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19 Dec 2023
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ionamija dont 20:51:46
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ionamija ruin our dreams 20:51:49
20 Dec 2023
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.ioenla. termin8rlayer 7 tomorrow 09:32:25
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioizaw. oh shit where's the news 09:53:14
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.ioenla. Steam 10:27:59
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.ioenla. here https://cdn.tokyo.jp/4VIu2 10:28:28
@_discord_473442494269620245:t2bot.ioshe.her changed their display name from puppygirl2 to she.her.16:34:04
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.ioenla. izaw. termin8r https://youtu.be/uHc1HLw2UpI?si=pbZWfEEcnGPl4lM6 18:31:49
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.ioenla. IT'S OUT 18:32:04
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioizaw. yep got the update, downloading now 18:32:36
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioizaw. holy shit I already got jumpscared bad 18:53:50
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioizaw. fuck this 18:53:57
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.ioenla. lmao same :D 20:01:21
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.ioenla. same as well, I'm unable to beat the last room of lvl 2 20:01:33
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioizaw. I just beat it rn 20:02:23
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.ioenla. dam 20:02:27
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioizaw. bro level 1 in 30m 20:02:35
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioizaw. those level are insanely long 20:02:40
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioizaw. and I only got 4/5 secret 20:02:45
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.ioenla. yeah and they also go harder than fucking diamon 20:02:49
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.ioenla. level 2 is fabulous 20:02:54
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioizaw. fuck those rocket guy thinghy 20:03:00
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.ioenla. fr holy shit I hate them so much 20:03:15
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.ioenla. they can hit you from around corners!! 20:03:21
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.ioenla. sure feels like it 20:04:25
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioizaw. how many layer do we have? Violence or also the rest? 20:20:39
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioizaw. aww hell naw 7-3 is an horror level 20:21:39
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.ioenla. i have no clue how long it is i think it's only violence 20:33:38
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioizaw. ok it's just violence 20:48:17
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioizaw. the boss is pretty fucking cool ngl 20:49:16

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