
Gitea on Codeberg

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The discussing and strategizing of the Gitea fork hosted on Codeberg. https://pad.gusted.xyz/-NimVEaHT4eBcS9ijr1odw#419 Servers

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31 Oct 2022
@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilderCan't compute long texts anymore.. brain fried.23:01:43
@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilder I am sorry :( 23:03:21
@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilderHow are y'all holding up with all the comms?23:04:16
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.orgNo this is good: Plan A needs a TL;DR version.23:04:40
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.orgMade a note to do that.23:04:52
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.org * This is good: Plan A needs a TL;DR version.23:05:14
In reply to @circlebuilder:matrix.org
How are y'all holding up with all the comms?
No idea, so far I'm still waddling along.
@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilderTexts that can fit Magic The Gathering cards23:05:31
In reply to @circlebuilder:matrix.org
Texts that can fit Magic The Gathering cards
Opens krita Let's make some nice artwork for it as well :P
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.org gusted: what do you think about the goal of publishing a Codeberg package dedicated to "Large Instance Release"? 23:06:20
@gusted:matrix.orggustedI just see it as another option that can be configured in app.ini23:06:37
@gusted:matrix.orggustedHowever we might want to rethink that wrt feature creep.23:06:56
@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilderInfrastructure as Code product feature.23:07:57
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.orgSame here. I understand the appeal for Codeberg although, as a contributor, I'm not specifically interested in that aspect. I'm good working in a context where that matters.23:08:25
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.org *

I just see it as another option that can be configured in app.ini

Same here. I understand the appeal for Codeberg although, as a contributor, I'm not specifically interested in that aspect. I'm good working in a context where that matters.

@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilderThere is I think a case for supporting complex FOSS projects (think Blender). But in FOSS community I wonder about the case for large-scale deployments. 23:09:23
@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilderThink rather the opposite. Small tech.23:09:32
@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilder(that's biased btw)23:09:50
@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilder You may see that need more clearly than I, gusted 23:11:03
In reply to @dachary:matrix.org

I just see it as another option that can be configured in app.ini

Same here. I understand the appeal for Codeberg although, as a contributor, I'm not specifically interested in that aspect. I'm good working in a context where that matters.

Yeah, I often have problems understanding what enterprises are doing, I mean as far as I'm concerned Google and all other big techs are releasing every month some new fancy acronym to keep their smartest developers busy with useless features, while much simpler options exists.

If the problem is clear, it should be easy to integrate a solution.

In reply to @dachary:matrix.org

I just see it as another option that can be configured in app.ini

Same here. I understand the appeal for Codeberg although, as a contributor, I'm not specifically interested in that aspect. I'm good working in a context where that matters.


Yeah, I often have problems understanding what enterprises are doing, I mean as far as I'm concerned Google and all other big techs are releasing every month some new fancy acronym to keep their smartest developers busy with useless features, while much simpler options exists.

If the problem is clear, it should be easy to integrate a solution. But if jargon is being mentioned all over the place, it's clear we shouldn't create a solution for it.

In reply to @circlebuilder:matrix.org
Think rather the opposite. Small tech.
  • federation 💡
In reply to @circlebuilder:matrix.org
Think rather the opposite. Small tech.
* --> plus federation 💡
In reply to @circlebuilder:matrix.org
There is I think a case for supporting complex FOSS projects (think Blender). But in FOSS community I wonder about the case for large-scale deployments.
Hmm, the avoidance of large instances should hopefully be reduced with the introduction of federation. However I do understand, as userbase grow there will be FOSS communities that will face issues that are only exposed to large instances. I do know a few of Codeberg needs wrt big instance, if we want to decide on this, it should somewhat clear what this would imply.
@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilderBlender does not need a large-scale deployment, I would think.23:16:07
@circlebuilder:matrix.orgcirclebuilderOr I don't know how you'd define it.23:16:23
@gusted:matrix.orggustedI've just read texts that are repeating themself, so hopefully I'm still making my words clear 😬 23:16:34

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