
Veloren Support

23 Members
Not sure how to run the game? Need some help? Here's the place to ask. | part of +veloren:privacytools.io4 Servers

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29 Oct 2020
@marmulak:matrix.org@marmulak:matrix.org left the room.12:06:53
6 Nov 2020
@swedneck:feneas.org@swedneck:feneas.org changed their display name from Swedneck to jan Swedneck.20:31:00
9 Nov 2020
@reivilibre:librepush.net@reivilibre:librepush.net joined the room.18:48:45
11 Nov 2020
@reivilibre:librepush.net@reivilibre:librepush.net Hi, when I open Airshipper on my partner's machine, it crashes saying that No suitable graphics adapter was found. glxinfo tells me I have an OpenGL 4.50 renderer, but the system requirements say OpenGL 3.3+ so this should be fine I would have thought.. 19:07:48
@reivilibre:librepush.net@reivilibre:librepush.netLooks like it may require Vulkan o.O19:22:54
@reivilibre:librepush.net@reivilibre:librepush.netwell, that was a battle to get it to stop clinging on to radeon driver rather than amdgpu20:02:06
30 Nov 2020
@sudoreboot:feneas.org@sudoreboot:feneas.org joined the room.09:31:18
6 Dec 2020
@velorensupportpls:matrix.orgvelorensupportpls joined the room.03:52:53

Hello, I'm posting some logs because Veloren is not launching through airshipper

> What should I do?

We need your help to fix this! You can help by contacting us and reporting this problem. To do this, open an issue on the Veloren issue tracker:


If you're on the Veloren community Discord server, we'd be grateful if you could also post a message in the #support channel.
> What should I include?

The error information below will be useful in finding and fixing the problem. Please include as much information about your setup and the events that led up to the panic as possible.
Voxygen has logged information about the problem (including this message) to the file /home/user/.local/share/airshipper/profiles/default/userdata/voxygen/logs/voxygen-<date>.log. Please include the contents of this file in your bug report.
> Error information

The information below is intended for developers and testers.

Panic Payload: "The device doesn\'t support any format!?: DeviceNotAvailable"
PanicInfo: panicked at 'The device doesn't support any format!?: DeviceNotAvailable', /root/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/rodio-0.13.0/src/stream.rs:193:14
Game version: 20b45a12 [2020-12-04]

   0: veloren_voxygen::main::{{closure}}
   1: std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/std/src/panicking.rs:581
   2: std::panicking::begin_panic_handler::{{closure}}
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/std/src/panicking.rs:484
   3: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/std/src/sys_common/backtrace.rs:141
   4: rust_begin_unwind
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/std/src/panicking.rs:483
   5: core::panicking::panic_fmt
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/core/src/panicking.rs:85
   6: core::option::expect_none_failed
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/core/src/option.rs:1268
   7: <cpal::platform::platform_impl::Device as rodio::stream::CpalDeviceExt>::new_output_stream
   8: veloren_voxygen::main
   9: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace
  10: main
  11: __libc_start_main
  12: _start```


[2020-12-05][19:08:14][airshipper::cli:22][DEBUG] Running on linux
[2020-12-05][19:08:14][airshipper::cli:23][DEBUG] Base Path: /home/user/.local/share/airshipper
[2020-12-05][19:08:14][airshipper::cli:24][DEBUG] Log file: /home/user/.local/share/airshipper/airshipper.log
[2020-12-05][19:08:14][airshipper::cli:27][DEBUG] Cmdline args: CmdLine { action: None, verbose: 0, debug: 0 }
[2020-12-05][19:08:14][wgpu_core::instance:743][WARN] Shader validation is disabled 
[2020-12-05][19:08:14][airshipper::gui:75][DEBUG] Falling back to default state.
[2020-12-05][19:29:25][airshipper::io::fs:60][INFO] Unzipping to "/home/user/.local/share/airshipper/profiles/default"
[2020-12-05][19:29:30][airshipper::profiles:87][DEBUG] Launching /home/user/.local/share/airshipper/profiles/default/veloren-voxygen
[2020-12-05][19:29:30][airshipper::profiles:88][DEBUG] CWD: "/home/user/.local/share/airshipper/profiles/default"
[2020-12-05][19:29:30][airshipper::profiles:89][DEBUG] ENV: {"VELOREN_ASSETS": "/home/user/.local/share/airshipper/profiles/default/assets", "RUST_LOG": "info", "VOXYGEN_SCREENSHOT": "/home/user/.local/share/airshipper/profiles/default/screenshots", "VELOREN_USERDATA": "/home/user/.local/share/airshipper/profiles/default/userdata"}
@velorensupportpls:matrix.orgvelorensupportpls *

Hello, I'm posting some logs because Veloren is not launching through airshipper


> What should I do?

We need your help to fix this! You can help by contacting us and reporting this problem. To do this, open an issue on the Veloren issue tracker:


If you're on the Veloren community Discord server, we'd be grateful if you could also post a message in the #support channel.
> What should I include?

The error information below will be useful in finding and fixing the problem. Please include as much information about your setup and the events that led up to the panic as possible.
Voxygen has logged information about the problem (including this message) to the file /home/user/.local/share/airshipper/profiles/default/userdata/voxygen/logs/voxygen-<date>.log. Please include the contents of this file in your bug report.
> Error information

The information below is intended for developers and testers.

Panic Payload: "The device doesn\'t support any format!?: DeviceNotAvailable"
PanicInfo: panicked at 'The device doesn't support any format!?: DeviceNotAvailable', /root/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/rodio-0.13.0/src/stream.rs:193:14
Game version: 20b45a12 [2020-12-04]

   0: veloren_voxygen::main::{{closure}}
   1: std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/std/src/panicking.rs:581
   2: std::panicking::begin_panic_handler::{{closure}}
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/std/src/panicking.rs:484
   3: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/std/src/sys_common/backtrace.rs:141
   4: rust_begin_unwind
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/std/src/panicking.rs:483
   5: core::panicking::panic_fmt
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/core/src/panicking.rs:85
   6: core::option::expect_none_failed
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/core/src/option.rs:1268
   7: <cpal::platform::platform_impl::Device as rodio::stream::CpalDeviceExt>::new_output_stream
   8: veloren_voxygen::main
   9: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace
  10: main
  11: __libc_start_main
  12: _start```
@velorensupportpls:matrix.orgvelorensupportplsI'm not sure what system information is relevant, I'm using a ryzen 5 2600x and an rx580, arch, 5.9.11-zen2-1-zen kde plasma zsh and pulseaudio03:59:56
@velorensupportpls:matrix.orgvelorensupportplsI did some basic searching and I think It's something to do with some incompatible audio steam but I don't have the skill to fix it.04:00:39
@velorensupportpls:matrix.orgvelorensupportpls *

Hello, I'm posting some logs because Veloren is not launching through airshipper (airshipper-git on the aur)


> What should I do?

We need your help to fix this! You can help by contacting us and reporting this problem. To do this, open an issue on the Veloren issue tracker:


If you're on the Veloren community Discord server, we'd be grateful if you could also post a message in the #support channel.
> What should I include?

The error information below will be useful in finding and fixing the problem. Please include as much information about your setup and the events that led up to the panic as possible.
Voxygen has logged information about the problem (including this message) to the file /home/user/.local/share/airshipper/profiles/default/userdata/voxygen/logs/voxygen-<date>.log. Please include the contents of this file in your bug report.
> Error information

The information below is intended for developers and testers.

Panic Payload: "The device doesn\'t support any format!?: DeviceNotAvailable"
PanicInfo: panicked at 'The device doesn't support any format!?: DeviceNotAvailable', /root/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/rodio-0.13.0/src/stream.rs:193:14
Game version: 20b45a12 [2020-12-04]

   0: veloren_voxygen::main::{{closure}}
   1: std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/std/src/panicking.rs:581
   2: std::panicking::begin_panic_handler::{{closure}}
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/std/src/panicking.rs:484
   3: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/std/src/sys_common/backtrace.rs:141
   4: rust_begin_unwind
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/std/src/panicking.rs:483
   5: core::panicking::panic_fmt
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/core/src/panicking.rs:85
   6: core::option::expect_none_failed
             at /rustc/ffa2e7ae8fbf9badc035740db949b9dae271c29f/library/core/src/option.rs:1268
   7: <cpal::platform::platform_impl::Device as rodio::stream::CpalDeviceExt>::new_output_stream
   8: veloren_voxygen::main
   9: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace
  10: main
  11: __libc_start_main
  12: _start```
@velorensupportpls:matrix.orgvelorensupportpls * I did some basic searching and I think It's something to do with some incompatible audio stream but I don't have the skill to fix it.04:01:24
@velorensupportpls:matrix.orgvelorensupportplsI'll try installing veloren-git instead of airshipper and I'll see if there is a difference.04:02:03
@velorensupportpls:matrix.orgvelorensupportplsthanks for the time of whoever reads this and can help.04:02:27
@velorensupportpls:matrix.orgvelorensupportplsIf needed I can repost this to the discord or create a git issue, I may take a while to respond, sorry.04:04:25

I got this error with veloren-git:

Dec 05 20:44:40.520  INFO veloren_voxygen: Using userdata dir at: /home/user/.local/share/veloren/userdata
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1075:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
Dec 05 20:44:40.528 ERROR veloren_voxygen: VOXYGEN HAS PANICKED
@velorensupportpls:matrix.orgvelorensupportplsis alsa required?04:45:50
@velorensupportpls:matrix.orgvelorensupportplsI'm using pulse04:46:00
@velorensupportpls:matrix.orgvelorensupportpls * I'm using pulseaudio04:46:08
@velorensupportpls:matrix.orgvelorensupportplsthis fix worked for me for both airshipper-git and valoren-git: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=123902#p58718005:01:49
Remove all the files you have created and instead create a file called /etc/modprobe.d/default.conf with this content:

Code: Select all
    options snd_hda_intel index=1

Then reboot.```
@velorensupportpls:matrix.orgvelorensupportplssorry for spamming the chat so much, I'm not sure how common this problem is where to report it. I'll just leave the above text and hope somone knows what to do with it.05:03:18
@velorensupportpls:matrix.orgvelorensupportplsIt will likely be a while before I check this account again, sorry.05:03:43
15 Dec 2020
@6fb7e8eewmkm26p9opasr9hpc88a6p73jw:matrix.org@6fb7e8eewmkm26p9opasr9hpc88a6p73jw:matrix.org joined the room.14:16:46
19 Dec 2020
@timo:pc.koesters.xyz:59003@timo:pc.koesters.xyz:59003 joined the room.10:52:43
27 Jan 2021
@6fb7e8eewmkm26p9opasr9hpc88a6p73jw:matrix.org@6fb7e8eewmkm26p9opasr9hpc88a6p73jw:matrix.org left the room.18:01:00
28 Jan 2021
@zesterer:matrix.orgzesterer joined the room.13:45:51

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