
Tombstoned - Secure Messaging Apps (SecuChart)

2165 Members
Discussion on secure messenger apps, security and privacy. Prefer peer-to-peer (Secure Scuttlebutt, RetroShare, Jami, Tox, Briar, Cabal, Cwtch, Session, Tinfoil Chat, Freenet, I2P, Twister, GNUnet Chat), federated (Matrix, SIP/SIMPLE, XMPP, Conversations, Gajim, Pidgin, Movim, Rocket.Chat, Delta Chat, GnuPG, Status.im), planned federated (NextCloud Talk, Wire) or centralized (Signal, Mumble, Mattermost, Jitsi, Zulip) instead of closed server (Threema, Keybase, Telegram) or proprietary (WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, FaceTime, Zoom, Google Hangouts/Meet, Viber, WeChat, Wickr, Olvid, ICQ, SOMA, Discord, Hushed, Beeper, Skype, FireChat, Kik, Line, Silent Phone, Slack, Tencent QQ, Trillian, TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, HipChat) or outmoded (IRC, Jabber, Cryptocat, Ricochet, Bitmessage, Serval Project).178 Servers

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14 Apr 2021
@code1234:matrix.orgcode1234* These: "Replacement of non-FOSS, untrustworthy or suspicious binaries or source code: Do location sharing with OpenStreetMap(osmdroid) instead of Google Maps Use Twemoji emoji set instead of Apple's emoji Google Play Services GCM replaced with Telegram's push service Has to show a notification on Oreo+, ask Google SECURITY: Old BoringSSL prebuilts are replaced with the newest upstream source code built at compile time SECURITY: Old FFmpeg prebuilts are replaced with the newest upstream source code built at compile time SECURITY: Bundled libWebP is updated Removal of non-FOSS, untrustworthy or suspicious binaries or source code and their functionality: Google Vision face detection and barcode scanning (Passport) Google Wallet and Android Pay integration Google Voice integration HockeyApp crash reporting and self-updates Google SMS retrieval. You have to type the code manually"05:27:53
@varus0:matrix.orgvarus0i thought the APK also ommited these things05:28:11
@varus0:matrix.orgvarus0is the f-droid and the apk from the website not the same05:28:22
@varus0:matrix.orgvarus0are there any stability issues from omitting all these things from the code05:29:06
@code1234:matrix.orgcode1234The version of fdroid is telegram-FOSS05:29:16
In reply to @varus0:matrix.org
are there any stability issues from omitting all these things from the code
@askguynoirpi:matrix.orgGuy Noir, Private Investigator @code1234:matrix.org: neat 05:29:40
@varus0:matrix.orgvarus0what about notifications05:29:58
@varus0:matrix.orgvarus0are they any different05:30:00
@code1234:matrix.orgcode1234Here a post from a user on the tgfoss room about differences between tg, tgfoss: https://matrix.to/#/!ryTDFvEdLZGvpkFbtq:matrix.org/$161408768479828JgdWL:t2bot.io?via=matrix.org&via=t2bot.io&via=privacytools.io 05:35:02
@code1234:matrix.orgcode1234" > <ᴀʟɪʀᴇᴢᴀ> but only one question I have > > the github apk which named as beta, is not really beta, right????? > > its stable version but named and beta because of github rules ?? to answer this question definitively, here's some food for thought : * the "beta" in package name is just a name, it has no effect on the app itself * telegram and telegram-foss are 2 different apps * as a result, the meaning of "beta" for telegram is different from the meaning of "beta" for telegram foss * the source code of telegram on github is always that of stable, never beta * all versions of tg-foss are based on the source code of telegram which is stable * this means tg-foss beta is based on source code of telegram stable, because source of telegram beta is not available * in order to test tg-foss for bugs before pushing it to f-droid, maintainer sometimes provides a debug apk here in this group, and later in github releases. This debug build is named beta because it is intended to be used for testing, despite being based on stable telegram source code. * differences between tg-foss beta (github) and tg-foss (f-droid) : - github version is universal (bigger apk size) while f-droid version is optimised for specific cpu architechture (smaller apk size) - github version has debug flag set to true while f-droid version has debug flag set to false - github version has signature of maintainer while f-droid version has signature of f-droid - github version has package name "org.telegram.messenger.beta" while f-droid version has package name "org.telegram.messenger"05:40:49
@varus0:matrix.orgvarus0but thats not what im asking05:41:07
@varus0:matrix.orgvarus0im asking for the apk version on their website05:41:14
@varus0:matrix.orgvarus0not gihub version05:41:16
@code1234:matrix.orgcode1234Okay: the apk on their website is the same on playstore, but maybe with a different signature, but it has google trackers inside the code. And here there's tgfoss that come to help, because is version of telegram without google shit or others un-foss things05:44:57
@code1234:matrix.orgcode1234So, if you use telegram from play store, or also from directly from their website, is the same. Is a version with trackers. See by yourself with Classyshark05:47:01
@varus0:matrix.orgvarus0is the f-droid version unstable or slower?05:51:01
Download image.png
@varus0:matrix.orgvarus0it has less censorship than the google play version05:52:46
In reply to @varus0:matrix.org
is the f-droid version unstable or slower?
No, it's not unstable because comes directly from the stable version of source code of telegram That post that I've attached before is an explanation also about why on the github page of tgfoss, there's name BETA in the name. But tgfoss is directly builded from stable telegram source code, so it's stable
@code1234:matrix.orgcode1234* No, it's not unstable because comes directly from the stable version of source code of telegram. That post that I've attached before is an explanation also about why on the github page of tgfoss, there's name BETA in the name. But tgfoss is directly builded from stable telegram source code, so it's stable05:58:50
@varus0:matrix.orgvarus0what if i just disable all notifications on telegram05:59:19
@varus0:matrix.orgvarus0cant i just avoid google like that05:59:26
In reply to @varus0:matrix.org
cant i just avoid google like that
I don't know, because I don't know how trackers work
Download Screenshot_20210414-075345_ClassyShark3xodus.png
@askguynoirpi:matrix.orgGuy Noir, Private InvestigatorYou might look into Briar. I wouldn't recommend it for a social network by any means but it's an option for increased privacy for simple messaging. https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.briarproject.briar.android/06:17:04
@askguynoirpi:matrix.orgGuy Noir, Private InvestigatorIt can be pretty battery hungry though06:17:30
@varus0:matrix.orgvarus0why are there some people skeptical of f-droid being secure06:25:15

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