
Gitea on Codeberg

1023 Members
The discussing and strategizing of the Gitea fork hosted on Codeberg.366 Servers

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30 Oct 2022
@otto_richter:matrix.tu-berlin.deOtto Richter | codeberg.org/fnetXWhat do you think?16:18:23
@Ryuno-Ki:matrix.orgRyuno-Ki (André Jaenisch)We are discussing this right now. Let me grab the link to the Matrix room16:19:00
@gusted:matrix.orggustedWe might want to move the discussion to here.16:19:09
@Ryuno-Ki:matrix.orgRyuno-Ki (André Jaenisch)https://matrix.to/#/#gitea-open-letter:matrix.org16:19:10
@otto_richter:matrix.tu-berlin.deOtto Richter | codeberg.org/fnetXI hate that this matter created like 1000 new matrix rooms everywhere16:19:17
@otto_richter:matrix.tu-berlin.deOtto Richter | codeberg.org/fnetXif you still think a fork is valuable under the umbrella of Codeberg: Let me know and count me in.16:20:31
@Ryuno-Ki:matrix.orgRyuno-Ki (André Jaenisch)
In reply to @gusted:matrix.org
We might want to move the discussion to here.
I dropped the link to this chatroom over there
@realaravinth:matrix.batsense.netAravinth joined the room.16:20:35
@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilder joined the room.16:20:58
In reply to @otto_richter:matrix.tu-berlin.de
if you still think a fork is valuable under the umbrella of Codeberg: Let me know and count me in.
I'm not resistant to not have the new fork under the Codeberg, biggest public Gitea instance.
@otto_richter:matrix.tu-berlin.deOtto Richter | codeberg.org/fnetX
In reply to @Ryuno-Ki:matrix.org
I dropped the link to this chatroom over there
is past history readable to new users?
Download image.png
@otto_richter:matrix.tu-berlin.deOtto Richter | codeberg.org/fnetXI think we might want to change that16:21:48
@otto_richter:matrix.tu-berlin.deOtto Richter | codeberg.org/fnetXI dunno who's about to join16:21:53
@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilderWow, a whole room I wasn't aware of that was going..16:22:04
@gusted:matrix.orggustedNot a lot more I think.16:22:07
@Ryuno-Ki:matrix.orgRyuno-Ki (André Jaenisch)
In reply to @circlebuilder:matrix.org
Wow, a whole room I wasn't aware of that was going..
Lots of surprises for you these days, huh?
@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilderPfff.. good history here? I really do not have that much time. Wished I was informed before.16:22:50
@Ryuno-Ki:matrix.orgRyuno-Ki (André Jaenisch)You missed the part when it still was called „General” :)16:22:51
@gusted:matrix.orggusted Circlebuilder who will draft a letter, because of this room 16:23:07
@gusted:matrix.orggusted * Circlebuilder who will draft a protest letter, because of this room 16:23:13
In reply to @circlebuilder:matrix.org
Pfff.. good history here? I really do not have that much time. Wished I was informed before.
I think it was dropped somewhere, but yeah... a lot of discussions happend.
In reply to @circlebuilder:matrix.org
Pfff.. good history here? I really do not have that much time. Wished I was informed before.
* I think it was dropped somewhere, but yeah... a lot of discussions happend in the other rooms.
@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilderContinuing from other room: We can have a naming sessions. I have a name which is quite good, imho16:24:14
* @circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilder thinks whether he'd keep it a secret 🤔 😜16:24:57
@Ryuno-Ki:matrix.orgRyuno-Ki (André Jaenisch)

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33395087 proposes

  • gitcafe
  • gitmate
  • gitbawls (downvoted?)
@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilderI have one without "git"16:26:15
@gusted:matrix.orggusted I might think of something like: OpenGitForge 16:26:23
@Ryuno-Ki:matrix.orgRyuno-Ki (André Jaenisch)git.ceo is still available 👿16:27:12

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