
@prashere:matrix.orgprasheresuriyadeepan, kuurththalaRi and naveen (@nnpths01:matrix.org) can you people look into the possibility of implementing webseed / https trackers (i.e using torrent over webRTC) into OpenTracker?07:30:59
@prashere:matrix.orgprashereHere this one is a bittorrent tracker implementation (both tracker and torrent client in same repo) in nodejs which has the support for http and webseed trackers.07:36:09
@prashere:matrix.orgprashere https://github.com/feross/bittorrent-tracker 07:36:15
@prashere:matrix.orgprashereI am asking this because, if we could bring webseed / http tracker support for opentracker, then we can use our router to stream audio and video to other peers on the network through torrents07:37:18
@prashere:matrix.orgprashere I think, these specs should help

  1. http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0019.html
  2. http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0017.html
@prashere:matrix.orgprashere Ennaya ithu. Thonda Thonda vanthukittey iruku! http://www.freedomjs.org/ A p2p web framework 08:20:17
@nnpths01:matrix.orgnaveenprashere: I ll tall to suriya08:22:11
@prashere:matrix.orgprashere http://will.blankenship.io/peerweb/ 10:16:08
26 Jun 2016
@bds:matrix.orgBD joined the room.12:58:50
@prashere:matrix.orgprashere Currently, I am writing a desktop application (using electron) which can be used to share files on a LAN based on ZeroConf. So this should also work on IP based Mesh networks too. We have pidgin with ZeroConf support for chatting, but when it comes to sending and receiving files, it's not working (it should be the problem with the pidgin I suppose).

Also I remember one application named "Giver" which was also a free software that is used to send and receive files to peers within LAN using ZeroConf. It was written in C#.net but discontinued. I badly miss this tool. So I am trying to recreate this tool in electron. Let's see how far I could go.

@bds:matrix.orgBD set their display name to BD.14:09:30
27 Jun 2016
@prashere:matrix.orgprashereSomeone named Charlie Meyers from Newyork Meshnet (NYCmesh.net) has sent an email to my inbox stating they would love to collaborate!02:52:24
@prashere:matrix.orgprashere This is the email content,

"Though I know a little Malayalam l my Hindi needs work.

Anyway, I work with NYCmesh.net, the largest met in North America. Would love to collaborate. Looking through your github now. What hardware do you use over there? Our setup would be prohibitively expensive in Asia ($150 USD per node)"

@voidspacexyz:matrix.orgvoidspacexyzThe info in the email is too short. . . we should try redirecting them to our mailing list03:35:50
@prashere:matrix.orgprashere 03:48:36
@voidspacexyz:matrix.orgvoidspacexyz 06:52:15
@prakash:matrix.orgCrazyPrakash joined the room.14:06:54
@prakash:matrix.orgCrazyPrakashIn our ioffice. We using ipmsg for windows14:08:26

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