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16 Jan 2019
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimHey Dylan! Good to see you here :)21:12:25
@ddedi:matrix.orgddediHey! And @dorgjelli:matrix.org I definitely have some more cooking up and in down to throw it out to you all as they come :D21:15:29
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliSounds good, please do :)21:20:10
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellichanged room power levels.22:50:44
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellichanged room power levels.22:50:52
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellichanged room power levels.22:50:57
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellichanged room power levels.22:51:03
18 Jan 2019
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli set the room topic to "Chats: https://riot.im/app/#/group/+dorgtech:matrix.org".01:36:05
19 Jan 2019
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli@channel I've been thinking a lot about using GitLab, any opinions?05:00:09
@dorgsog:matrix.orgdOrgAsgeirThen the project would be much harder to find/reach. In a way, I think we would leave the development community. "All" other projects are on GitHub. For instance, if we were to contribute to a package we use on GitHub it would not be easy for people to check out our project. Also, we dont leave a clear trail, so people won't be able to easily check our experience (potential clients). Also, I think it is much harder for people to find the project and contribute. Why would you want to move to GitLab?09:53:50

We could link to it from GitHub. Also I think GitLab has the same activity tracking as GitHub.

Reason for moving: it’s a smaller, distributed, potentially more innovative platform. I could see them being interested in DAOifying parts of themselves. Also it’s not apart of a larger monopolizing entity (Microsoft). I don’t begrudge msft for wanting to help out GitHub, but I do for acquiring them instead of just partnering. GitLab seems to be a organization that’s much more aligned with ourselves. Thoughts?

@ddedi:matrix.orgddedisounds like we need a DAO to pass/unpass this proposal lol19:16:56
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli 100% 😆 19:17:34
@ddedi:matrix.orgddedi My opinion here doesn't help too much since I'm not a developer. But it sounds like this could be a nice agenda item for tomorrow's call 19:19:14
20 Jan 2019
Jitsi widget added by @cd10012:matrix.orgcd1001219:30:11
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellihopping in now19:31:52
@orishim:matrix.orgorishim Events / Space DAO - next steps:
> Document the idea/
> Define roles
> Chunk into separate proposals:
a. on-the-ground work in NYC and SF (seed REP, run events, find sponsors)
b. dev work (calendar & kickback integrations)
c. stand-up the DAO


calendar integration
kickback integration
linked things

sf <-> ny

  • resources (templates, structures, etc)

storage -> server side ipfs nodes -> funded pot

DAO proposal for codifying starfish operations
DAO proposal for integrations
DAO proposal for on-ground work
sponsors & outreach
DAO standup

@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliQuick plug, we should document all possible ecosystem building opportunities here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RrWjjjsSFFuo5eEL9PNcnWUHHAe4_1qy20:36:27
@cd10012:matrix.orgcd10012 Standup: - Cory: Prototyping graph-node integration with semantic web, daostack proposal - Aesgir: Graph integration documentation - Jordan: Bug fixes with dao creator, goals to have kovan launch - Ori: Feedback form for DAO creator - Beth: Feedback form for DAO creator, more documentation20:45:29
@ddedi:matrix.orgddedi Hey yall! Good talk. So after peering quick at the "Humans of dOrg" ecosystem mapping, I feel I can plug in with Biz Dev and Operations. So that would mean working close with @ontologymachine:matrix.org and @orishim:matrix.org . Before proposing any of my own ideas and adding on more, I'd like to talk with ya'll and see how I can assist in what you are already working on in Biz Dev and Operations. From there, I can bring more features in. 22:38:31
Jitsi widget removed by @dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli23:29:36
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli ahhh fantastic! orishim any thoughts? ontologymachine was saying she's super swamped right now and won't have much time for this sort of stuff in the next few weeks (correct me if I'm misrepresenting @Beth) 23:31:02
21 Jan 2019
@ontologymachine:matrix.orgontologymachineperfect 👏👏 shall we all schedule a call in the next few days?01:14:32
@ontologymachine:matrix.orgontologymachine yes this is true 🙏🙏 it would be ideal to have a call laying out everything and seeing what i can shift 01:16:41
@ddedi:matrix.orgddediSounds good to me!02:00:09
@cd10012:matrix.orgcd10012 invited @liviade:matrix.orgliviade.21:48:20
@liviade:matrix.orgliviade joined the room.21:48:22

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