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25 Jul 2024
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentaHey @room! farmOS dev call starts in a few minutes! All are welcome! :-)15:57:51
@symbioquine:matrix.orgsymbioquine Now I'm getting a weird error where the PROJECT_REPO variable isn't being populated for the build-farmos.sh script. 15:58:25
@symbioquine:matrix.orgsymbioquineIt looks like there's a better way to do what we want than using the ARG/ENV pattern...17:27:58
@symbioquine:matrix.orgsymbioquineStill not sure why it's working as-is for Mike and working in the GH actions though...17:29:17
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstenta ah so we set ARG FOO=defaultvalue before the first FROM and then just put ARG FOO at the beginning of each build stage that needs it? 17:30:46
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentaSimple enough! Makes sense!17:31:17
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentaBut/and yea... no idea why it's working for me and github actions without that right now17:31:31
@symbioquine:matrix.orgsymbioquineI tried looking through the Docker 26 vs 27 changelogs and didn't find anything that seemed relevant17:32:18
@symbioquine:matrix.orgsymbioquineNot sure I'll have time to look into reproducing the problem/lack-thereof on a clean VM today. Maybe sometime soon though.17:33:34
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentaWell if you want to open a PR at least... I think we could consider merging even without nailing down why it worked17:33:57
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstenta This is the documented right way to do it 17:34:10
@symbioquine:matrix.orgsymbioquineI'll probably see if I can get to the bottom of it before opening the PR.17:34:43
@symbioquine:matrix.orgsymbioquineFor now it's in this branch if we need it: https://github.com/symbioquine/farmOS/tree/3.x-use-docker-buildx17:35:02
@symbioquine:matrix.orgsymbioquineNeed to add some links to the commit message and explain what/why.17:35:47
@symbioquine:matrix.orgsymbioquineAnyway. Gotta run for today. Thanks for the help!17:36:25
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstenta Cool sounds good! Thanks symbioquine ! 17:36:44
In reply to @mstenta:matrix.org
Happy to help walk through how to do that... and if you wouldn't mind maybe we can document it in a forum topic for future reference.
sounds good. happy to document an arm64 docker image build. where do i start? what are the steps?
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstenta You basically just clone the farmOS repo, checkout the version you want (eg: 3.2.3) and run docker build -t farmOS/farmOS:3.2.3 docker 18:05:25
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstenta that will build an image named farmOS/farmOS:3.2.3 which you can then use locally 18:05:46
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstenta docker build will build it for arm64 since that's what you're running it on 18:06:30
@ian_vai:matrix.orgian_vaiawesome. thanks for that. I will give it a try tonight and report back18:09:25
26 Jul 2024
@ian_vai:matrix.orgian_vaithat worked!!! i wrote a step-by-step here: https://sunriselabs.notion.site/FarmOS-on-RaspberryPi-e43ad602ed5c4a0481bb55ffc136d565 thanks for the help 🫡08:56:28
@_oftc_farmBOT:matrix.orgfarmBOT left the room.09:06:10
@_oftc_farmBOT:matrix.orgfarmBOT joined the room.09:07:17

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