
Bots by Coffee

26 Members
Bots and client/bot framework written by Coffee. <https://gitlab.com/Matrixcoffee> Harrassment of bots in #test-bot:matrix.org please.12 Servers

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11 Nov 2018
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR If you've switched to gitlab, should probably update the topic btw 15:01:41
@Coffee:matrix.orgCoffee changed the room topic to "Bots and client/bot framework written by Coffee. <https://gitlab.com/Matrixcoffee> Harrassment of bots in #test-bot:matrix.org please." from "Bots and client/bot framework written by Coffee. <https://github.com/Matrixcoffee> Harrassment of bots in #test-bot:matrix.org please.".15:10:36
@Coffee:matrix.orgCoffeeOops. Ty.15:11:03
13 Nov 2018
@bizr:bizr.orgbizr joined the room.04:27:33
10 Dec 2018
@_neb_github_=40_coffee=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgGithub [@Coffee:matrix.org] (deprecated) [Matrixcoffee/matrix-client-core] aaronraimist opened issue #1: Archive repo and point at GitLab [open] - https://github.com/Matrixcoffee/matrix-client-core/issues/1 21:56:48
17 Dec 2018
@preternatural:chat.weho.stpreternatural changed their display name from preternatural to preternatura .04:41:33
@preternatural:chat.weho.stpreternatural changed their display name from preternatura to preternatural .04:45:04
19 Dec 2018
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [Matrixcoffee/matrix-client-core] Coffee commented on merge request Update README.md to point at GitLab (!2) 09:44:05
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [Matrixcoffee/matrix-client-core#master] 2 new commits by Coffee 09:44:18
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • Merge branch 'patch-1' into 'master' (...) (625227cd)
  • Update README.md to point at GitLab (242b95ed)
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [Matrixcoffee/matrix-client-core] Coffee merged merge request Update README.md to point at GitLab (!2) 09:44:19
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [Matrixcoffee/matrix-client-core] Coffee commented on issue Publish this to PyPI (#3) 09:53:33
@Coffee:matrix.orgCoffeeI closed the entire browser in anger after i pressed a key with apparebtly the wrong itrm focused, and was taken to a different screen and lost the comment i was typing.10:19:45
@Coffee:matrix.orgCoffeeI set out to do 1 hour of gitlab issues and mrs and ended up spe ding 45 minutes addi g a screenshot to twif as the sole redult of this 1 hour.10:21:06
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [Matrixcoffee/FAQBot] Coffee closed issue Consider integrating https://wiki.uhoreg.ca/TryMatrix/WebHome as an additional information source for Matrix projects (#1) 15:26:44
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [Matrixcoffee/matrix-client-core] Coffee commented on merge request WIP: add setup.py (!1) 15:51:53
@preternatural:chat.weho.stpreternatural left the room.18:13:17
20 Dec 2018
@realvagabond:matrix.org@realvagabond:matrix.org left the room.22:55:10
28 Dec 2018
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.org@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.org changed their display name from MilkManzJourDaddy [99-Problems/AπŸ“ŒπŸš/Falayalaralfali] πŸ’₯πŸ”¨ Castigare troglodytam. Malleo pugnae aviditate. πŸŒŠπŸ‘‹πŸ™‹\o πŸ’₯πŸ”¨ ZFG πŸ™Œ to MilkManzJourDaddy [99-Problems/AπŸ“ŒπŸš/Falayalaralfali] πŸ’₯πŸ”¨ Castigare troglodytam. Malleo pugnae aviditate. πŸŒŠπŸ‘‹πŸ™‹\o πŸ’₯πŸ”¨ ZFG πŸ™Œ ℒ¦¢␍ β†΅β€β†˜β†¦:.18:42:52
1 Apr 2019
@bizr:bizr.orgbizr left the room.12:33:13
29 Dec 2018
@swedneck:swedneck.xyz@swedneck joined the room.14:11:49
30 Dec 2018
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [Matrixcoffee/matrix-client-core] Serkan-devel commented on merge request WIP: add setup.py (!1) 17:13:59
2 Jan 2019
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [Matrixcoffee/matrix-client-core] Serkan-devel opened issue Missing documentation (#4) 15:02:42
17 Jan 2019
@swedneck:swedneck.xyz@swedneckhi, is there a guide on writing the answers file for faqbot?17:26:13
@Coffee:matrix.orgCoffeeNot really, but it should be pretty simple.17:31:15
@Coffee:matrix.orgCoffeeJust make an orgmode item with the question as the title and the answer as tbe body.17:32:35
@Coffee:matrix.orgCoffeeThe faq links to the org-mode website, which has the general spec, and matrix-knowledge-base is what it should look like.17:34:09
10 Feb 2019

Coffee: https://github.com/Matrixcoffee/matrix-client-core/ β†’β‡’β‡›β‡¨β‡°β‡Άβ‡Ύβž”βžœβžžβž‘





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