
HACC (hackers against climate crisis)

193 Members
Hackers Against Climate Change - https://hacc.uber.space/wiki/44 Servers

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27 Jan 2024
@1peter10:matrix.org1peter10 * IIRC there was a plan to move contents to some pad infrastructure. That was then scrapped, without consensus. Somebody new edited something on the wiki. Thus I removed the deprecation notice. This was literally many, many months ago - I expected to hear from you then (why now?). My idea was to keep it going for another year, I just paid today to keep it going for 4 more months. But yeah, if you want it down, fine by me. It will just end.21:31:53
@1peter10:matrix.org1peter10If someone here wants a backup, now is the time, then, I suppose.21:33:21
@1peter10:matrix.org1peter10 * Nothing is happening with it, it's just that hosting Mediawiki on uberspace is dumb. It goes down without my interaction, and it starts up again without it again. (Back when it ran somewhat okay, I had set up a cron job, that restarted the php daemon daily, it seems to have broken down.) I do think it should be moved to a static page instead, so that it's just a memento, but I did not have the time to do so, yet. At least I find the time and money to pay the 5 Euro/month to keep hacc.uber.space up and running.21:34:09
@dcht00:matrix.orgdcht00I propose to publish the wiki dump, making it static is a bonus (maybe archive.org did that).21:34:41
@1peter10:matrix.org1peter10Where do you propose to publish it?21:36:38
@dcht00:matrix.orgdcht00I don't know how big it is. Maybe matrix is fine. I can host it on totalism.org .21:37:02
@1peter10:matrix.org1peter10And: dump as "plain HTML variant" or dump as in MariaDB contents or both.21:37:23
@dcht00:matrix.orgdcht00both, why not21:37:43
@1peter10:matrix.org1peter10I think I can put a zip with HTML here in this channel.21:37:47
@dcht00:matrix.orgdcht00For the SQL dump please make it available somewhere and include a hash so we can verify it in the future if needed21:39:18
@1peter10:matrix.org1peter10Download haccwiki.zip21:56:52
In reply to @1peter10:matrix.org
sent a file.
$ md5sum haccwiki.zip
6499982f39ee75f565c1f5ee063616d9 haccwiki.zip
1 Feb 2024
In reply to @1peter10:matrix.org
confirming hashes, thanks!
I propose we now remove the wiki
4 Feb 2024
@mr_captcha:matrix.orgMr_Captcha DECT 5885 set a profile picture.19:26:48
5 Feb 2024
@dragoneagle:matrix.orgdragoneagle joined the room.08:51:36
@dragoneagle:matrix.orgdragoneagle set a profile picture.09:08:00
17 Feb 2024
@benjamin:tomesh.net@benjamin:tomesh.net left the room.11:26:01
19 Feb 2024
@sensuyaki:matrix.orgIshiguro𓅓🎭 changed their display name from 🥇Sensuyaki 𓅓🎭 to Sensuyaki 𓅓🎭.17:19:32
19 Mar 2024
@mr_captcha:matrix.orgMr_Captcha DECT 5885 changed their profile picture.16:41:25
12 Apr 2024
@sensuyaki:matrix.orgIshiguro𓅓🎭 changed their display name from Sensuyaki 𓅓🎭 to Ishigiro 𓅓🎭.23:27:11
@sensuyaki:matrix.orgIshiguro𓅓🎭 changed their display name from Ishigiro 𓅓🎭 to Ishiguro𓅓🎭.23:28:21
17 Apr 2024
@mw:matrix.org@mw:matrix.org left the room.21:49:35
25 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net removed their profile picture.22:06:59
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net left the room.22:48:30
27 May 2024
@hannob:matrix.orghannobI had originally planned to give a talk at #37c3 about green electricity certificates (yeah, long time ago), but it was cancelled as I had covid. I have now made a video of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DxD66qhazs14:47:12
30 May 2024
@mr_captcha:matrix.orgMr_Captcha DECT 5885 changed their display name from Mr_Captcha DECT 5885 to Mr_Captcha @ GPN DECT 8866.17:07:42
3 Jun 2024
@mr_captcha:matrix.orgMr_Captcha DECT 5885 changed their display name from Mr_Captcha @ GPN DECT 8866 to Mr_Captcha DECT 5885.10:16:13
18 Jun 2024
@l0on1e:matrix.orgl0on1e set a profile picture.11:29:35

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