
Kabocha | Wen something?

830 Members
General discussion and chitchat about Kabocha5 Servers

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18 Jun 2024
@monsieurbulb:matrix.orgrichwell that's the end of gen1 of parachains outside of those that either use KSM/DOT as their main token or projects with a unique proposition the relay chains can't swallow... aka kabocha10:52:17
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose joined the room.14:06:59
@telegram_1354072158:t2bot.ioEzra A. Cohen Jr.In English please19:39:04
@telegram_429705198:t2bot.iomrbThis is a plan for launching the equivalent of moonbeam/acala/hydraDX in a system parachain that has DOT as its main token. This is not great if you hold tokens in any of those networks19:46:16
@telegram_1354072158:t2bot.ioEzra A. Cohen Jr.Yes or No?22:58:19
@telegram_1354072158:t2bot.ioEzra A. Cohen Jr.Is KAB going to the moon?22:58:09
19 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose changed their display name from memefi to war.05:26:15
@telegram_429705198:t2bot.iomrbWho knows. No price chat here.06:33:38
@telegram_546437684:t2bot.ioJohn Doe
In reply to Ezra A. Cohen Jr.
Is KAB going to the moon?
Its dead already
@telegram_255912710:t2bot.io@Sascha1074when BUIDL?12:28:45
@telegram_255912710:t2bot.io@Sascha1074why is polka so complicated?12:28:54
In reply to @Sascha1074
when BUIDL?
Happening all the time :)
@telegram_255912710:t2bot.io@Sascha1074here too12:47:29
@telegram_255912710:t2bot.io@Sascha1074lets do something more cool than a wallet-bed12:48:05
In reply to @Sascha1074
lets do something more cool than a wallet-bed
@telegram_429705198:t2bot.iomrbkabocha ❤️ krievo15:32:02
@telegram_429705198:t2bot.iomrb https://forum.polkadot.network/t/sustainability-model-of-a-tokenless-protocol/8683 15:31:13
20 Jun 2024
@hardy_tom:matrix.org@hardy_tom:matrix.org left the room.09:30:22
30 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose changed their display name from war to Wild rose.21:45:50
@memefi:matrix.orgWild roseRedacted or Malformed Event22:20:06
1 Jul 2024
@telegram_429705198:t2bot.iomrb https://www.youtube.com/live/faW4iGJaHy8?si=WVGWoGYMQ4dqFICr

24:00 min in Daniel from Krievo talking about kabocha… relates to unbricking their frozen chain and also radically simplifying kabochas runtime.
6 Jul 2024
@telegram_943725270:t2bot.ioNa Al changed their display name from N to Na Al.13:45:59
10 Jul 2024
@gnsvtp:matrix.org@gnsvtp:matrix.org left the room.22:21:35
15 Jul 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild roseDer weltweit führende Dating- Assistent https://www1.afego.life/v8L8OE20:47:39
22 Jul 2024
@monsieurbulb:matrix.orgrichRedacted or Malformed Event11:01:10
@monsieurbulb:matrix.orgrichRedacted or Malformed Event11:01:32
25 Jul 2024
@telegram_429705198:t2bot.iomrb https://forum.polkadot.network/t/exploring-a-stripe-like-payment-infrastructure-for-polkadot-insights-from-coinbase-commerce-and-open-source-alternatives/9298/3 09:58:09
@telegram_429705198:t2bot.iomrb https://kusama.polkassembly.io/referenda/425 18:13:48
@telegram_429705198:t2bot.iomrb https://kusama.polkassembly.io/referenda/424 18:13:35

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