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2 Oct 2024
@_discord_438100388772708394:t2bot.iopyralisoptera Dang 08:48:04
@bravodakelson_.22:matrix.orgbravodakelson_.22 joined the room.10:50:29
@_discord_761127759367634965:t2bot.io74hc595 How difficult is it to pair controllers to try current controller branch? 16:02:30
@_discord_365465029241208833:t2bot.iothedordo a lot of it will hinge on if usb connectivity is open or if windows forces you to use some janky api, same with the display port. I'm not too familiar with how WMR works under the hood on the display side 16:26:06
@_discord_365465029241208833:t2bot.iothedordo windows does stupid things with usb drivers 16:26:33
@_discord_178281289995124739:t2bot.iohare_ware If you pair to your PC's Bluetooth the process should be the same as any other Bluetooth device. You might need to try changing this setting to get it working through: https://discord.com/channels/556527313823596604/832674300992815185/1282613974550052935

If you pair it with your HMD, this tool might work, I haven't tried it with my O+.
If you pair the controllers to the HMD, you don't need to re-pair them on Linux or copy the pairing keys if you dual boot.

If you've already paired them to the headset on Windows you just need to turn them and they should connect.
@_discord_178281289995124739:t2bot.iohare_ware * If you pair to your PC's Bluetooth the process should be the same as any other Bluetooth device. You might need to try changing this setting to get it working through: https://discord.com/channels/556527313823596604/832674300992815185/1282613974550052935

If you pair it with your HMD, this tool might work, I haven't tried it with my O+.
If you pair the controllers to the HMD, you don't need to re-pair them on Linux or copy the pairing keys if you dual boot. If you've already paired them to the headset on Windows you just need to turn them and they should connect.
@_discord_761127759367634965:t2bot.io74hc595 Thank you! 18:38:07
@_discord_476539922426101776:t2bot.iomranderson1st joined the room.21:08:21
3 Oct 2024
@_discord_1291189932559306782:t2bot.iogkcooper462gmail.com_27011 joined the room.00:08:49
@_discord_411595460965433347:t2bot.iowizzard_dr joined the room.02:36:14
@_discord_411595460965433347:t2bot.iowizzard_dr Hi, is there a way to command a Odyssey+ to turn on, so I can use it as a HDMI display Mixed Reality Portal? 02:38:15
@_discord_377929144391958558:t2bot.iot0mah4wk_vr joined the room.03:00:22
@_discord_795334192249438218:t2bot.iosodaiscute joined the room.05:22:25
@_discord_504678849309704203:t2bot.iooeufmimosa joined the room.12:52:48
@sandokan79:matrix.org@sandokan79:matrix.org joined the room.12:58:51
@sandokan79:matrix.org@sandokan79:matrix.org left the room.12:59:07
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch you mean without mixed reality portal? on windows I don't think the drivers allow it. on linux yes. 13:16:45
@_discord_1291392947014864906:t2bot.iokhabboris_65962 joined the room.13:35:50
@_discord_266599727745728533:t2bot.iovvoz joined the room.14:14:08
@_discord_936788165367328798:t2bot.iomat_1959 joined the room.14:26:14
@webosi5203:matrix.orgwebosi5203 joined the room.16:53:14
@_discord_936262477975527435:t2bot.iokopyacekmiyorum joined the room.22:16:58
@_discord_725642085859852309:t2bot.iostin070707 joined the room.23:41:14
4 Oct 2024
@_discord_464784153334775808:t2bot.ioshindig5534 joined the room.10:11:17
@_discord_1291709724386922569:t2bot.ioravi_33263 joined the room.10:34:11
@coolgi:matrix.orgcoolGi (moved => @me:coolgi.dev) changed their display name from coolGi (She/Her) to coolGi (moved => @me:coolgi.dev).17:32:03
@_discord_1291828591256141844:t2bot.iopingpongcat_82360 joined the room.18:26:34
@_discord_324226651145895936:t2bot.iom4fdevon joined the room.18:33:35
@_discord_162263979274665984:t2bot.ioRylie Pavlik changed their profile picture.20:22:21

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