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10 Jan 2023
@fnz:matrix.orgfnz * [...] that's why the left navigation is so weird.
You tried to imitate the Old Masters Discord? 02:49:15
@fnz:matrix.orgfnz When I try to do the thing on that text, that formatting just disappears when I try to publish the edit 02:50:03
@fnz:matrix.orgfnz The <del> thing* 02:51:39
@fnz:matrix.orgfnzIt did it there too 😭02:51:55
@cadence:cadence.moe@cadence:cadence.moewhat client is that in?03:42:03
@cadence:cadence.moe@cadence:cadence.moe* what client are you writing that in?03:42:20
@fnz:matrix.orgfnzElement iOS04:34:01
@cadence:cadence.moe@cadence:cadence.moeios L08:02:19
Download ima_678ff05.jpeg
@fnz:matrix.orgfnzIt also does this thing where it repeats messages I've sent08:23:00
@fnz:matrix.orgfnzMaybe this why that guy's friends didn't wanna use Matrix08:23:23
@cadence:cadence.moe@cadence:cadence.moethat message doesn't appear on my end LOL09:04:31
@cadence:cadence.moe@cadence:cadence.moe * that duplicated message doesn't appear on my end LOL09:04:36
@fnz:matrix.orgfnzI've assumed that it doesn't09:09:12
Download ima_8f2a8be.jpeg
@fnz:matrix.orgfnzAnd thank god for that LMAO09:09:22
@fnz:matrix.orgfnz* I'd assumed that it doesn't09:11:20
@pacojazz75:matrix.orgpacojazz75 joined the room.11:59:10
@zrw:psi.one@zrw:psi.one joined the room.14:11:41
11 Jan 2023
@lukaro:hacknesium.delukaroIt might be that better JavaScript implentations are possible. But I've yet to see an example where JavaScript is as fast and reactive as a native code implementation. Even on modern systems it always feels a little sluggish and less snappy to me, not to mention the old systems I daily use. For example, my phone is 8 years old for environmental reasons, and although Element and FluffyChat still work fast, they're always slower than native apps. And on my old backup laptop, there's no chance to run Element, while other messengers work fine.10:17:36
@cadence:cadence.moe@cadence:cadence.moeElement and FluffyChat are native code, aren't they?11:24:23
@cadence:cadence.moe@cadence:cadence.moe* Element (phone) and FluffyChat are native code, aren't they?11:24:52
@selfisekai:laura.pm@selfisekai:laura.pmpretty sure FluffyChat is much more Dart than native11:48:40
@selfisekai:laura.pm@selfisekai:laura.pmwhich is better than js in terms of performance (static typing!), but it's still an interpreted language 11:50:58
@lukaro:hacknesium.delukaroYou're right, Element seems to be native code. Then I wonder why it still feels as slow as JS compared to other apps on my mobile.13:38:25
@pinguimss:matrix.org@pinguimss:matrix.org left the room.17:12:17
In reply to @cadence:cadence.moe
It's not about the language, it's about the algorithms.
@zrw:psi.one@zrw:psi.one removed their profile picture.19:35:25

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