
Droidian (Halium) on Poco F1

177 Members
7 Servers

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2 Apr 2024
@telegram_5720015:t2bot.ioKELES NOACH changed their profile picture.20:20:00
3 Apr 2024
In reply to KELES NOACH
cant find the build there but ๐Ÿ™
@telegram_1140475885:t2bot.ioDonQuixoteCant find the build for beryllium there but thanks ๐Ÿ™08:22:10
6 Apr 2024
@telegram_1529135067:t2bot.ioDanish Mirza joined the room.04:17:23
19 Apr 2024
@telegram_7176909128:t2bot.ioDanish Jackin joined the room.17:45:19
25 Apr 2024
@telegram_1140475885:t2bot.ioDonQuixote changed their display name from TurtleDuck to DonQuixote.13:14:32
16 May 2024
@telegram_1136109701:t2bot.ioMenikmati444 changed their display name from Aprendiz:) to Menikmati444.18:19:14
8 Jun 2024
@telegram_1551163712:t2bot.ioDeleted account 1551163712 changed their display name from BATMAN ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฉ to Deleted account 1551163712.08:12:05
12 Jun 2024
@weather1:matrix.orgWeather joined the room.14:05:40
@weather1:matrix.orgWeatherHello guys, is droidian daily drivable?14:06:57
@weather1:matrix.orgWeatherAre there any issues or stuff that's currently wip/not supported? 14:08:12
@weather1:matrix.orgWeatherDoes camera work?14:09:03
@weather1:matrix.orgWeatherAnd SD card read write14:09:21
@weather1:matrix.orgWeatherWhere's the droidian file for poco f114:13:02
13 Jun 2024
@telegram_609517172:t2bot.ioRose changed their profile picture.09:16:30
17 Jun 2024
@parsarch:tchncs.denapca joined the room.11:27:37
21 Jun 2024
@telegram_558505873:t2bot.ioItachi changed their profile picture.02:17:54
28 Jun 2024
@telegram_1563821016:t2bot.iokuchisabishii changed their profile picture.13:51:15
5 Jul 2024
@telegram_1529135067:t2bot.ioDanish Mirza changed their profile picture.11:06:12
11 Jul 2024
@telegram_7208302532:t2bot.iocommonuserlol | npc joined the room.18:30:22
13 Jul 2024
Download image.jpeg
@telegram_45912792:t2bot.ioThomasTrunning on pocof105:53:49
Download image.jpeg
@telegram_45912792:t2bot.ioThomasTplasma mobile on droidian05:52:06
Download image.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegram_284246145:t2bot.ioDde changed their display name from ๐’Ÿโ„ฏ๐’นโ„ฏ ๐’ด to Dde.06:21:21
In reply to ThomasT
sent an image
Cellular work?
In reply to Dde
Cellular work?
On droidian/plasma mobile can not detect my Sim Card. But it's working on droidian/phosh. Will check again later ...

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