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22 Apr 2024
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrpNow git submodules10:35:26
@andreas_tille:matrix.orgAndreas Tille
In reply to @pjotrp-linux:matrix.org
Is it possible we add the include files for fastahack and smithwaterman packages? That way I can unbundle those
I admit I do not really understand. In Debian we have separate packages for vcflib, fastahack and smithwaterman.
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrpYes, but only binaries. No libs, no include filed14:55:38
@andreas_tille:matrix.orgAndreas Tillehttps://debconf24.debconf.org/talks/21-debian-med-bof/16:17:23
@charles_at_oist:matrix.orgCharles Plessy All my congratulations Andreas Tille! Will do my best to keep up with more uploads! 23:35:36
23 Apr 2024
@andreas_tille:matrix.orgAndreas TilleThat's the most welcome support I can imagine!04:30:56
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrpI fixed freebayes and it has a new release. By unbundling vcflib I had to bundle fastahack, smithwaterman and multichoose repos. They are all tiny. I still may need to add intervaltree.06:37:07
@andreas_tille:matrix.orgAndreas TilleThanks a lot for your cooperation. If noone in the Debian Med team might step up, please ping again next week. I'm currently busy with DPL issues.07:42:30
@emollier:matrix.orgemollier pjotrp: I have a look at freebayes, I see the new 1.3.8 and check whether it can be uploaded with the new version. 19:43:03
@emollier:matrix.orgemollierhm, i probably should have a look to see how to glue components back together. Taking the packaging straight, I get the following "configure/meson" error for the moment: ../meson.build:55.16: ERROR: File contrib/fastahack/Fasta.cpp does not exist.19:48:57
@emollier:matrix.orgemollierbecause git submodules don't get pulled by uscan.19:58:19
@emollier:matrix.orgemollieri drop the ball for this evening, I'm falling asleep. good night20:58:39
24 Apr 2024
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrpah, right. Don't patch it please. I prefer to have these packages in a state that we don't have to look again :)02:21:56
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrpwe have two routes. Create fastahack-dev that brings in a shared lib and include files - or I vendor this code (by the same author) into the main repo02:23:03
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrpor I make it part of libvcflib-dev. That can be the place we put this code as it is also used by vcflib.02:24:19
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrpmy vgtools uses it. Let me check02:24:49
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrpoh wait, there is already libfasthack-dev. Let me incorporate that in freebayes02:28:10
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrp Andreas Tille: I now see what you mean. There is even libsmithwaterman-dev you wrote :) 02:29:22
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrpexcellent. I can unbundle02:29:37
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrponly libmultichoose-dev is missing02:31:18
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrplet me see if anyone is using that02:31:34
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrpvcflib of course02:31:55
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrpOK, there are some neglected PRs https://github.com/ekg/multichoose/pulls02:34:41
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrpthat provided build/install commits ;)02:34:55
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrpso, do we want to create libmultichoose-dev? I can create a meson build, and we add that to Debian as a vcflib and freebayes dependency. Alternatively I pull the source code into vcflib. wdyt?02:36:05
@emollier:matrix.orgemollier Hi pjotrp, if that helps, multichoose.h is already available from libvcflib-dev as /usr/include/vcflib/multichoose.h 07:12:15
@emollier:matrix.orgemollierbut yeah, libmultichoose-dev would be of interest if you think it would be better to unbundle the header from the vcflib.07:14:30
@emollier:matrix.orgemollierI had a quick look at multichoose source code, and it's short enough that I'm unsure about the overhead of dedicating a package if this is already bundled somewhere else. If you were to want to work on both vcflib and multichoose in a completely independent manner, a new multichoose-dev package would make sense though.07:16:25
@pjotrp-linux:matrix.orgpjotrpI'll take a look07:21:22
@emollier:matrix.orgemollierack, I'll do something else in the meantime. :)07:29:30

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